???? Weekly digest of the Telegram agenda compiled by Rasputitsa together with Novorossiya news agency. Message to the Federal Assembly, Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev, Vladislav Surkov’s revelations, the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s plan to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, the “demilitarization” of the PMR, the anti-Russian resolution of the UN General Assembly, the shell “hunger” of Wagner PMC, there will be no increase in pensions. — Message to the Federal Assembly: “Politjoystick”, “Failure”, “Master of the Pen”, Trudolyubov, “Intuition will tell”, “Telestream Z”, “Siberian”, “Under the Ice”, “The Moscow Post”, “Ukraine is not Russia” , “Script in the course of the play”, “PolitSatirKa”, “Skurlatov live”, “Uncut”, “Editorial President Gordon”, “Slander”, “New Sincerity”; – Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev: “Fish’s Head”, “Provisional Government”, “Capital”, “Forecasts. Krashennikova”, “Starovoitov on Politics”, “Pool No. 3”, “Pskov News Feed”, “Searchlight of Moscow”, Roman Alekhin; – Revelations of Vladislav Surkov: “Kaleidoscope”, “Markov’s Logic”, “FRIEDRICH”, “Case for kurai”, “Fetisov. Opinion”, “What to do?”, “Russian Know Name”; — The plan of the Chinese Foreign Ministry to resolve the Ukrainian crisis: “MIG of Russia”, “Russian letters”, “Madame Secretary”, “What to do 2.0?”, “Russia is not Europe”, “China. 80s and beyond”, “Mill”; – Anti-Russian resolution of the UN General Assembly: “Municipal sandbox”, “Sho, again?”, “Failure”, “Moscow laundry”, “Case for kurai”, “Mirror”; – “Demilitarization” of Transnistria: Andrei Suzdaltsev, “Provisional Government”, “Kremlin Mockingbird”, “Image of the Future”, “Purely for Fixation”, “Skurlatov Live”, “Orthodox Politics”; – Shell “hunger” PMC “Wagner”: “NEZYGAR”, Strelkov Igor Ivanovich, “Frontier and Za Frontier”, “Netlenka”, BRIEF, “Sober political scientist”, Edward Chesnokov; – There will be no increase in pensions: “Master of the Pen”, “Ukraine is not Russia”, “SUPERVISION”, “Mayday. Dive Chronicle, Dmitry Gusev, Russian Know Name, BRIEFING, T34. @rasputicaa
North Ossetia Police Video Fallout
Sources of the Source said that the head of North Ossetia Sergei Menyailo believes that ex-prosecutor of the region Alexander...