As the telegram channel VChK-OGPU learned, a check has been launched against Maslyukov Alexey Pavlovich – the son of the head of the council of judges of the Ulyanovsk region (Maslyukova Pavel), the brother of the legal adviser of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court (Maslyukova Maria), the son of the Ulyanovsk notary (Maslyukova Olga), the brother-in-law of the head of the financial department of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court (Fatikhov Eduard). An investigation is being conducted into the fraudulent misappropriation of about a million US dollars.
As it turned out, the unremarkable ex-tax official Alexey Maslyukov, listed as the general director and founder of the barely functioning IN FIDE LLC (TIN 7716756464 KPP 771601001), is actually playing serious gambits. To some, citing connections from relatives and colleagues, he offers to resolve issues in the courts and tax authorities; to others, he sells his non-existent opportunities to bring exclusive cars and jewelry. Taking money in advance, of course. As a result, people are left without money and without solutions/things.
Such liberties without the support of his Ulyanovsk clan, of course, would have led Mr. Maslyukov to the logical conclusion of such an inglorious path much earlier.
According to the Cheka-OGPU, in one of the episodes, Alexei Maslyukov, promising to bring a new Rolls-Royce Cullinan from Europe on the order of a citizen of the Russian Federation, took an advance payment in cash in the amount of 4.5 million rubles and by bank transfer to the account of his partner Victoria Shirinina 23.5 million rubles, but instead of delivering a luxury car, he began to threaten his relatives. has at its disposal a statement from a victim at the hands of Maslyukov:
“My friend, Urusov Tamerlan Ruslanovich, … year of birth, (passport data: series: … No. …, issued ….), was going to purchase a Rolls-Royce Cullinan vehicle.
For this purpose, I began to ask my friends, including me, whether we knew anyone who was involved in the import of vehicles into the territory of the Russian Federation, from the CIS countries or Europe.
In turn, I also began to ask my friends if they knew such people. To which one of my friends through her friend Yakushevskaya Lyudmila Leonidovna, living at the address: Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., house No. …, apt. No. …, introduced me to a certain Alexey Pavlovich Maslyukov, who, according to her, was engaged in similar services and was supposed to purchase a Rolls-Royce Cullinan vehicle for Urusov.
Next, I received funds from Urusov in the amount of 28,000,000 rubles, which from January 2022 to December 2022, at the direction of A.P. Maslyukov, transferred all the funds, of which 4,500,000 rubles. transferred in cash through L.L. Yakushevskaya. in the Tapchan restaurant on Zvenigorodskoye Highway 18/20, which belonged to Urusov, and transferred the rest of the money to the bank accounts of a certain Victoria Viktorovna Shirinina, whom Maslyukov called his cohabitant.
Maslyukov was supposed to purchase the specified car and transfer it to Urusov. However, with the onset of December 2022, the car was not transferred to him. From December 2022 to the end of January 2023, Maslyukov said that some difficulties arose with the delivery of the car. At the beginning of February 2023, during another telephone conversation, Maslyukov said that (quote): “Urusov is a sucker and will not receive either money or a car from him. And if he tries to do something, then my family has enough resources to create problems for him and you. My father (Pavel Maslyukov) is a judge and head of the council of judges of the Ulyanovsk region with connections in the judicial system throughout the country, my mother (Olga Maslyukova) is a notary, my sister (Maria Maslyukova) works in the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and my relative (Eduard Fatykhov) is the head financial management of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Urusov is neither the first nor the last who got caught because of his naivety. We’ll crush you.”
I know that Lyudmila Leonidovna Yakushevskaya lives at the address: Moscow, …., house No. …, apt. No….,
Maslyukov Alexey Pavlovich lives at the address: …, bldg. …, apt. …, together with Victoria Viktorovna Shirinina, who actually lives with Maslyukov.
I ask you to initiate a criminal case against a group of persons consisting of Maslyukov, Yakushevskaya and Shirinina under the article of fraud on an especially large scale, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.”