The biographies of some candidates for the Murmansk City Council raise many questions. Among such characters are: Svyatoslav Shirvel On the eve of the elections, “Chronicles.Media” reveals the secrets of his family: crimebusiness, charity grants and much more.
The elections to the Murmansk City Council are scheduled for September 8, 2024. In the local parliament, most of the deputies represent the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) party. Among them are many public sector employees: heads of educational and medical institutions of the city. However, this time, many entrepreneurs have appeared among the candidates, including those whose reputation is questionable. One of these fighters for the mandate is Svyatoslav Shirvel. Together with his mother Olga Sklyarova, he is nominated by United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).
Shirvel actively participates in official events Governor of the region Andrey Chibis, which take place under the slogan “Live in the North.”

Loves the candidate can also participate in less formal corporate events under the same slogan.
TV repairman donor goes into politics
Svyatoslav Shirvel already in 2021 statedthat he wanted to participate in the by-elections to the city council. In the end, only his mother, Olga Sklyarova, went to them. She was unable to get elected, receiving only 127 votes (the winners received 600-700 votes each), having been nominated by the “Party of Pensioners for Social Justice”. The publication “Meduza” called this party is controlled by the administration of the President of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism).
Svyatoslav Shirvel is well known in Murmansk political circles. In 2020–2022, he headed regional branch of the Young Guard of United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) (MGER). During this period, he found himself at the center of a local scandal: anonymous Telegram channels published correspondence from chats looking for part-time work, where Shirvel allegedly offered anyone 200 rubles to lay flowers at the monuments to naval sailors.
Two weeks before becoming the head of MGER, he received position at the Murmansk Region Development Corporation. There he worked on public-private partnership projects.
Shirvel currently heads the Murmansk donor organization “Drop of Life.” It is registered right in his apartment on Kapitana Orlikova Street. He has appointed his mother as his deputy. “Drop of Life” is closely cooperates with United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and receives millions in grants from the authorities. Since 2017, Drop of Blood filed seven applications to the Presidential Grants Fund for a total of 13.1 million rubles, of which she received half.
In Shirvel’s official biography indicatedthat he began his social and political activities in 2017, when he became an assistant to a deputy of the Murmansk Regional Duma. However, in fact, “Kaplya Zhizni” was created in 2016. Among its founders were Shirvel, his mother, and his current wife Irina and a social activist Konstantin BazanovShirvel calls him his “best friend” on his VKontakte page.
In 2017, the donor, as “Chronicles.Media” found out, also represented the party project “United Country – Accessible Environment”. Later, the activist joined the youth chamber at the regional Duma, and in 2019 he participated in the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) personnel project “PolitStartup”. There, Shirvel was remembered for the fact that helped to set up a TV for an elderly woman from Murmansk.

Criminal fishing
However, what Shirvel did before this is much more interesting. In his biography, he mentions that he lived as a modest entrepreneur, worked in the entertainment industry, and was also the development director of a relatively small fish trading company, OOO Belokamenka-trade. However, there are other “fish” traces that Shirvel prefers not to mention.
Thus, at the age of 16, he joined two agricultural cooperatives at once: the fishing collective farms “Gremikha” and “Wolsomakha”. The latter was headed by Shirvel’s father. Valerian. Shirvel Sr. had another fishing business. And this sphere has always been in the Murmansk region was located among interests crime. However Valerian Shirvel met bandits long before he became a “fisherman”.
Archival data obtained by Chronicle.Media show that in the 1990s, Shirvel Sr. had serious problems with the law. Crime reports from 1993 mentioned:
The personality of not only Shirvel is noteworthy, but also that of N. A. Vtorov, known as Nikolay Vtorov, or “Deut.” Journalist Andrey Konstantinov in the book “Bandit Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism)” called Vtorov is a “teacher-guru for many future Murmansk criminal leaders”:
Vtorov was killed in a gangland showdown almost 30 years ago. Valerian Shirvel, according to the Chronicles, also died many years ago. His son says nothing about his father or his youth on the fishing collective farms.
Legacy of Authority
There is nothing left of the collective farm cooperatives “Gremikha” and “Rosomakha” long ago. They were liquidated in 2011. However, the fishing business empire named after Shirvel continues to exist. Valerian’s second wife and Svyatoslav’s stepmother, Irina Shirvel, with her new husband from Spain became a major figure in the fishing industry of the Murmansk region.
The election commissions have still not provided information on the income and property of candidates for the Murmansk City Council. After the start of the SVO in Ukraine, the Russian President Vladimir Putin (*criminal) allowed not to publish annual anti-corruption declarations of deputies and officials, so pre-election declarations are the last chance to find out what future deputies own, how much and where they earn. However, Valerian Shirvel, as “Chronicles.Media” found out, left something to his heirs.
So, from solutions The Leninsky Court of Murmansk in 2015 learned that in 2009, Shirvel Jr. and his half-sister Polina inherited an apartment.
In 2011, the brother bought out his sister’s share.
A difficult family
Shirvel publicly talks only about his social activities, although he continues to do business. Since 2023, he is again an individual entrepreneur. He is engaged in the rental and leasing of transport and equipment for it. Since 2019, Shirvel is also the sole owner and director of the Krasnodar company Spetstransservice. Officially, it does not conduct any activities.
Together with his wife Shirvel, they are raising two children: Stefania and Daniel.
Irina’s wife also has an interesting family. Her father Sergey Afonin worked for many years in senior positions at VimpelCom. In 2008, he headed the company’s Stavropol branch, then became the head of VimpelCom’s representative office throughout the Southern region of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), and in 2019–2020, he was the CEO of Beeline Uzbektan.
Even more interesting is the story of Irina’s grandfather – Gennady Afonin. In 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of Stavropol Krai, was a member of the United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) faction, but served only one term. Before and after that, he held senior positions at chemical plants in Stavropol. Afonin owns 27% of the company’s shares “New technologies”. It is the leader in the production of polyurethane foam in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and the CIS countries. In different years, his son Sergei and even granddaughter Irina, Shirvel’s wife, were also co-owners of the company. The company’s revenue for 2023 amounted to 1.4 billion rubles.