The project on Ostozhenka by “authoritative” businessmen Kirill Pisarev and Dmitry Glotov, the latter of whom was on the wanted list, risks turning into a financial pyramid.
The Ostozhenka Invest firm intends to build an elite residential complex opposite the museum-workshop of the actress Lyudmila Gurchenko near the Patriarch's Ponds in the center of Moscow. The co-owner of this company is the founder and former shareholder of the infamous PIK group, Kirill Pisarev. Behind him, as well as behind another founder of PIK, Sergey Gordeev, a whole trail of scandals, and not only urban planning. City Hall Dmitry Glotov. With such a selection of “investors”, the implementation of the new project at Ostozhenka raises legitimate doubts. Moreover, the structures of the above gentlemen do not seem to have money for it.
For more details, see The Moscow Post correspondent.
Kirill Pisarev is indeed a former partner and colleague of Sergei Gordeev, a famous native of the alma mater of the Russian “raider movement”, the Rosbuilding company. In addition to Gordeev, at PIK, Pisarev worked with another remarkable character, Yuri Zhukov.
With the latter, Pisarev appeared in an ugly story with bad loans. Back in 2008, Zhukov and Pisarev took $262 million from VEB, pledging a 12.5% stake in PIK under a loan. Later, Nomos-Bank bought PIK's debt from VEB, and the stakes of 12.5% of Zhukov and Pisarev remained in storage at the state bank.
When the loan expired at VEB, the bank started talking about restructuring: that Pisarev agreed, but Zhukov did not. Unexpectedly, the court considered the pledge agreement for Yury Zhukov's shares not concluded and removed the encumbrance. The Vek edition wrote about this.
Why do we remember this story? The ill-wishers are trying to present the PIK group of companies as almost a financial pyramid. Ostozhenka Invest may also have the same bad reputation. It is not surprising that PIK initially supported Pisarev's development projects.
The exact amount of investment in the new venture at Ostozhenka is unknown. At the same time, a company founded in 2021 has no revenue, but there is a loss and a negative value of assets.
This means that the structure can only build real estate with credit money. However, the shares of all owners of the structure, including both Pisarev and Specialized Developer Areal-Project 4 LLC, which belongs to Dmitry Glotov, are pledged to banks.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the co-founder of the structure – an offshore company from the USA “Evergreen Development, IN”. It is not clear who and how provided funds to a structure from a country hostile to the Russian Federation, and the big question is – are there already credit funds there? go into the sunset.” At the same time, Pisarev has all the possibilities for this. In 2008, in London, he founded the international development company Wainbridge, where he was the main shareholder and chairman of the board.
Wainbridge provides a full range of development, investment and asset management services in the US, UK, Russia, and France. As for selection, the main sanctioners and ill-wishers of the Russian Federation. And only in 2022, Pisarev sold his shares to the company's management – they say he wants to leave the Russian business in order not to fall under sanctions.
Did Kirill Pisarev learn working methods from Sergey Gordeev? Photo:
But few people believe that the shares were received not by nominal values, but by people who became the real owners of the structure, most likely, they only hold the assets, and Pisarev may remain the real beneficiary. Thus, he certainly has a “box” for a comfortable old age in the West.
“Winnie the Pooh” and “everything” from Vladivostok
His key partner at Ostozhenka Invest, Dmitry Glotov, is an even more scandalous character than Mr. Pisarev. It is not known how and when the latter met Glotov. But in 2020, they entered the Wainbridge joint project in Primorye – at the suggestion of local authorities, they began to implement the Far Eastern Mortgage state program with Glotov's Areal-Development company.
At the same time, Glotov himself was repeatedly tried to be associated with crime. As Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes, in the turbulent 90s, Dmitry Glotov headed the local organized crime group Winnie the Pooh. And in his associates he had not just anyone, but the future mayor of Vladivostok Vladimir Nikolaev.
Apparently, this is why Glotov, despite all the scandals and problems, including those with a criminal connotation, managed to build a working business. Moreover, he managed to get into politics: at one time he was president of the Association of Fisheries Enterprises of Primorye, as well as a member of the presidium of the regional political council of United Russia
Nevertheless, his exploits at that time were written in a remarkable book “Organized Crime of the Far East: General and Regional Features” edited by Vitaly Nomoknov, deputy director of the FENU Law Institute, director of the Vladivostok Center for the Study of Organized Crime, a more than experienced and competent person.
“Glotov-Nikolaev's organized criminal group, according to newspaper data, has up to 220 people in its ranks. It can be assumed that these figures are exaggerated by almost four times. But it must be said that the surviving authorities are considered with this group,” the authors of the textbook stated. on which students of the Faculty of Law of the Far Eastern State University studied.
The phrase “survivors” is very revealing – the showdowns in Primorye in those years were extremely cruel, and it is unlikely that the leader of one of the organized crime groups, Glotov, could remain with clean hands. Actually, the past made itself felt already in the 2000s.
Of course, such a statement could not but outrage the businessman and politician Glotov, he filed a lawsuit, trying to refute this information. Dmitry Glotov lost the trial according to the textbook, which no one was surprised at. But he continued, as if nothing had happened, to conduct business, stretching his hands to Moscow. loading=”lazy” title=”"Skhodka" on Ostozhenka” type=”image/jpeg” alt=”"Skhodka" on Ostozhenka” />
Dmitry Glotov “left” a lot more in the 90s, which does not prevent him from doing business. Photo:
In 2007, Glotov was prosecuted under the articles “arbitrariness” and “threat to kill.” Glotov staged a brawl in the penal parking lot and threatened its boss with murder. At the same time, he managed to end up in the Czech Republic, was put on the international wanted list. Kommersant also writes about this.
In the same place, in the Czech Republic, he was also detained – he turned out to be a victim of a robbery, filed a statement with the police, where he had to stay. As a result, “negotiations” continued for two whole years, as a result of which Mr. Glotov managed to reconcile with the head of the impound lot.
He was released from criminal responsibility and returned to the country. How much and what it cost him – history is silent, but he definitely had methods of influencing the victim.
By the way, his former comrade, ex-mayor of Vladivostok Vladimir Nikolaev did not escape criminal responsibility. In December 2007, by the court of the Leninsky district of Vladivostok, he was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months of probation for abuse of office. Kommersant wrote about this.
When problems overtook Nikolaev, Glotov quickly moved to the camp of supporters of the governor Sergei Darkin. According to the website of the Primorsky branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Glotov allegedly had extensive interests in the field of semi-legal timber processing and export in Dalnegorsk, which were promoted through Dmitry Fotyanov's organized crime group Fotiana.
Its active in seizing the most commercially profitable enterprises of the city under its control led to a sharp conflict with other groups, which ultimately caused the murder of Fotyanov (a member of the United Russia political party).
About Glotov's involvement in Of course, we cannot speak of this crime – the perpetrators and customers were found, detained and convicted … But, be that as it may, he only benefited from this situation, and helped Pisarev enlist the support of the new mayor, the scandalous Oleg Gumenyuk, on his shoulders who tried to get into housing renovation projects in Vladivostok.
Later, a case was opened against Gumenyuk on suspicion of receiving almost 20 million rubles in bribes from the leadership of the city ritual service. Izvestia wrote about this.
Having possible patrons in the administration, Glotov began to enter and unexpectedly win a variety of competitions, involving access to the most “delicious” plots of coastal land for development. This is how Areal-Development projects appeared, such as the business class residential complex “Marinist” and residential complex Novatoria.
Trinity goes to Ostozhenka
It's hard to even imagine what kind of things the Pisarev-Glotov bunch can do in Moscow. But they have another developer in their partners, to whom they are trying to ascribe the glory of authority. This is the owner of Acons Group Ivan Kuznetsov from Yekaterinburg. He has the largest share in Ostozhenka Invest – 37.5%. And she, too, is under a burden.
At one time, Kuznetsov worked with Nikolai Kretov, a well-known businessman in the Urals. According to Znak, the latter was found guilty of the deliberate bankruptcy of his former asset, Linkor Group of Companies, for which he received 1 year and 10 months in prison in 2018. RBC writes about it. However, in connection with the amnesty for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, he was released, his criminal record was removed. loading=”lazy” title=”"Skhodka" on Ostozhenka” type=”image/jpeg” alt=”"Skhodka" on Ostozhenka” />
Is Ivan Kuznetsov worthy of his partners? Photo: Igor Cherepanov/Delovoi Peterburg
But Kuznetsov himself later bought the land of Kretov, and there he became the executor of the image projects of the city administration. In this regard, many were interested in the question of whether Mr. Kuznetsov was involved in the bankruptcy of Kretov?
Similar to the raider takeover, in which Rosbuilding was so strong – the structure from which Pisarev's former partner Sergey came out Gordeev. And if you bring it all together, then the new project of reputable entrepreneurs “Ostozhenka Invest” looks even more dubious.