Polisan from greed
The owner of Pharmstandard, Viktor Kharitonin, is “shaking out” the company that he had bankrupted through front companies. One of these is “Polisan” of the Borisov family, which the other day won the trial against Kharitonin’s “Profitmed”.
“Polisan” is often noticed in the representation of someone’s interests. For example, in 2021, in order for Nativa, lobbied by Tatyana Golikova, to get more space for activity, they challenged the right of the small company Biserno to the Centroferon drug they developed.
In addition, they shielded the scandalous compact developer Nikolai Kasradzewho did not hand over the plant for Polisan on time, being intermediaries in the transfer of a bribe to the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the Gosstroynadzor Vitaly Ponomarev.
This time they are acting in the interests of Kharitonin, who accumulated debts at Profitmed, then withdrew from the company and now, through various structures, including even those directly connected with him, is bankrupting his former “beloved wife”. Which, by the way, is not bad so “welded” not only on creditors, but also on state customers, who are unlikely to be able to wait for the execution of state contracts.