Operation “renovation”: from the owners to the homeless

With the inaction of the Moscow mayor’s office, the residents of Moscow’s Izmailovo risk living in half-abandoned houses, or even becoming homeless?

Operation "renovation": from the owners to the homeless

Residents of the Moscow district of Izmailovo, who are waiting for the renovation of their houses, are sounding the alarm. We are talking about a significant number of owners of one-room apartments on 3rd Pryadilnaya and Nikitinskaya streets. They seem to have been forgotten not only in the mayor’s office under the leadership of the mayor Sergei Sobyanin, but also in the supposedly closer council headed by Mikhail Dovbnya, reports The Moscow Post correspondent.

The latter is considered almost a “wedding general”, allegedly appointed to stamp the decisions needed by the mayor’s office and supervise the work of large development and service companies in the area.

The problem became known thanks to the appeals of the residents themselves to the deputy of the council of deputies of the Izmailovo municipal district Tatyana Tsarenko. It turned out that while the owners of two, three, four and five-room apartments are already in the process of resettlement, the owners of one-room apartments are not.

Moreover, from a variety of sources, they receive information that there is just not enough housing to resettle this particular category of residents. In other words, they can make people almost homeless, and no one gives any real information.

In the Izmailovo district, a total of 58 houses should be demolished. More than others, the renovation will affect the streets: Lilac Boulevard (32) and Nikitinskaya Street (29), but 3rd Spinning Street will also, for the most part, be resettled. You can see the full list of houses here.

There you can also download a schedule with specific terms of resettlement. With the caveat that it is not ranked by the number of rooms in the apartments. This is exactly the time frame for resettlement by apartment, the deputy Tsarenko requested in her appeal addressed to the general director of the Mosfond of Renovation Anatoly Konstantinov.

Operation "renovation": from the owners to the homeless

Photo: https://t.me/izizmaylovo/1675

It was to him that Mrs. Tsarenko sent her appeal regarding the owners of one-room apartments. The answer was received “from above” – ​​from the deputy head of the Moscow Department of Construction Dmitry Kovanev. Let us recall that Rafik Zagrutdinov, who is completely loyal to Sergei Sobyanin, heads the Department.

In addition to bureaucratic formalities and equivocations, Kovanev’s response contains an interesting phrase: “at present, there is no living space resource for the resettlement of citizens living in one-room apartments.”

Operation "renovation": from the owners to the homeless

Photo: https://t.me/izizmaylovo/1675

In other words – we will relocate some, and others – live as you want? Then the question is different – how could they start the renovation of these houses, if it is not clear where to relocate the residents? Or was big business “pushing” officials in the back?

The government “rots” from the head

By the way, if you look at the financial information about the budgetary institution that is engaged in renovation – the Renovation Fund, you can see that at the end of 2021 its loss amounted to 4.6 billion rubles with a revenue of 12 billion rubles. But the above-mentioned Anatoly Konstantinov, like the Fund itself, is only a layer between the authorities, large developers and colossal budgets.

Why the authorities do not react to the problem in any way and do not give people information about the state of affairs is not clear. Residents are simply afraid that they will have to live in half-occupied houses for years – when most of the windows of the five-story building are already clogged with plywood, and the infrastructure around the half-empty buildings is not developing.

The position of the Izmailovo Council is surprising – no meeting with residents, no written explanations. The head of the council, Mikhail Dovbnya, is not taken seriously by many at all – supposedly, all the work goes through his deputies. Among them, Svetlana Mikhailovna Smirnova stands out.

From the age of 23, Mrs. Smirnova worked in the civil service in East Izmailovo. So the place is clearly “prayed”. At the age of 37, she received her first higher education at the Russian State Social University with a degree in Social Work. And at the age of 44 she received a law degree.

Operation "renovation": from the owners to the homeless

Svetlana Mikhailovna Smirnova – the “face” of the Izmailovo officials? Photo: izmaylowo.mos.ru

According to the authors of the Moskovskaya Narodnaya Gazeta website, Ms. Smirnova is allegedly not at all friendly in communication not only with ordinary citizens, but also with municipal deputies. Including, and with the above-mentioned Tatyana Tsarenko, who dares to ask officials questions that concern voters.

From the published correspondence on the social network Facebook (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation), Smirnova’s attitude towards the people’s deputies is clearly visible.

Operation "renovation": from the owners to the homeless

Strange, to say the least, correspondence between Deputy Head of the Administration Smirnova and deputies. Photo: http://narodnaya.org/2020/05/22/1-79/.

By the way, returning to the head of the council, Mikhail Dovbna, he, too, according to the authors of the Moskovskaya Narodnaya Gazeta website, allegedly also does not like to communicate very much. Allegedly, in a conversation with the same Tsarenko, he noted that he would not answer about his work until the deputy shared information about the places of his earnings.

A strange position, agree. Especially against the background of the powers of deputies approved by the Law to make deputy inquiries about the work of certain authorities. Apparently, such an attitude towards people and their representatives is instilled in the Izmailovo officials in the Moscow mayor’s office under the leadership of Sergei Sobyanin?

“Support Developers”

Let us recall the situation at the current stage of renovation of Moscow as a whole. First, it’s a lot of money. In the first months of 2021, the authorities of the capital distributed large contracts for a total amount of 154 billion rubles. They will go to the construction of 1.9 million square meters. m of housing under the renovation program, including in the Izmailovsky district.

Most of these contracts were divided among themselves by FSK Vladimir Voronin, MIC Andrey Ryabinsky, “Krost” Alexei Dobashin, “Regionzhilstroy” and a number of other major players. Developers can earn more than 15 billion rubles on contracts.

At the same time, the regulatory framework continues to be brought under the process. And this directly concerns the situation with the resettlement of residents of one-room apartments.

Not later than in March 2022, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill that tripled (!) Reduces the period during which a migrant under the renovation program in Moscow must conclude an agreement on new housing. Previously, this was 90 days.

The authors explain the amendment by the need to “optimize the timing of the resettlement of citizens” and the desire to support developers “in the face of sanctions pressure.”

Let’s note expression – “to support developers”. Who would doubt that! And the fact that vacationers, seriously ill and business travelers may not have time to make a decision in 30 days, who will then go to court and slow down the resettlement of the house, apparently does not give a damn to the capital’s deputies and their patrons in big business.

But in the context of our Russian swaggering bungling and corruption, the question arises – what will happen to those who did not have time, or those for whom housing stock has not yet been allocated at all? As in the case of the residents of the 3rd Pryadilnaya and Nikitinskaya streets of the Moscow Region of Izmailovo? Apparently, according to officials, they will be killed …

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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