The last popularly elected mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, and now a deputy from the United Russia party, was at the center of a scandal. Former spouse Vadim Bulavinova Nadezhda reported him to the police for assault. The lawyer of the woman, Nikita Kubasov, told the news agency “Nizhniy Says” about this.
@mash_nimash, 11.07.2023 14:13: The drunken ex-mayor of Nizhny Novgorod and the current deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vadim Bulavinov beat his ex-wife. […] He hadn’t been out of a binge for a week: he celebrated regional readings. — Inset
Nadezhda and Vadim are divorced. On July 3, in the morning, Nadezhda received a call from the deputy’s employees who said that they were throwing her personal belongings out of the house where they had previously lived. Nikita Kubasov says:
“Nadezhda came to pick up her things. I went into the house, a drunken ex-husband was sleeping there. When she passed, Bulavinov woke up. He began to speak unrelated words. Then he grabbed his ex-wife and started beating him.”

A driver and a cleaner came running to the noise, thanks to which the bloodied woman was able to run out of the house. The lawyer continues:
“Hope immediately went to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with a broken nose, bruises and abrasions. We wrote a statement to the police. The case will be referred to the Investigative Committee.”
Kommersant.Ru, 07/11/2023, “Former wife of deputy Vadim Bulavinov accused him of beatings”: Lawyer Kubasov clarified that after the divorce, the things of the ex-wife remained in the house of the deputy. […] She arrived at the house where the allegedly drunk deputy beat his ex-wife with his hands and feet, breaking her nose. “The driver and the cleaning lady saved us, they dragged Vadim Bulavinov away. After that, Nadezhda left, ”said the lawyer.
Upon the fact of the attack, the victim filed a complaint with the police department No. 5 of Nizhny Novgorod, from there the materials were transferred to the Investigative Committee, which, according to the lawyer, is conducting an investigation. The Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Nizhny Novgorod Region has not yet officially confirmed the availability of materials on the application and the fact of verification. Vadim Bulavinov neither confirmed nor denied the conflict with his ex-wife. “I first saw this information and I can’t even comment on anything, there’s nothing to say yet. We will look into the situation,” the deputy told Kommersant-Privolzhye. — Inset

After the attack, Bulavinov did not get in touch with his ex-wife. The defense of the former wife of the ex-mayor decided to make the case public, fearing pressure. Lawyer Kubasov explained:
“We are afraid that Vadim Bulavinov will oppose bringing him to justice using administrative resources. My client doesn’t need compensation or anything. We want him to be justly punished in accordance with the criminal code.”
The correspondent of news agency Govorit Nizhniy turned to Bulavinov’s press secretary to get a comment. The deputy refused to communicate with the journalist.
Recall that Vadim Bulavinov has previously been involved in scandalous stories. In 2014, a United Russia parliamentarian was removed from a plane for drunken brawl. In 2017, information was published that he got behind the wheel drunk.
Reference. In September 2002, Bulavinov was elected mayor of Nizhny Novgorod. In 2004 he joined the United Russia party. On October 16, 2005, he was re-elected for a second term, receiving more than 77.5% of the vote., 06/28/2023, “From the development of the Arctic to the term for kidnapping: what happened to the mayors who ruled Nizhny Novgorod since the 2000s”: Vadim Bulavinov entered politics in the 90s. He became a deputy of the State Duma and the City Duma, and at the same time ran a business, working as the general director of the Seti-NN television station. In 2002, Bulavinov headed Nizhny Novgorod. He held his post for eight years, which was a record among local mayors. […]
However, in 2010, after a conflict with the governor Valery Shantsev because of the candidates for the elections, the favorite mayor wrote a self-withdrawal. Literally on the eve of the vote against Bulavinov opened a criminal case about land fraud. The official was suspected of leasing land to developers for the construction of the Fantastika shopping center for free, and because of this, the city budget lost 600 million rubles. The case was opened several times, but after a while it was closed. Then in 2010, a businessman became mayor Oleg Sorokinwhich, according to Bulavinov, and initiated a criminal case against him. Later, already in the status of a State Duma deputy, Bulavinov appeared with some controversial antics. […]
Another story that made the whole country laugh and upset the current governor Gleb Nikitin happened in 2019. Then at the opening of a school in the Balakhna district, Bulavinov donated the ex-head of the district a jar of Vaseline for the disrupted construction deadlines. As planned by the deputy, the gift was intended “to lubricate the tongue.” Now Vadim Bulavinov continues to work in the State Duma. — Inset