Rosselkhoznadzor known for many corruption scandals. The structure, which should be responsible for food safety, is stuck in total theft, bribes and the issuance of fake documents.
In recent years, dozens of criminal cases have been opened against officials of the department. Most of them went to court, where they were successfully destroyed. There is no fault of the investigation, because law enforcement officers hide new fraudulent schemes in the Rosselkhoznadzor over and over again. But most officials manage to solve everything safely for themselves, and get away with it.
A similar incident happened to the former deputy head of Rosseholnadzor for Moscow, the Moscow and Tula regions, Anna Lopunova. But in the case of Lopunova, the story took a really unexpected turn, and is worthy of a film adaptation.
Family contract
Anna Lopunova for a long time held the position of Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor for Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions. But everything changed in 2019. A criminal case was opened against her under the article “official forgery”. She was dismissed from the department due to acts of corruption. And it seems that the story should have ended there, but it was this moment that became the starting point in an amazing situation.
The investigation established that Lopunova, using her official position, issued false documents to the applicants. It was about various certificates and certificates that are necessary to confirm the safety of food products. At the same time, in different parts of Russia, many Rosselkhoznadzor officials initiated criminal cases with a similar plot. It seems to be nothing new, then the court, guilty or acquittal. But it turned out that in the case of Lopunova, the case did not even reach the court in essence. She calmly walks free, and even tried to recognize through the court his dismissal is illegal. As follows from Lopunova’s declaration, she is obviously not a poor person, and all this is the merit of her husband, because in the last year of work at Rosselkhoznadzor she earned less than a million rubles, but her husband brought 51 million rubles to the family.
Despite their connections, the court recognized the legal release of Lopunova from her post. But this issue is just getting started. Lopunova during her work was far from being an ordinary employee, but a whole gray eminence of the Office. In addition, she became a real TV star, acting as an expert in various programs.
Anna Lopunova on the TVC channel
But even these scandals were overshadowed by one interesting case. Lopunova’s husband Sergey is a very interesting person. Whether he is a businessman, or an official and a colleague of his wife is not entirely clear. Indeed, on the website of the Rosselkhoznadzor, he (or his namesake) is listed as the head of the veterinary supervision department. In addition, Sergey Lopunov is related to business – the companies Petmarket LLC and ZUM + LLC, which do what do you think? That’s right: the sale of goods for which you need to obtain permission from the Rosselkhoznadzor. Family business.
Sergey Lopunov
Through him, the owners of the company resolved the issue of quickly and painlessly obtaining permits for their goods, including feed and medicines for animals.
Debauchery and blackmail
But even family criminal cases are not the most interesting thing in the life of the Lopunovs. In 2020, they fell into a very strange (to put it mildly) story. Anna Lopunova told the police about her former colleague and friend Dmitry Natarov, who served as assistant to the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor. The statement was very piquant, because according to Lopunova, a long-term family friend tried to molest their (at that time) 16-year-old daughter.
The case went as follows: The Lopunovs had been friends with the Natarov family for more than 10 years. It was thanks to Dmitry that Anna Lopunova was able to get a job at the Rosselkhoznadzor, where she gained her “stardom”. A close friendship began between the couples, they even managed to intermarry, becoming godfathers. And then, like a bolt from the blue, Lopunova declares that Natarov harassed their daughter for 4 years. Of course, such a high-profile accusation raises more questions than answers.
Dmitry Natarov
After the investigation began, Natarov’s entire career went down the drain. He was fired from a prestigious position, a criminal trial began, which reached the court. There were many inconsistencies during the trial. Let’s start from the simplest. Where did the girl’s parents look if, starting from the age of 13, a 36-year-old man wrote various indecent things to her? But this is the simplest.
As it turned out, the initiator of intimate correspondence was the daughter of the Lopunovs, Lisa. It was she who first wrote to Dmitry Natarov. And not what she wrote, but sent her intimate photographs, various indecent messages, which she was even ashamed to voice. At one time, Anna Lopunova complained to Natarov’s wife about her daughter. They say she is completely out of hand, wandering around no one knows where, at the age of 14 she registered on a dating site, writes to adult men, throws off her intimate photos, and so on. In this regard, Lopunova was even forced to take a vacation to monitor her daughter’s actions. Since then, Lisa’s phone has been connected to parental controls. But one message sent to her could not pass by the keen eye of the Lopunovs. But how then did they correspond for 4 years with Nazarov? Good question with no obvious answer.
Dmitry Natarov at trial
But this is not the end either. It turned out that Liza Lopunova has accounts in various social networks, where she is not averse to posting the same photos that she previously dropped to Natarova. And most importantly, her mother Anna Lopunova even likes intimate photos of her underage daughter.
Perhaps the parents decided to use the “weakness” of their minor daughter, and thus earn money. Indeed, at that time, Lopunova had already been dismissed from the department under a corruption article. They say that she came to Natarov to resolve the issue, but he refused, and this caused a quarrel between the families. In any case, along with constant intimate photographs of 16-year-old Liza, threats and extortion also went. And all this was captured in the materials of the investigation.
The Lopunovs did not stop there. They decided to play big, accusing Natarov of bribery. Allegedly, for many years he “milked” the honest business of Sergei Lopunov, demanding from him either plane tickets or pay for a personal trip somewhere for the free receipt of the necessary certificates for products. But here again questions arise. If all this happened for a long time, why did they communicate closely and even intermarried? It is obvious that the Lopunovs wanted to cut money from Natarov, denigrating his name with absolutely ugly accusations.
The trial continues, but it is already obvious that the case is falling apart every day. Lopunova, fortunately, did not return to public service, but nevertheless, she feels great, because the bribes received for 4 years of work at the Rosselkhoznadzor will last for several decades. But they are unable to receive funds from Natarov in a fraudulent way, therefore, perhaps the fate of the case will have an unexpected turn when the Lopunovs themselves find themselves in the dock, and Natarov acquires the status of a victim, separating his name from the horrendous accusations. k1