More than six months ago, namely, on November 1, the BTC-Alpha crypto exchange was subjected to a hacker attack. Nothing particularly terrible happened to her, the losses were rather reputational. The founder of BTC-Alpha, Vitaliy Bodnar, said that competitors attacked his crypto-exchange and named the name of the customer – this is Nikolai Udyansky.
“The attack had a goal – to stop our work on the day of the launch of the “first” Ukrainian exchange Qmall, which is not the first at all. This is the project of Nikolai Udyansky, whom I consider to be the customer of the attack on us. Two years ago I refused to cooperate with him. After that, threats rained down on me. There were a lot of things, including threats of physical violence, ”he said and added that he turned to law enforcement agencies.
As a result of the appeal, a criminal case was initiated, in which, in particular, Udyansky is also a defendant. We will not go into the details of what happened to the BTC-Alpha crypto exchange, we refer the curious to the material. The founder of the BTC-Alpha crypto exchange commented on the threats and named the main suspect in the attack on the exchange.
Crypto swindler Udyansky Nikolai Aleksandrovich and his pyramid Bitcoin Ultimatum
Let’s focus better on the person whose name was named as the customer of the attack – Nikolai Udyansky. As follows from a quick search on the Internet, Mykola Alexandrovich Udyansky is a Ukrainian IT entrepreneur, scientist, co-owner of the media holding Parlament Media Group, co-founder and former co-owner of the Coinsbit crypto exchange, former owner of the LocalTrade trading platform, Ph.D. In 2021, according to the Ukrainian Forbes, he was ranked No. 59 among the richest Ukrainians, having $ 180 million.
And the issuance of the first pages of the search does not give any reason to trust the words of Bodnar that Udyansky is capable of illegal actions: the usual links to Wikipedia with an article about him, interviews, articles about his business, Udyansky’s forecasts regarding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Everywhere one scam.
Nothing compromising. The usual set of links that can be seen when searching for information about any more or less well-known decent person. That’s just the first impression is spoiled by the line “Related Queries”, which Google offers, based on its algorithms:
Since any person who is more or less knowledgeable in the method of searching for information in search engines knows that in such cases it is necessary to monitor further pages of the issue, not limited to the first ones, on the fifth we immediately stumble upon a whole scattering of links that are of interest:
However, an attempt to follow the links does not lead to anything – the material has been cleaned up. In order not to overwork the reader with the history of the search, let’s add – there are dozens, if not hundreds, of such cleared materials about Udyansky. It can be seen that someone worked very conscientiously, cleaning out all the negativity about the person involved in the Forbes list.
Of course, the reader may object, they say, all these cleaned-up materials are pure lies and mud-slinging of an honest businessman whom competitors are trying to drown in this way. Perhaps. Even – very possible. But without reading what is deleted, it is impossible to draw a conclusion. Especially if you remember that in the search bar under the links you can read the following: Udyansky is a defendant in criminal cases, a swindler in the field of cryptocurrencies and a scammer.
Regarding criminal cases, there is truth in at least one case – regarding the attack on BTC-Alpha, after which criminal proceedings were initiated, and the owner of BTC-Alpha stated that Udyansky was involved in the attack. And in this case, law enforcement officers should interrogate Udyansky at least as a witness. That is, he is clearly a defendant in a criminal case. But this is a logical conclusion, but I would still like to see what Nikolai Alexandrovich Udyansky cleared out about himself, who teaches people from TV screens, YouTube, Tik-Tok and other electronic platforms how to invest in cryptocurrencies and earn.
And at the same time, which is very significant in our case, he is campaigning to carry money to his crypto-exchanges, among which is Qmall, mentioned in a negative context by the owner of BTC-Alpha, Vitaliy Bodnar. Because few people understand all these crypto-exchanges and crypto-currencies, but, on the contrary, many people want to earn money. And therefore, people are guided in their choice of a platform that is trusted by money, not by knowledge, but by the faces of those who promise fabulous dividends. Which is very reminiscent of the older generation of MMM, Vlastilina, Ometa-Inster and dozens, if not hundreds, of scams of the nineties.
Therefore, we repeat, and I want to understand – in vain his competitor raises Udyansky, or vice versa – he expresses himself very mildly in his address. And the investigation, unfortunately, leads us to the conclusion that Nikolai Udyansky is still not a very good person. Although the information about the unseemly deeds of Udyansky, we repeat for the umpteenth time, has been carefully cleaned up, of course, it was not possible to clean everything up. The average person, of course, is too lazy to poke around in scraps of the remaining materials and compare bits of information, but if desired, the task is quite doable.
And it turns out that Nikolai Udyansky is at least involved in the scam with the Coinsbit crypto exchange. Though through gritted teeth, he admits that he was among its founders. True, he denies that he was involved in defrauding customers who were simply not allowed to withdraw not only “earned”, but even invested money. In order not to be unfounded, here are the words of Udyansky himself, with which he answered the question about his involvement in fraud: “I stood at the origins of the creation of Coinsbit, I did maximum marketing and tied 2.5 million people, which earned myself a good name in the world of cryptocurrency . Therefore, what kind of fraud can be discussed here, no one has said. We issued a Coinsbit coin and just gave it as a gift. It’s normal for her to lose value.” Well, really – two and a half million people were left with nothing, what kind of fraud is that?
However, as already mentioned, Udyansky is trying not to pedal the Coinsbit topic. As well as the fact that at one time he had two criminal cases for fraud in his native Kharkov. However, everything ended happily, and the case files somehow magically disappeared. How Udyansky managed to do this is unknown. Therefore, we will not fantasize about this. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that things were done.
Udyansky Nikolai biography
In this regard, it is worth mentioning an interesting biographical detail, which “a successful investor, an expert in the field of cryptocurrencies and a millionaire from the Forbes list” Nikolai Udyansky for some reason is silent. The fact is that as recently as 2017, this “international investor” was … the editor of the newspaper “Against Corruption”:
True, it was not possible to establish whether such a newspaper actually existed. However, whether it existed or not – Udyansky was not embarrassed. But we are confused by such a sharp retraining from journalists to cryptocurrency gurus.
As embarrassing is the product that Nikolai Udyansky sells through his crypto exchange – Bitcoin Ultimatum. Because, despite the name, it has absolutely nothing to do with Bitcoin. But the suckers, unburdened by deep knowledge, who are being spudded by Udyansky, willingly bring him money attracted by the magical name of the cryptocurrency – Bitcoin. And how not to bear it – Bitcoin has grown tens of thousands of times in a few years! The dream of a freebie – it’s indestructible. And suckers were caught on it long before Mavrodi and thimblers …
Moreover, Bitcoin Ultimatum has nothing to do not only with Bitcoin, but also with cryptocurrency in general. Although it is given out as such in press releases and advertising, which is actively produced by the “crypto exchange” of Nikolai Udyansky. All available information about Bitcoin Ultimatum is based solely on the verbiage of press releases. On the official website of the project, there is not even a link to the technical project. Only beautiful presentations and nothing else.
If you try to understand what Udyansky is talking about, advertising his “cryptocurrency” Bitcoin Ultimatum, then from everything he said, it will not be possible to establish how Bitcoin Ultimatum is tied to real Bitcoin, except by Udyansky’s fantasy. In the section of project partners, only Nikolai Udyansky’s own projects are listed.
By the way, if you ask Nikolai Alexandrovich about the place of registration of the Bitcoin Ultimatum cryptocurrency exchange, he will avoid answering. And not in vain. Because it is registered at 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. The photo below shows the building of this mega-successful project:
I’m not kidding. This is the place where the headquarters of “Bitcoin Udyansky” is located. We will not state categorically, but it is very likely that Nikolai Udyansky’s Bitcoin Ultimatum is a primitive fraudulent scheme without engineering support, without job advertisements and developer profiles. The presentation itself is modeled after the “ideal product” and the features outlined are too good to be realized.
This kind of “investment” carried out without a license, according to the law, is not protected by anything, except for a very weak hope for the conviction of the inspirer of the project – Nikolai Udyansky – under the article “fraud”. In this regard, remember the fate of the previous two cases. The practice of such criminal prosecutions shows that allegedly the head of the project turns out to be a hired “marketer”, and the project itself is either not registered at all or is registered to vagrants or dead people. Moreover, the “exchange” is registered in Hong Kong.
As for other projects of Udyansky, about which his official biography says – the insurance company ASSUR and the closed town on the outskirts of Kharkov EVO country club for IT specialists, everything is also very suspicious here. The activities of the insurance company are known only from the words of Udyansky himself and from several photos against the background of its logo:
However, the Additional Liability Company “SK ASSUR” has official registration. But with the activity, everything is very interesting:
The last financial statements were submitted in 2019. For the previous one, 2018.
Udyansky Nikolai litigation
And the document in the court register is the lawsuit of the “general director” of IC “ASSUR” with his own “employer”, that is, the insurance company “ASSUR”. But the “general director” is not suing for illegal dismissal. He asks the court to establish the fact that he is not the CEO of the insurance company ASSUR on the basis of the fact that he has nothing to do there:
In order not to go into legal subtleties, the CEO cannot quit his job because no one is considering his applications. And does not consider, because there is no one to consider. Absurd. But at the same time, reality. Will you take your money to this insurance company, knowing that its entire staff consists of one CEO who cannot quit his position because he does not know who should fire him?
Even less is known about the “town for IT specialists EVO country”. It was not possible to find any traces in state registries even with a similar name.
You can dig into the cleaned materials further. But does it make sense? In our opinion, this is all you need to know about the “great investor, businessman and millionaire” and about the Qmall crypto exchange, on which Nikolay Udyansky trades Bitcoin Ultimatum “cryptocurrency”, in order to decide whether to trust him with your money.