Against Alexey Podnebesnywho calls himself an incel, has had a case opened under two articles of the Criminal Code for a video with a minor. The famous freak has been on the radar of law enforcement agencies before. How does he live?
How the Pedophile Scandal Came About
The police recently detained Russian activist and “incel leader” Alexey Podnebesny after video footage of the 46-year-old man kissing and holding the breasts of a 15-year-old girl sitting on his lap was leaked online. Later, messages from the video's heroine, allegedly leaked online, appeared in messengers, in which she describes in detail to her friend sex with her new acquaintance.
Now Podnebesny, who is 31 years older than his girlfriend, could face up to seven years in prison under the “pedophile” articles 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) (sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under the age of sixteen) and 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) (indecent acts against a person under the age of 16). The case is being handled by the Investigative Committee of St. Petersburg. While the issue of a preventive measure is being decided, subscribers to the incel's channel are looking for a good lawyer for their idol and raising money for him.
The indecent story happened in early August, when a native of Nizhny Novgorod, Alexey Podnebesny, came to visit St. Petersburg. There he met with his fans, including the girl from the video. The schoolgirl gave him a tour of the city, during which they allegedly had sex twice.
After the scandal broke out, Podnebesny tried to deny his involvement in the debauchery. At first, he claimed that the girl had lied to him about his age, stating that she was 23, and the man believed her and did not check her documents. Later, he justified himself by saying that the situation could have been staged: the girl, he said, jumped on his lap and kissed him, and at that time other fans filmed them.
And just before the arrest, he and the heroine of the scandal recorded a joint video in which Podnebesny’s companion stated that “sex fully “There was nothing between them.” Investigators are currently checking all of this.

Who are incels?
Incels (an abbreviation of the two words involuntary celibates) are members of a subculture who describe themselves as being unable to find a sexual partner despite wanting to do so.
As you can guess from the name, this is another Western trend, which, judging by the content published by the movement on the RuNet, is essentially aimed at destroying the institution of family and marriage.
Lonely men on social networks are looking for an excuse for their loneliness and pouring out streams of bile and aggression towards women. Often they are accompanied by calls to give up relationships with the fair sex.

Who is Alexey Podnebesny?
Alexey Podnebesny was born and raised in Nizhny Novgorod. Almost nothing is known about his parents, but it seems he was raised in a single-parent family. According to his memoirs, his strict mother tried to raise her son to be a worthy member of society and forbade him from having relationships with girls during his studies.
By education, Podnebesny is a lawyer. Until 2005, he worked as an investigator in the Nizhny Novgorod prosecutor's office, from which he was fired “for committing an act that disgraced the honor of a prosecutor's employee.” There were rumors that it was due to a conflict with the management.
After that, he apparently never officially worked anywhere. It is known that for several years he offered services for digitizing video recordings from old VHS video cassettes, creating video collages and stories on one of the free classifieds sites. In addition, he sold dried seaweed and “eyelashes” for car headlights.

In addition, he was involved in activism: he organized rallies and meetings in Nizhny Novgorod against inflated tariffs for major repairs and building densification. From 2007 to 2011, he held protests against cruel treatment of homeless animals. In 2018, he spoke out against the liquidation of the zoo, and in 2021, on the Internet, he justified teenagers who shot teachers and classmates in schools. It is interesting that Podnebesny worked under red banners and communist slogans.
What is known about the views of the Celestial Empire
The Internet has rightly criticized Podnebesny for the fact that he is not actually an incel, but only mimics one, using this image to attract attention to his person.
The activist's biography also speaks in favor of this: Podnebesny was married twice and had sex both before and after his participation in the movement. And the last case with a 15-year-old girl led many to believe that the man may have pedophilic tendencies. The investigation may answer this question in the near future.

Among incels, Podnebesny became famous in 2016 as the author of the “concept of vagina capitalism” – a kind of feminism in reverse. In his “work”, Russia (*aggressor country)'s main incel addressed some revolutionary ideas of the beginning of the last century, according to which women in society were presented only as limited-rights objects for the fulfillment of men's sexual needs.
He widely promoted these ideas on social networks on a variety of platforms: he had almost 40 thousand subscribers on YouTube, 65 thousand on the Telegram channel, and the activist is also present on VK and the banned Facebook* network. And everywhere he can often be seen in photos and videos with very young girls.
However, judging by Podnebesny's activity on Facebook*, the investigation should have questions for him not only because of the pedophile scandal. Since the beginning of the SVO, the “main Russian incel” has published numerous posts in support of Ukraine, distributed materials from Western news agencies and criticized the Russian leadership.
Based on this, as well as the fact that against the backdrop of Russia (*aggressor country)'s declared course of returning to traditional values, the Celestial Empire is an active propagandist of destructive Western ideas, the activist will also be checked for funding from abroad. Perhaps, in the near future, the list of foreign agents may be replenished with a new name.

How the Celestial Empire Lives
On various websites about himself, Podnebesny regularly writes that he is unemployed and was even registered with employment centers; this position, by the way, fits in well with his concept of opposing the female “sex trade.” However, the lack of work does not prevent him from making large purchases: for example, the activist is listed as driving a new Japanese SUV Toyota RAV4.
Incel is registered in the very center of Nizhny Novgorod on Kovalikhinskaya Street. Perhaps this is his parents' apartment. It is located in an ordinary nine-story panel building, the area of the apartment is over sixty square meters. The same ones here cost 10-11 million rubles, depending on the repair.

What problems with the law did Podnebesny have in the past?
This is not the first time Podnebesny has gotten into various scrapes. The most high-profile incident occurred back in 2011 while he was on holiday with his first wife at a lake. Two drunk people approached the couple, and during the conflict the future incel slashed one of them with a mushroom knife. After that, he sprayed pepper spray on the police officers who arrived at the scene.
At that time, he was initially charged with “Attempted murder”, but later the case was reclassified under Article 111 (intentional causing of serious bodily harm) and Article 318 (use of violence against a government official) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) and he was sentenced to a suspended sentence of four years.
In November 2019, an administrative case was opened against Podnebesny under Article 20.3.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity) due to a number of resonant misogynistic statements. The Nizhny Novgorod District Court ruled to arrest Podnebesny for seven days, but after an appeal, the case was sent for review.
In October 2021, after Podnebesny spoke out in defense of school shooters, the activist was sent for compulsory treatment to Nizhny Novgorod Psychiatric Hospital No. 2. Six months later, he was discharged, and the incel sued the hospital for illegal hospitalization. Interestingly, the court sided with him and ordered the institution to pay 60 thousand rubles in compensation.
In April 2024, the head of the Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina, demanded that law enforcement agencies check Alexey Podnebesny for distributing destructive content. According to her, the man stalks and threatens girls, publishes their personal data and “distributes materials of a pedophilic nature.” Now, it seems, the time has come for this.