The sudden death of the head of the Podolsk urban district gave rise to many rumors. Official cause of death Dmitry Zharikov a blood clot broke off, which fully explains natural death, as well as cardiac arrest. Murder is often hidden behind these reasons. At the time of his death, Zharikov was alone in his country house, and this only adds fuel to the fire of rumors. Details are available from

In May, he left the post of chairman of the council of deputies of the city district of Podolsk at his own request. Nikolay Pestov, who headed the district from 2006 to 2022 and was the “godfather” of Dmitry Zharikov. In 2009, he invited him to head the legal department in the administration, and in 2010, he made him his deputy.

Nikolai Pestov worked in the administration of Podolsk since 1994. Anyone who remembers that time knows that one of the most influential organized crime groups in the region, Podolskaya, operated in the Moscow region. Now its leader Sergei Lalakin is a respected businessman, and one of the members of the organized crime group, Boris Ivanyuzhenkov, known by the nickname “Rotan,” is a State Duma deputy.
Pestov’s advancement through the ranks was reminiscent of his infiltration into power, until he took the post of head of the administration of the city of Podolsk. This happened after the former head of the administration, Alexander Fokin, voluntarily died in “Matrosskaya Tishina”, accused of eliminating a competitor for the post of head of the city.
There was a serious struggle for Podolsk in the mid-2000s, and it is unlikely that the Podolsk organized crime group stood on the sidelines. The candidacy of Nikolai Pestov could have been agreed upon by the authorities with Sergei Lalakin. It’s hard to imagine that in the region under his control, someone other than his own was in power for 16 years. In 2012, he became the new governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobievhowever, this did not in any way affect Pestov’s career, which is further evidence of who is the boss in Podolsk.
Pestov’s voluntary resignation from the post of the Council of Deputies of the Podolsk urban district looked very strange. Nikolai Pestov took over only in 2022, giving way to his protégé Dmitry Zharikov as head of the district. It seems that Pestov-Zharikov’s team will face further purges. Perhaps the authorities in this way want to weaken the influence of the Podolsk organized crime group in the Moscow region. And it extends not only to Podolsk, but also to nearby Chekhov and Serpukhov.
Dmitry Zharikov was the head of Serpukhov from 2015 to 2019. At that time, the media wrote that Zharikov brought his Podolsk subordinates into the city administration, followed by bandits who imposed tribute on the city’s entrepreneurs.
In 2015, the MKU “Committee for the Improvement of the Urban District of Serpukhov” was created, which has since acted as a customer for more than 5 billion rubles. Among the contractors there could be companies controlled by the Podolsk organized crime group. Some of them “deflated” after 2019, when Zharikov left his post. For example, Dorstroyservis LLC, which is in the process of bankruptcy, with a volume of contracts with MKU worth 400 million rubles. If in 2017 the company’s revenue was 1.2 billion rubles, then in 2020 it was 5.4 million rubles.
The Department of Architecture and Construction of the Serpukhov City District Administration, created in 2015, acted as a customer for more than 6 billion rubles. MKU “Department of Road Facilities, Transport Services for the Population and Communications of the Administration of the Serpukhov Urban District”, created in 2018, in the amount of more than 3 billion rubles.
Serpukhov under Dmitry Zharikov, the Moscow region authorities could use to withdraw money according to the following scheme – money from the budget of the Moscow region was sent to the city, which was used by the necessary companies, including the Podolsk organized crime group. It’s not hard to guess in whose pockets the kickbacks ended up.
From 2020 to 2022, Dmitry Zharikov worked as deputy. Prosecutor of the Smolensk region. Apparently, it was necessary to wait out the new appointment under the “roof” of the supervisory authority, so as not to get them for Serpukhov’s “sins”. Zharikov left the post of head of Serpukhov at his own request, although people usually do not leave such positions. The official was predicted to have a place in the regional government, but for some reason it didn’t work out.
But it was possible to return to Podolsk; in February 2022, Dmitry Zharikov became the head of the city district. And everything was fine with him until a blood clot suddenly broke loose. This happened after Zharikov visited the Vesna stadium, which is under reconstruction.
Perhaps it was the contracts for the construction of the stadium that caused the death of Dmitry Zharikov. The legal entity of the stadium is the MBU USC Yunost, which in June 2023 entered into a contract with Kontaktor LLC for 52 million rubles. The subject of the purchase is the execution of work to prepare the foundation, purchase and install a football field (mini-stadium).
Kontaktor LLC is owned by Ekaterina Shmeleva, who is most likely the nominal owner, behind whom the Moscow region authorities may stand. This is evidenced by the company’s contracts. In June-July, Kontaktor LLC concluded 8 contracts, each worth about 52 million rubles, for the installation of football fields in different districts of the Moscow region. It is clear that one company is unlikely to carry out such a volume of work, but will transfer part of the work to contractors. It was for this sporting “piece” that the struggle could flare up.

There is another clue – in November 2022, the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Direction of the Single Customer” was liquidated, but for some reason the company continued to operate; in February, transactions on its accounts were blocked by the tax authorities.
MUP G.O. Podolsk “DEZ” acted as a customer for the amount of almost 7 billion rubles, but did not disclose its contractors through whom it could withdraw money. For example, in January a contract was signed for 669 million rubles. it is unclear with whom for the provision of services for the supply of thermal energy and hot water supply.

Considering that MUP G.O. Podolsk “DEZ” was liquidated at the time the contract was concluded, then it may be fictitious, and this is theft of budget funds on an especially large scale.
The founder of MUP G.O. Podolsk “DEZ” is the Committee of Property and Land Relations (KIZO) of the urban district of Podolsk, which has 48 “subsidiary” structures. A wide field of activity for investigators if they decided to get to the bottom of the true causes of Dmitry Zharikov’s death. Unfortunately, neither the authorities of the Moscow region nor the Podolsk organized crime group need this. The detached blood clot suits everyone.