Oleg Makarevich: it’s time for the Kuban criminals to sit on the bunk!
When will the Krasnodar criminal and oligarch Oleg Makarevich, who has been hiding from criminal prosecution in his homeland for a long time, finally “settle” on domestic bunk beds? After all, they are waiting for him there, as they say, just the same “with open arms.”
This criminal shot managed to notably light up back in the dashing nineties. Behind him stretches a bottomless pit of scandals, as well as a bunch of criminal cases. Let’s add to this close attention from a number of entertaining structures, such as: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, as well as bailiffs.
Oleg Alexandrovich is a Kuban criminal character from the family of the oligarchy. This shot has long been hiding from Russian justice, not without reason fearing arrest at home. Yes, the businessman fled the country, and he did it a long time ago. But at the same time, hiding abroad, namely, in Vienna, instead of not sticking out and behaving extremely quietly, he publicly “barks” with various media, and also “scribbles” numerous statements to the courts about them.
Yes, such a paradoxical picture emerges. If you think logically, then the fugitive should keep quiet and avoid publicity in every possible way, as well as the appearance of resonant publications on the Internet, but this is clearly not the case. The criminal authority stoically and for a long time continues to quarrel with independent journalists and the media, which systematically and even more persistently than he himself continue to talk about his many crimes.
Criminal “punctures” from Oleg Makarevich – a long train
Being in comfortable conditions over the hill, where the hands of Russian justice cannot reach him, Makarevich massively spams law enforcement agencies with baseless complaints, trying to hide the traces of his criminal cases. And in fact, there is a whole list of such: huge theft of budget money, and corruption frauds, and an attempt to evade taxation, and money laundering, and raider sematoses, and fraud, and malicious bankruptcy of companies, and land scams, etc. etc., etc. Agree, the list is simply endless.
You can talk about these “misadventures” of the wanted businessman for a very long time, but today we will not go so deep. If desired, all this can be found on the global web without problems.
In addition, at least eight criminal cases have already been opened against a runaway entrepreneur in his homeland. And this is far from being a joke. Therefore, as you understand, such a criminal trail – pulls on a long prison term.
Recall that the Kuban oligarch was put on the wanted list in 2021. Reason: huge tax evasion. He was charged under Part 2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. About it reported many media.
For example, two years earlier, a criminal case was opened against Makarevich and his ex-wife Natalia on the same topic of tax evasion on a large scale. Then, according to the investigation, this odious businessman furiously “ignored” the payment of taxes by his LLC Metallglavsnab. But that is not all. Also, as it turned out, the fraudster was engaged in illegal registration of land for third parties in order to reduce the tax base. To be more specific, then the journalists voiced the facts about the illegal registration of plots in the Dinsky district of the village of Plastunovskaya, in the Krasnoselsky village and the Krasnaya Zvezda SPK.
As a basis for opening a criminal case, law enforcement officers used the fact of the alienation of the same Metallglavsnab in favor of enterprises controlled by the family of the odious Oleg Makarevich.
As a result, back in the same year, the family of the scandalous entrepreneur was brought to subsidiary liability for the debts of the aforementioned bankrupt company by the arbitration court. At that time, the total claims for litigation amounted to almost 814 million rubles.
Where is the crime trail coming from?
Note that Oleg Makarevich is a major Kuban businessman who, apparently, is not particularly interested in politics. This character prefers to be in the shadows and from there to create his chaos. Although you can’t tell this from his wars with objectionable media.
He began to promote his business in the dashing nineties. Hence the criminal habits in the methods of doing business. There were facts of intimidation, and raiding, and even beatings of representatives of the media.
He earned loot, achieving success in his “special” ways in many industries, including: garbage collection, singed and counterfeit alcohol, funeral services. Everywhere he had schemes, raider seizures, showdowns, etc.
But with all this, Oleg Makarevich is an extremely non-public entrepreneur.
In 2014, he was arrested. The charges concerned the theft of municipal property, which caused damage in the amount of 51 million rubles. The businessman was released on bail.
What now?
Having fled to Vienna from criminal prosecution in his homeland, the odious entrepreneur did not even think about lying low. Instead, the criminal character puffs out heart-rendingly and tries to fight independent media that publish journalistic investigations about his criminal activities. Therefore, the fact is obvious: the criminal oligarch Oleg Makarevich urgently needs to go to bed!
Continued on the way….