Siloviki understand the family conflict in Krasnogorsk between the son of the deceased Islam Karimov and his common-law wife, hospitalized with multiple injuries. The woman claims that this is not the first time.
What is the son of the ex-president of Uzbekistan suspected of?
The son of the ex-president of Uzbekistan, 57-year-old Pyotr Karimov may become a defendant in a criminal case of domestic violence. Yesterday, his cohabitant, 45-year-old Yulia Smetankina, was taken to the hospital with a blunt abdominal injury, concussion and bleeding. The incident happened in a high-rise building on Podmoskovny Boulevard in Krasnogorsk, where the couple lives.

According to the victim, Karimov returned home from Uzbekistan in an extremely agitated state and demanded that Smetankina buy him a ticket to Tashkent again. The woman said that after Karimov refused, he threw a mobile phone at her head, then knocked her to the floor and kicked her.
The roommates quarreled so loudly that the neighbors called the police twice. Karimov was detained only for the second time. He was taken to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, interrogated and released while he is in the status of a suspect. Now the investigators are establishing all the circumstances, the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided. It is known from the source that Smetankina is going to record the beatings inflicted on her.

Pyotr Karimov and Yulia Smetankina have been living in a civil marriage for the last three years: now in Krasnogorsk, now in Tashkent.
How do Pyotr Karimov and Yulia Smetankina live?
Formally, Pyotr Karimov is registered in the three-room apartment of a panel house on Autumn Boulevard (Krylatskoye district), its cost is about 27 million rubles. From the pros: there are forests around, a stone’s throw from the beaches of the Moscow River, a wonderful view opens from the windows. Karimov was also registered in Dolgoprudny near Moscow in a brick skyscraper, where he has a modest studio worth up to 10 million rubles.
Another son of the ex-president of Uzbekistan occupied spacious apartments on the territory of the Moscow consulate of this country, which is located in the alleys of Bolshaya Yakimanka, not far from Gorky Park.

But in fact, Karimov and his wife live in a completely different place – in a four-room apartment in a new business class building on Podmoskovny Boulevard in Krasnogorsk. There, the couple had a conflict. On the secondary market, such real estate can be bought for up to 20 million rubles.

Smetankina’s account on the Avito portal says a lot about the couple’s standard of living. She sells premium jewelry, luxury clothing, high-end furniture, antique books and 1860 silver spoons there. The most expensive lots sold by her were a townhouse in Krasnodar for four million rubles, as well as JGHumming and Muramatsu 14K flutes with a total value of 6.5 million rubles.

Pro Yulia Smetankina it is known that she comes from Voronezh and officially does not work anywhere. Among her hobbies is playing the flute. As a musician she hosted participation in the Russian-Japanese festival “Seasons” in 2013. According to some reports, she was previously married to a Japanese citizen.
Despite the availability of income, Pyotr Karimov is a debtor in enforcement proceedings. Right now, he has four unpaid fines hanging on him.

What does Pyotr Karimov do
If you look at the official biography of Islam Karimov, the late president of Uzbekistan, there is either no mention of his son at all, or very little information. Pyotr Karimov is his child from his first marriage, from Natalya Kuchmi, daughter of the general director of the Chkalov Tashkent Aviation Production Association.

A short essay about Pyotr Karimov was once written by his classmate, now a freelance journalist Alisher Taksanov. The most interesting moment is how Karimov Sr. sent his son to the army.
After serving in the army, Pyotr Karimov studied a lot. He graduated from the Tashkent Institute of National Economy, postgraduate studies at the Department of International Economic Relations, then received a diploma from Moscow Plekhanovka. In the nineties, Petr Karimov, who did not have the necessary work experience, was appointed deputy general representative of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Uzbekistan (now Asia-Invest Bank). In the 2000s, he also received the position of a top manager at the National Airline of Uzbekistan.
At the moment, it is not known how Pyotr Karimov earns a living. He left the national airline with a scandal and sued his former employer. Judging by the SPARK database, Pyotr Karimov is also no longer on the board of Asia-Invest Bank.
Karimov Jr. may have some savings. So, last year, he allegedly suffered from a fraudster who promised him 6 million rubles to help him return a deposit stuck in a bank deprived of a license. The swindler did not keep his word, and Peter wrote a statement against him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Not so long ago, Petr Karimov was allegedly robbed during a flight to Tashkent – he lost his cash and cards.