The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dismissed the complaint of Anna Dubrovskaya, daughters former governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky, according to information from court documents. Anna Dubrovskaya tried to include herself among the creditors for the bankrupt company of the Dubrovsky family – PO Montazhnik. Her claims amounted to more than 415 million rubles.
The courts of appeal and cassation upheld the decision of the court of first authorities. The document of the court decision states: “The arguments set forth in the complaint do not confirm significant violations of the rule of law and cannot serve as a basis for reviewing judicial acts in the order of cassation proceedings by the Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Guided by Articles 291.6, 291.8 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, he determined: to refuse to transfer the cassation appeal for consideration in a judicial session of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
From the available materials of the case, it is clear that Anna Dubrovskaya achieved the recognition of justified and subject to inclusion in the register of creditors’ claims in the amount of 415,976,881 rubles, including the amount of 216,281,979 rubles as secured by a pledge of the debtor’s property. Thus, she had an advantage as a secured creditor over other creditors, allowing her to count on payments in the amount of 80% of the amount of property sold in the bankruptcy process. However, the district court of appeal overturned this decision, which became the object of Anna Dubrovskaya’s challenge before the Supreme Court.
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