A legal collision has occurred in the Omsk region that could become a political sensation: the head of the Osokinsky rural settlement was dismissed in the summer “due to loss of confidence” Sergey Elistratov recently took up his post again. How did he manage it?What the...
Read moreAfter our publication, there was panic in the Gray House.The lawyers of the CMI "Forum" have actually begun to have...
The Oligarch's Family Igor YusufovA winds up his business in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and moves all his financial...
The 44th meeting of the Tomsk Duma took place on September 10, 2024. Babr will tell you about the most...
In the shadow of more epochal campaigns, the elections to the Irkutsk District Duma took place. They were followed half-heartedly...
After the Bratsk mayoral elections, the regional United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) party has another black hole in personnel...
New formation in educationAnother corruption scandal related to the national project "Education". The deputy chairman of the Moscow region government...
Vitaly Vitukhinthe former head of the consumer market department of the Novosibirsk mayor's office, has been sitting in a pretrial...