Every official should be able to dig trenches and warm himself with a tin can with a candle? The State Duma does not let up in its attempts to keep up with the militaristic agenda. Earlier, the speaker of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, suggested that only those who served in the army and have a military specialty be taken to the civil service (Volodin himself did not serve, like the vast majority of federal employees). The idea, as they say, did not go down, so they decided to moderate the requirements. Now, Anatoly Vyborny, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security, says that civil servants and military training courses are enough, “so that they can better navigate in the conditions of the Northern Military District.” Priority in preparation will be given to officials in the border regions. We propose to develop the idea – after passing the courses, officials should be immediately sent to the front line, where they can replace much less trained mobilized ones. And officials mobilized to their places.
Russia, in company with Iran and Pakistan, will invest in Afghanistan, the creation of a trade union with an investment of $1 billion has been announced. Colleagues laugh that it would be better if they invested in Eritrea, but the project is serious. In Afghanistan, there is something to work on and something to earn on. In addition, the project from the Russian side will be implemented by the Tatar elites who have connections with the Afghan community of Tatars (about 700 thousand people). And there they seem to have to find a common language with the Muslim brothers. True, there are nuances. The Russian authorities still consider the Taliban a terrorist organization, and now, it turns out, Russian companies will sponsor terrorists.
Senators and deputies of the LDPR propose to adopt a law on a certificate for newborns for 30,000 rubles. In this case, the child’s parents will receive a certificate worth 30 thousand rubles and will be able to spend it on essential goods for newborns (diapers, diapers, nipples, etc.). The right to assistance will be granted to families with incomes below two regional subsistence levels. Now in Russia there is already a one-time allowance for the birth of a child (22,909 rubles), but with current prices this is not enough to buy things for a child. At the same time, in some regions there are regional certificates, for example, in Moscow, where they issue an additional 20 thousand rubles or a gift set “Our Treasure”, or in Pskov – there is a certificate for only 5 thousand rubles, but it’s better than nothing. “United Russia” has already expressed itself in the spirit that there is no money, you hold on, be content with the allowance. Although the government must now more than ever stimulate domestic demand to support the economy. Food certificates (food stamps) could also be introduced. But over and over again, the Cabinet ignores such effective measures to support the population for reasons that are clear to him alone.
In Russia this winter, many complain that heating prices are skyrocketing, despite the fact that pipes are barely warm in winter. Especially for such complainers, the authorities are testing a new pilot project in the DPR that will make Russians believe that they complained in vain, and that it could be even worse. Residents of apartment buildings in Donetsk receive bills for heating, despite the fact that there has been no heating in their houses since October. During autumn and winter, they were given heat only for a few days, but they are required to pay for all months. And all the complaints are simply footballed by the authorities. Soon in Russia.
In autumn, the leadership of the northern and Far Eastern regions will have more headaches – the government has already submitted a package of bills on “northern delivery” to the State Duma. For the first time since the Soviet Union, the delivery of goods to the northern regions will be centralized, with a single maritime operator (this fat piece was snatched by Rosatom) and a coordinator in the person of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East. In 2022, 34.1 million tons of cargo was transported along the Northern Sea Route, and in 2023 it is planned to deliver 2 million tons more. On the one hand, such an approach to “northern delivery” has long been expected – since 1991, the regions themselves have been responsible for providing their residents and enterprises with everything they need. There was no unified system for planning, accounting and delivery of vital cargo to the North, as well as a unified system of financing. And for the provision of residents of distant villages, commercial structures were completely responsible, which formed their cargo flows based on demand and incoming applications. A couple of years ago, Deputy Prime Minister Yury Trutnev and head of the Ministry of Transport Vitaly Savelyev began to lobby for the topic. True, they saw Sovcomflot as a single operator, but Sergei Kiriyenko’s Rosatom outran them. The problem is that there is no transitional period to the new system of imports, and the law on “northern imports” should come into force in September. But, for example, the development of the FSIS monitoring “Northern Delivery” is planned to be completed only in 2026. Most likely, the FSIS will be created by a single maritime logistics operator – the Directorate of the Northern Sea Route of Rosatom. Previously, such accounting was carried out by the structure of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East – FANU “Vostokgosplan”. Rosatom has already presented a project for a single digital ecosystem of the Northern Sea Route with drones, satellite sensors and other complex infrastructure. FSIS should become the cornerstone of a new centralized system of northern delivery, but it does not yet physically exist. And when it will appear – it is not known (despite the stated deadlines, which no one observes in our country). The authorities will have to completely restructure the entire financing structure of the “Northern Delivery”, including federal subsidies and soft loans to regions and municipalities to support infrastructure facilities, delivery and other expenses. To replace commercial loans to legal entities for the purchase of life support goods, the regions should be allocated federal budget loans, and annually. But for this it is necessary to thoroughly change numerous normative documents. It is not clear how the supply of polar explorers will go. For example, the same Roshydromet has its own fleet and its own logistics. To establish work with the new operator, it will be necessary to switch the entire structure of supply and financial flows to it, and in less than a year. So the regions this year will most likely incur double expenses – for the introduction of a new import system “from the wheels”, and for supporting their own regional programs, on which the survival of their population literally depends. We feel that we will not end up with scandals this fall.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that it is developing new measures to support demand for Russian cars – in addition to preferential car loans and leasing. “We are also looking at other additional mechanisms in terms of stimulating demand … We have two or three more options, with proposals we will come up with mechanisms to stimulate demand,” Deputy Minister Albert Karimov said at parliamentary hearings in the Federation Council. Such statements seem to be caused by the fact that sales of the main automotive brand of the Russian Federation – AvtoVAZ – fell by 46% in 2022. Now this recumbent fighter needs to be lifted off the floor somehow. In general, if we talk about supporting demand in general, the Ministry of Industry and Trade should first revise the terms of its preferential car loan program. Because Chinese cars do not fall under the program due to the low level of localization (it is near zero, cars from China are brought already assembled, perhaps without wheels). And now there are no other cars, except for Russian ones, on the market. Well, there are not many people who want to buy a brand new “Lada” without a machine gun and airbags. Another thing that comes to mind after Karimov’s words about “two or three options for stimulating demand” for some reason is a ban on driving a car, which customs is already trying to introduce manually. If people block the secondary market, which is now outperforming salons, then maybe AvtoVAZ’s sales will grow. But it is not exactly.
The Russian military continues to gnaw at each other. And the conflicts are not only between the Ministry of Defense and the Kadyrovites / Wagnerites, but also between the generals inside the RF Ministry of Defense. Now the victim is General Alexander Matovnikov, who not so long ago worked as the presidential envoy in the Caucasus, and now serves as deputy commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces. A video was leaked to the Network where General Matovnikov, the hero of the Russian Federation, dances a striptease. They also blame him for the failure of the attack on the Machulishchi airfield, where an expensive military aircraft was damaged, and frankly hint at his resignation. The reason for the general’s leak may be his closeness to Ramzan Kadyrov and Alexei Dyumin, whom Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu perceives as a competitor claiming his place. Matovnikov was also praised in Yevgeny Prigozhin’s channels, along with Surovikin and Dyumin. So the general’s nudes were most likely leaked by his own colleagues.
Foreign “Raffeisenbank” because of the war and sanctions has become almost a “backbone” bank for Russia. 40-50% of all payments between Russia and other countries pass through it. While the majority of Russian banks are sitting under tight sanctions and disconnected from international financial systems, Raffeisenbank is pulling all the calculations on itself. This has already led to the fact that its profit in Russia and Belarus in 2022 grew 4 times compared to 2021 – up to 2.2 billion euros. There are also downsides to this situation – the United States is carefully looking at the bank and the US Treasury is already looking for something to bend Raffeisenbank for by cutting off one of the last financial channels of communication with the outside world for the Russians. Well, inside the Russian Federation they are also eyeing such a valuable asset, but with other goals. #Digital Day by @oreshkins
Prigozhin tries on the skin of an oppositionist – this is when you complain everywhere, sometimes even on business, but no one listens to you. Now “Cook” is complaining about the Kovalchuks and their structures, before that about Shoigu and Gerasimov, and even earlier about Beglov. And always with the same result – no results. It’s ironic how the owner of the troll factory is now being trolled by those he has served for so many years.
In addition to daily useful content, we also want to recommend you several channels that we subscribe to and read daily ourselves, it’s hard to tear your attention away from their feed, the content is really useful: Lawyer Yulia Budko – you want to learn about legal secrets that less than 15% of the Russian population know about ? Then subscribe to the channel, where you will also learn everything about receiving an inheritance, dividing property, acquiring real estate and solving problems in business Raging World – This is a raging world of events near you. Every day, videos from this channel are stolen by federal media fact-checkers. Be the first to watch PZDC – a channel that officials, deputies, oligarchs and security officials dream of blocking – up to Chemezov, Volodin, Usmanov and Shoigu. Here they are not afraid to call a spade a spade and with humor they bring to light the wildest fakups of the authorities and the Russian “elite”. Where the next PZDC will strike, where undercover games will lead and how to protect yourself from crazy government decisions – about this and much more on the PZDC channel. Smile, pleasant voice, confident gestures. Madame Secretary is always in the thick of things and carefully writes down all the most important things. “Version” is only verified compromising evidence. What is not an article is the case for another corrupt official. Stay up to date with the top investigative publications. The texts are tough and informative – something that the security forces respect. The inflation shock is a channel that views the Ukrainian conflict from a strictly economic point of view. How much longer will the Ukrainian economy last? How will the Russian Federation get on a war footing? How will all this affect inflation and the ruble exchange rate?
#NonsenseLearned Training on cats. The UAE authorities reacted negatively to the inclusion of MTS Bank in the US sanctions list. But, as #Nebrehnya found out, they tried to capitalize on it. MTS Bank kept a branch in Abu Dhabi. The Central Bank of the Emirates announced that it controlled the organization’s transactions that exceeded the threshold, due to the specific “circumstances that Russia is going through.” Only now the Emirates have received a testing ground for finding models for circumventing sanctions in the Persian Gulf countries. Even if the UAE banks are forced to abandon direct cooperation with MTS, it will not come to naught completely. The fact is that the Middle Eastern countries are waiting for a much more global confrontation than the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. States are preparing to survive in a cold (or not so) war between China and the United States. This conflict can really rock the global financial system. In addition, the Persian countries will have to defend their own financial system from both Washington and Beijing. And now is the best time for such tests. From a purely applied point of view, this means that MTS, if it leaves the Emirates, is not far away. @nebrexnya
The main thing of the day #how was it???? “Special operation” in the other direction. Ukrainian troops have concentrated forces near the border with Moldova. It is possible for troops to enter Transnistria under the pretext of a Russian military provocation. ???? Youth PMC. In Russia and Ukraine, a new youth subculture has rapidly gained popularity, whose representatives call themselves PMC “Redan”. The Russian authorities reacted to this out of habit – with detentions. ???????????????? Well, for the demographics! Deputies of the State Duma of a country at war, where the population has been continuously declining for decades, have found a way to turn the tide. And they introduced a bill to ban childfree propaganda among children. Now everyone will run to give birth (to Argentina). ???? Own IKEA. A “Belarusian IKEA” will be opened in Moscow – these will be Swed House stores with Chinese products. This is import substitution. ???? The era is gone. Political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky died after a serious illness. He was one of those who brought Putin to power. @oreshkins
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