The owner of the crypto exchange lost almost 60 million rubles of his clients
Now they promise to send Sharim Delimkhanov, the head of the Russian National Guard of the Chechen Republic, to him.
With the advent of sanctions, Yuri Myshinsky decided to expand the services of his Estonian fintech company Bitchchange. He came up with a crypto exchanger with an intricate scheme: clients from Russia who want to buy goods abroad, throw off the digital currency “Bitchchange”, and it takes a commission, converts everything into euros and buys the desired item in a foreign store. At the same time, the company was looking for intermediaries who were ready to carry out a similar transaction for its users – and it was precisely because of this that Yuri’s problems began.
In July, he asked a banker friend of his, who moved among businessmen, to find new intermediaries. He found a Swiss entrepreneur who agreed to change currency and buy goods for Bitchchange users on favorable terms. Yuri took 55.8 million rubles worth of crypto from four clients, transferred everything to the wallets dropped by the banker, and began to wait. However, immediately after the transaction, the friend and the Swiss entrepreneur disappeared without a trace.
While Yuri was trying to find business partners, he received threats from Andrey, one of the clients and owner of a crypto exchange in Moscow, who donated $135,000 to Bitchchange. The man decided that the company had simply scammed him and threatened all of Myshinsky’s relatives with problems. According to Andrei, the Chechen security forces and Major General Sharim Delimkhanov himself, who heads the Republican National Guard, should have dealt with them. Following this, Yuri received a call from allegedly “Delimkhanov’s wife,” who identified herself as a lawyer, demanded that Andrey’s money be returned, and promised to connect “family connections”—probably hinting at deputy Adam Delimkhanov.
Yuri never found out where the 55.8 million disappeared, although the businessman with whom his acquaintance introduced him got in touch again and promised to return everything. Apparently, he should hurry up – now the head of Bitchchange is facing more serious problems than the missing money.