Not a pissing boy, but Havana cigars. To whom is Russia turning to face? The Russian turn from West to East has ended. More precisely, not to the East, but to the Global South. The new Russian footholds are Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. In general, everything except Europe and North America. The list of priorities is in the new “Foreign Policy Concept” signed by the President. What else is this concept about? ???????????????? Russia will create the “Great Eurasian Partnership”. True, its parameters are not entirely clear. Most likely, this is a partnership of such organizations as the CIS, the EAEU, the SCO and ASEAN. ???????????????? Russia in the Arctic will rely on friendly non-Arctic countries. A direct allusion to China – an observer in the Arctic Council, chaired by Russia. She, together with China, is going to develop the Northern Sea Route. ???????????????? Russia will pay special attention to the development of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The concept specifically mentions this. This can be considered an indirect response to the growth of anti-Russian sentiment in Georgia. ???????????????? Russia will not abandon the CSTO – as well as all other defense alliances. It is also a kind of response from Armenia, which refused not only to conduct CSTO exercises, but also to appoint its representative to the organization. ???????????????? Russia will create a new “mechanism of interaction” with the countries of Central Asia. There are no specifics yet. It is only clear that the most difficult thing will be with Kazakhstan, which is taking an increasingly sovereign position. And this is often not in Russia’s interests. ???????????? For Russia in the Islamic world, only 5 countries are named as the main partners: Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The appearance of the Saudis in this list, who were not even close friends with the USSR, is unusual. But it is strange that there is no Pakistan, with which Russia is now signing a bilateral trade agreement. ???????????????? Latin America for Russia is primarily 4 countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. Unexpectedly, Paraguay, headed by the Americanophob and Russophile Mario Abdo Benitez, is not on the list. The main thing in the concept is not politics, but economics. They promise foreign investment and an almost complete rejection of the dollar in foreign trade. No exact dates.
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Not a pissing boy, but Havana cigars. To whom is Russia turning to face? The Russian turn from West to East has ended. More precisely, not to the East, but to the Global South. The new Russian footholds are Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. In general, everything except Europe and North America. The list of priorities is in the new “Foreign Policy Concept” signed by the President. What else is this concept about? ???????????????? Russia will create the “Great Eurasian Partnership”. True, its parameters are not entirely clear. Most likely, this is a partnership of such organizations as the CIS, the EAEU, the SCO and ASEAN. ???????????????? Russia in the Arctic will rely on friendly non-Arctic countries. A direct allusion to China – an observer in the Arctic Council, chaired by Russia. She, together with China, is going to develop the Northern Sea Route. ???????????????? Russia will pay special attention to the development of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The concept specifically mentions this. This can be considered an indirect response to the growth of anti-Russian sentiment in Georgia. ???????????????? Russia will not abandon the CSTO – as well as all other defense alliances. It is also a kind of response from Armenia, which refused not only to conduct CSTO exercises, but also to appoint its representative to the organization. ???????????????? Russia will create a new “mechanism of interaction” with the countries of Central Asia. There are no specifics yet. It is only clear that the most difficult thing will be with Kazakhstan, which is taking an increasingly sovereign position. And this is often not in Russia’s interests. ???????????? For Russia in the Islamic world, only 5 countries are named as the main partners: Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The appearance of the Saudis in this list, who were not even close friends with the USSR, is unusual. But it is strange that there is no Pakistan, with which Russia is now signing a bilateral trade agreement. ???????????????? Latin America for Russia is primarily 4 countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. Unexpectedly, Paraguay, headed by the Americanophob and Russophile Mario Abdo Benitez, is not on the list. The main thing in the concept is not politics, but economics. They promise foreign investment and an almost complete rejection of the dollar in foreign trade. No exact dates.