Source A verdict has been passed in the case of extremists operating in a capital apartment. The Meshchansky District Court of Moscow issued a special sentence to 21-year-old electrician Abdala Rakhmonov from Tajikistan, who did not inform law enforcement agencies about the terrorists with whom he lived in the same apartment. Given that the defendant subsequently fully admitted his guilt and testified against his neighbors, he was only fined a small amount.
Abdal Rakhmonov came to the court session himself. As lawyer Nadezhda Fedoseeva explained, since the crime was recognized as insignificant, only a written undertaking not to leave was taken from her client. The defendant was accompanied by his brother, who also lived in the ill-fated apartment and was being tested for involvement in extremism.
does he admit guilt? Abdala Rakhmonov answered in the affirmative, after which the prosecutor briefly announced the charges.
It followed from it that back in July 2021, a young man who came to work from Tajikistan met a fellow countryman, a certain Magomed Buriev, in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Subsequently, Rakhmonov, in the words of the prosecutor, established “a friendly relationship with him on the basis of fellowship and adherence to one religion.” And on January 20, 2022, the electrician moved into the apartment of a friend, where there were three more of their countrymen.
After some time, Buriev told his new comrade that he was a supporter of the ISIS terrorist organization banned in Russia and invited Abdala Rakhmonov to join it in order to go to fight in Syria later.
However, the electrician was in no hurry to accept the offer, although he law enforcement officers did not tell about him. However, three other Tajiks living in the apartment supported Buriev.
After that, Magomed Buriev decided to introduce his newly minted comrades-in-arms to one of the leaders of the banned ISIS, Al-Kurashi. On February 2, 2022, he hung a black flag in the kitchen of the apartment – the banner of a terrorist organization – and turning on the phone in video mode, together with other tenants swore allegiance to Al-Kurashi. , for which they simply did not have the funds, to carry out a terrorist attack somewhere in Moscow, having received the go-ahead for this via video link.
After that, Magomed Buriev invited four more people to the cell of the organization, including his own brother. Abdala Rakhmonov did not take any oaths, but he did not inform about the actions of the tenants in the right place.
On April 2, 2022, FSB operatives raided the extremists’ apartment and detained everyone, with the exception of Abdala Rakhmonov, who moved to relatives in Dolgoprudny.
His involvement in the activities of other accused, under Art. 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (creation and participation in an extremist organization), the FSB officers did not establish.
Moreover, the most positive characteristics came from his native village in Tajikistan and his new place of residence in Dolgoprudny. In particular, it turned out that Rakhmonov, while working in the Russian capital, financially supports his sick mother and father, a disabled war in Afghanistan in Tajikistan. However, Abdala Rakhmonov still could not avoid responsibility – he was accused under Art. 205.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to report a crime), which provides for a fine or imprisonment for three years.
Given that the prosecutor concluded a pre-trial agreement on cooperation with the defendant, he was asked for a minimum term – a fine of 80 thousand rubles. rub. The court, noting extenuating circumstances, cut it in half in its verdict.