The general director of the operator of radioactive waste “Rosatom” was arrested for bribes for 132.5 million rubles. for the conclusion of contracts with the contractor
Kickbacks to Igor Igin found in waste
Director General of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management (NO RAO, part of the state corporation Rosatom) and lieutenant colonel of the FSB reserve Igor Igin is accused of taking bribes in the amount of more than 132 million rubles. He denies his guilt, but will remain in custody until September 24.
Igin became accused of taking bribes on an especially large scale, Petersburg Diary reports. Kickbacks in the amount of 132.5 million rubles were transferred by the management of the St. Petersburg LLC Spetsproekt as part of the conclusion of four government contracts. It should be noted that the contracts cover the period from 2018 to 2021.

Director General of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management (NO RAO, part of the state corporation Rosatom) and lieutenant colonel of the FSB reserve Igor Igin is accused of taking bribes in the amount of more than 132 million rubles. He denies his guilt, but will remain in custody until September 24.
Igin became accused of taking bribes on an especially large scale, Petersburg Diary reports. Kickbacks in the amount of 132.5 million rubles were transferred by the management of the St. Petersburg LLC Spetsproekt as part of the conclusion of four government contracts. It should be noted that the contracts cover the period from 2018 to 2021.
During the preliminary investigation, based on the materials of the operatives, it was established that the General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NO RAO” Igin, “being the sole executive body” of the enterprise, in August-December 2022, received through an intermediary, the financial director of Spetsproekt LLC Kira Teterina , a total of 132.5 million rubles. Money, according to law enforcement officers, was transferred to the general director both at his home and in one of the branches of Sberbank. Spetsproekt LLC creates facilities for the processing, storage, disposal of radioactive waste (RW) and other facilities for the use of atomic energy (NF). According to investigators, the idea to pay the CEO of NO RAO Igin an illegal remuneration came from the co-owners of Spetsproekt, the CEO of LLC Vadim Korolev and his deputy for development Sergey Gulyaev.
According to the investigation, Igin relied on bribes for the conclusion of four state contracts with LLC by his Federal State Unitary Enterprise in 2018, 2020 and 2021, and in addition, the company’s managers expected to conclude profitable agreements with his help in the future. At the same time, it was taken into account that it was Igor Igin who depended on the acceptance of the work performed by the LLC, the solution of emerging problematic issues in the course of the execution of government contracts, as well as the “creation by virtue of his position of favorable conditions” for the work of contractors in the future. According to the case file, the co-owners of the company offered to become the financial director Kira Teterina as an intermediary in the transfer of money to Igin. According to investigators, the bribers, having agreed among themselves, turned to Igor Igin with a corrupt proposal, who himself determined the amount of kickbacks.
Representatives of the corporation of the Northern capital also sent bribes for future “cooperation”. The general director of Spetsproekt, his deputy and financial director are accused of bribery and mediation in this crime. They cooperate with investigators.
The court sent Igin to a pre-trial detention center, where he will remain until September 24. At the same time, the FSB reserve lieutenant colonel denies his guilt.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NO RAO” headed by Igor Igin has been appointed the national operator for radioactive waste management. This is an ex-KGB officer who left in the early 90s in business structures. He worked in banks, in the Federal Service for Financial Recovery and Bankruptcy, bankrupted Aviastar with a scandal. One of Igin’s apartments is located in the very center of Moscow – between Prechistenka and Ostozhenka. In order to save up for such an apartment, the Igin family (his salary is about 1.5 million rubles a month) had to not eat or drink for ten years.
Mr. Igin is a well-known personality in Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad. The latter has been known to Ulyanovsk residents since the bankruptcy of UAPK Aviastar, where he was a bankruptcy trustee, and the scandal with the construction of the Lancet market on a land plot where they planned to build a multi-storey building in Soviet times. Subsequently, the figure of Igin surfaced in the elections in 2004, along with the homeless Morozov, as a spoiler for the future governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergei Morozov. The first round of the campaign then for both candidates was made by the headquarters of political technologists of the Volga Federal District, headed by Alexander Kharichev and Igor Konyshev. Subsequently, all this trinity, following the plenipotentiary Kiriyenko, migrated to the structure of Rosatom, where Kharichev and Konyshev oversaw elections in the cities where the state corporation is present, including hzikhidtidekrt Dimitrovgrad.
As for the spoiler Morozov Igor Igin, after the elections in 2004, his friends Kharichev and Konyshev placed him well in the chair of the director of the Department of Control and Auditing Activities – Deputy Chief Controller of the Rosatom State Corporation. In 2017, he headed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “National Operator for the Management of Radioactive Waste” (FSUE “NO RAO”), in the field of professional interests of which, as you understand, is the expansion of the existing repository on the territory of RIAR. However, not only professional interests connect Mr. Igin with the Ulyanovsk region, but also personal financial ones. Since the bankruptcy of the same UAPK Aviastar, Mr. Igin suddenly had a small factory in the industrial zone and other real estate. And, apparently, which was managed in recent years by none other than a confidant, the ex-head of the regional Rosfinnadzor Anatoly Mochalov. A vivid proof of this is the notarized power of attorney issued to Mr. Mochalov by Mr. Igin in 2017 to manage the property of Vigma LLC, a company owned by the wife of the Rosatom top manager Igina Marina Leonidovna.