The deficit budget of the YaNAO will be invested in a concert hall for 20 billion. Artyukhov lowers billions through the funds and long-term construction of Kobylkin
The construction of the cathedral in Salekhard was stretched out for 12 years.
YNAO officials announced the launch of a large-scale cultural project in Novy Urengoy – the municipality should have its own analogue of one of the modern halls of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky. However, as observers note, the facility, on which they plan to spend at least 15 billion, will be able to receive only a thousand spectators at a time.
Moreover, even today, subordinates of Governor Dmitry Artyukhov do not exclude an increase in the cost of construction after adjusting the documentation by several billion more. Residents of the region express their fear that a major project risks becoming another “platform where budget money will disappear”, as happened with dozens of social long-term construction projects. At the same time, industry representatives emphasize that many conflicts were laid under the ex-governor Dmitry Kobylkin, when the subject lived with a surplus, and now they plan to withdraw money from the budget, the deficit of which exceeds 50 billion rubles.
In addition, experts in the construction market have concerns that this complex, instead of the declared four years, will be built for decades. Speaking about the risks, industry specialists cite the Cathedral in Salekhard as an example, the dates for which are constantly postponed, and the costs can exceed 10 billion.
The State Institution “Directorate of Capital Construction and Investments of the YNAO” (DKSiI) announced a tender for the selection of a contractor who will build a cultural center in Novy Urengoy. It is noteworthy that the contractor will first have to correct the project that the officials already have from the Design Institute of Unique Structures Arena LLC.
The complex of buildings and structures, as follows from the documents, will consist of a concert hall and a theater, a hotel, a museum complex and a library. The height of the buildings will not exceed four floors. In total, the facility will be located on an area of 19.6 thousand square meters.

To clarify, earlier the mayor’s office of Novy Urengoy, headed by Andrey Voronov, reported that the complex, unique for the Arctic conditions, would be built for the 50th anniversary of the city, which will be celebrated in 2025. The cultural center was planned to be built in the Parkovy microdistrict, next to the Zvezdny sports complex and the Druzhba park. The concert hall was planned to be realized in the form of an amphitheater by analogy with the third stage of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg and the Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow.
As part of the contract, the contractors are currently promised about 15.2 billion rubles, and after signing the contract, the contractor will adjust the documents for the current SNiPs for about 8 months. At the same time, the authorities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug assume that after completion, the cost of work may increase by at least another 5 billion rubles – in the assignment for adjustment, the maximum price is already indicated at the level of 20 billion rubles.
Also, officials actually admitted that there would be no promised gift for the city’s anniversary – the authorities simply did not have time to launch the project in a timely manner. Currently, the construction completion date is August 31, 2026.
“A concert venue, a hotel, a museum is, of course, good, but when so much money is pumped into the project against the backdrop of a budget deficit of 50 billion, logical questions arise. Have all the problems in our district already been resolved: the roads have been completed, and the dilapidated pieces of wood have been settled, and all issues regarding housing and communal services have been resolved. And there are also reasonable doubts that this project will not become another long-term construction project, in which billions of budget rubles have been “drowned”, ”Ksenia, a resident of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, shared her opinion.
The deputies of the Novy Urengoy City Duma either categorically refused to communicate with a media representative about the district project, or noted that they could not assess the expediency of spending the budget on a cultural center. “There is a lot to philosophize about. If you interview the population, young people will say that there is not enough entertainment in the city, and grandmothers will talk about landscaping, shops and housing and communal services. If the district has set such a task, then the authorities are probably guided by the data of some surveys about the needs of the population,” MP Maria Skidan believes.
It should be noted that in 2023, the planned budget revenues of the YNAO will amount to 282.5 billion rubles. At the same time, expenditures were approved at the level of 333.8 billion. The forecast budget deficit exceeds 51 billion rubles. A year earlier, the region lived with a surplus. With revenues of 361 billion rubles, expenses exceeded 316 billion. Dmitry Artyukhov’s subordinates stated that they would cover the current year’s budget deficit at the expense of last year’s regional revenues, but the funds, apparently, are much less than the planned difference.
It is also worth mentioning that at present, a program is being implemented in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug to complete long-term social construction projects, which, according to industry representatives, began to be created under ex-governor Dmitry Kobylkin.
In response to a request from Pravda UrFO, the press service of the YNAO Governor, however, refrained from estimating the amount of funds that need to be invested in the completion of numerous social unfinished projects, as well as from publicizing the amount of money already spent on problematic facilities. At the same time, as an example, work on which is nearing completion, the officials cited the Temple complex in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Salekhard.
Earlier, Pravda UrFO spoke in detail about the multibillion-dollar tranches that the regional authorities spent on the creation of a cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the embankment of the Shaitanka River. As of the end of 2018, it was known about budget investments of 2 billion rubles.
The money was sent through the non-profit organization Yamal Cooperation Foundation. From 2020 to 2022, NO expected to use about another 3.6 billion rubles from the budget. The main part of the fund’s costs is just related to the construction of the temple, but the state fund does not disclose clear parameters for spending funds.
Governor Dmitry Artyukhov with Archbishop Nicholas of Salekhard and Novo-Urengoysk
The construction of the temple in YaNAO started in 2012. JSC Yamaltransstroy, which is responsible for the construction (the asset is controlled by the deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma Igor Nak), stated on its official website that it would hand over the facility by the end of 2022. Last year, the YaNAO government reported that the cathedral would be completed this summer. In June 2023, officials gave new forecasts, promising to complete the long-term construction by the end of 2024 hzikhidtidekrt of the year.
It is worth noting that the YaNAO authorities annually increase the amount of funding for the fund. In 2022, he received subsidies from the budget for 3.5 billion rubles. This year, the size of the approved tranches has already reached 2 billion. At the same time, according to the financial statements of Yamal Cooperation, at the beginning of the year there were 10.7 billion rubles in its accounts, and earlier representatives of the NO stated that they were accumulating funds in their accounts, which, among other things, will go to the final settlements with the builders of the temple.
The construction of the cathedral in Salekhard was stretched out for 12 years.
YNAO officials announced the launch of a large-scale cultural project in Novy Urengoy – the municipality should have its own analogue of one of the modern halls of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky. However, as observers note, the facility, on which they plan to spend at least 15 billion, will be able to receive only a thousand spectators at a time.
Moreover, even today, subordinates of Governor Dmitry Artyukhov do not rule out an increase in the cost of construction after adjusting the documentation by several billion more. Residents of the region express their fear that a major project risks becoming another “platform where budget money will disappear”, as happened with dozens of social long-term construction projects. At the same time, industry representatives emphasize that many conflicts were laid under the ex-governor Dmitry Kobylkin, when the subject lived with a surplus, and now they plan to withdraw money from the budget, the deficit of which exceeds 50 billion rubles.
In addition, experts in the construction market have concerns that this complex, instead of the declared four years, will be built for decades. Speaking about the risks, industry specialists cite the Cathedral in Salekhard as an example, the dates for which are constantly postponed, and the costs can exceed 10 billion.
The State Institution “Directorate of Capital Construction and Investments of the YNAO” (DKSiI) announced a tender for the selection of a contractor who will build a cultural center in Novy Urengoy. It is noteworthy that the contractor will first have to correct the project that the officials already have from the Design Institute of Unique Structures Arena LLC.
The complex of buildings and structures, as follows from the documents, will consist of a concert hall and a theater, a hotel, a museum complex and a library. The height of the buildings will not exceed four floors. In total, the facility will be located on an area of 19.6 thousand square meters.

To clarify, earlier the mayor’s office of Novy Urengoy, headed by Andrey Voronov, reported that the complex, unique for the Arctic conditions, would be built for the 50th anniversary of the city, which will be celebrated in 2025. The cultural center was planned to be built in the Parkovy microdistrict, next to the Zvezdny sports complex and the Druzhba park. The concert hall was planned to be realized in the form of an amphitheater by analogy with the third stage of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg and the Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow.
As part of the contract, the contractors are currently promised about 15.2 billion rubles, and after signing the contract, the contractor will adjust the documents for the current SNiPs for about 8 months. At the same time, the authorities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug assume that after completion, the cost of work may increase by at least another 5 billion rubles – in the assignment for adjustment, the maximum price is already indicated at the level of 20 billion rubles.
Also, officials actually admitted that there would be no promised gift for the city’s anniversary – the authorities simply did not have time to launch the project in a timely manner. Currently, the construction completion date is August 31, 2026.
“A concert venue, a hotel, a museum is, of course, good, but when so much money is pumped into the project against the backdrop of a budget deficit of 50 billion, logical questions arise. Have all the problems in our district already been resolved: the roads have been completed, and the dilapidated pieces of wood have been settled, and all issues regarding housing and communal services have been resolved. And there are also reasonable doubts that this project will not become another long-term construction project, in which billions of budget rubles have been “drowned”, ”Ksenia, a resident of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, shared her opinion.
The deputies of the Novy Urengoy City Duma either categorically refused to communicate with a media representative about the district project, or noted that they could not assess the expediency of spending the budget on a cultural center. “There is a lot to philosophize about. If you interview the population, young people will say that there is not enough entertainment in the city, and grandmothers will talk about landscaping, shops and housing and communal services. If the district has set such a task, then the authorities are probably guided by the data of some surveys about the needs of the population,” MP Maria Skidan believes.
It should be noted that in 2023, the planned budget revenues of the YNAO will amount to 282.5 billion rubles. At the same time, expenditures were approved at the level of 333.8 billion. The forecast budget deficit exceeds 51 billion rubles. A year earlier, the region lived with a surplus. With revenues of 361 billion rubles, expenses exceeded 316 billion. Dmitry Artyukhov’s subordinates stated that they would cover the current year’s budget deficit at the expense of last year’s regional revenues, but the funds, apparently, are much less than the planned difference.
It is also worth mentioning that at present, a program is being implemented in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug to complete long-term social construction projects, which, according to industry representatives, began to be created under ex-governor Dmitry Kobylkin.
In response to a request from Pravda UrFO, the press service of the YNAO Governor, however, refrained from estimating the amount of funds that need to be invested in the completion of numerous social unfinished projects, as well as from publicizing the amount of money already spent on problematic facilities. At the same time, as an example, work on which is nearing completion, the officials cited the Temple complex in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Salekhard.
Earlier, Pravda UrFO spoke in detail about the multibillion-dollar tranches that the regional authorities spent on the creation of a cathedral for the Russian Orthodox Church on the embankment of the Shaitanka River. As of the end of 2018, it was known about budget investments of 2 billion rubles.
The money was sent through the non-profit organization Yamal Cooperation Foundation. From 2020 to 2022, NO expected to use about another 3.6 billion rubles from the budget. The main part of the fund’s costs is just related to the construction of the temple, but the state fund does not disclose clear parameters for spending funds.
Governor Dmitry Artyukhov with Archbishop Nicholas of Salekhard and Novo-Urengoysk
The construction of the temple in YaNAO started in 2012. JSC Yamaltransstroy, which is responsible for the construction (the asset is controlled by the deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma Igor Nak), stated on its official website that it would hand over the facility by the end of 2022. Last year, the YaNAO government reported that the cathedral would be completed this summer. In June 2023, officials gave new forecasts, promising to complete the long-term construction by the end of 2024 hzikhidtidekrt of the year.
It is worth noting that the YaNAO authorities annually increase the amount of funding for the fund. In 2022, he received subsidies from the budget for 3.5 billion rubles. This year, the size of the approved tranches has already reached 2 billion. At the same time, according to the financial statements of Yamal Cooperation, at the beginning of the year there were 10.7 billion rubles in its accounts, and earlier representatives of the NO stated that they were accumulating funds in their accounts, which, among other things, will go to the final settlements with the builders of the temple.