Money or astronomical “pod” for Vorobyov and Savelyev
The ski resort could be used to withdraw state funds and money from Bank Saint Petersburg. It is possible that after the completion of the “mission”, they decided to bankrupt the company-owner of the complex, and build up the complex with real estate of the Samolet Group of Companies, close to the family of the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov.
As it became known from the documents received by The Moscow Post, the management of the largest ski resort in Europe,
A) created a fictitious debt with the head company “”;
B) could withdraw borrowed funds from Bank Saint Petersburg.
The correspondent dealt with the matter The Moscow Post in outskirts of Moscow.
Before we dwell on this story in more detail, we recall that the ski resort in the center of “Moscow” was built more than a decade ago. Russian sports stars were also involved in it, thousands of people visited the complex every day, and it was considered the largest in Europe.
All this was true until that wonderful moment when was supposedly closed for reconstruction. It happened in 2020, since then almost no information about what is happening behind the walls of the giant complex has appeared. No one names the timing of the work, what exactly is being repaired – they do not specify. Official sources are vague about the fact that has not been repaired since its inception, so, they say, the time has come. We covered this story in detail.
But this wording does not tire of the numerous former users of the complex. Many of them suspect that it is going to be demolished. On the website, people even published a petition “Don’t let SNOW.COM be demolished!”. Almost 30,000 people have already signed it. The rationale for the widespread opinion about the future unenviable fate of the complex is also the fact that the company that owns is currently in the process of bankruptcy.
Above the “Snowball” circles “Airplane”
Surprising in this situation is the silence of the authorities and the heads of the company that owns the complex – “Snezhnaya Gorka”. But, as the correspondent of The Moscow Post managed to find out, the matter may be in a banal collusion with the authorities.
The Real Estate-Inside Telegram channel even allegedly published a project for the future development of the resort area, in which the Airplane group was supposed to take part. The latter is associated with the interests of Andrey Vorobyov, the Moscow region governor. After all, his brother Maxim Vorobyov has a share in the structure of the company. It’s not just that “Airplane” is also the largest developer in the Moscow region.

By the way, in an interview with The Facts YouTube channel, businessman Ilgar Gadzhiev said that Maxim Vorobyov allegedly not only participates in the construction business on behalf of his high-ranking relative, but also collects bribes from businessmen. A sickly family contract turns out.
Solid officials
But back to In the course of a previous investigation, we found out that among the founders of Snezhnaya Gorka there was a native of Spetstrans 47, a waste management operator: judging by the number of its government contracts, a company in good standing in Smolny’s offices. Including one of the ex-owners of the company, Sergei Yakovlev, may be close to the head of Bank Saint Petersburg, Alexander Saveliev, since he owns 50% of Neva Oil LLC, which is building a bitumen terminal in the Big Port of St. Petersburg on a loan from this institution.
He also headed Svyazstroyinvest LLC. The co-owners of the company are the general director of Anex-Finance JSC Mikhail Smirnov. And this structure is considered to be part of the “Bank Saint Petersburg”.
In addition, since the founding of Snezhnaya Gorka, a certain Pavel Matushevsky was the head there – a native of the structure of the same bank: he was the founder of STK LLC, which is controlled by the Nevsky Fourteenth Fund. The management company of the office is BSPB Capital LLC.
Why the financial “holes” of “Snezhnaya Gorka” do not embarrass the government near Moscow
After our investigation, the Editorial Office received new documents, from which it followed that Snezhnaya Gorka did not pay VAT, as a result of which the losses of the budget of the Moscow Region in the form of VAT not received could amount to about 46 million rubles, but this strangely did not bother the government structures.
The company also had no profit, although its revenue usually exceeded a hundred million rubles. It is noteworthy that the company annually almost equalized the revenue with the volume of the so-called “administrative expenses”. What is meant by this set of words is not clear. But obviously not the repayment of accounts payable.
fake debt
And then it’s time to move on to the new documents that our readers sent. So, according to the company’s official financial statements, for the first time, receivables from unknown counterparties to Snezhnaya Gorka in the amount of 933.8 million rubles arose already in the third quarter of 2017. All this was included in the company’s financial statements.
In this and subsequent years, the debt was not paid – neither partially nor in full. And the company’s management did not take visible measures to return it, although it was reflected in the company’s financial statements.
Judging by the official data of the NFS of the Russian Federation, a legal entity (we are talking about Snezhnaya Gorka) formed in 2017 with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles and fixed assets of 353.7 million rubles during the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2017 officially earned and declared the amount of 933.8 million rubles.
That is, for the first few months of 2017, the general director of the enterprise, at that time a citizen Pavel Pavlovich Matushevsky, provided services to counterparties and officially reflected in the financial statements to the Federal Tax Service the amount of 933.8 million rubles, which seems unrealistic both from a financial point of view and from the point of view of common sense perspective.

Photo: provided by the reader The Moscow post
As for the most important asset of the company, earned 288.7 million rubles in its best year in terms of revenue (2018). So where did such fabulous sums come from at the very beginning of the company?
This amount of allegedly formed debt of suppliers to Snezhnaya LLC is 8 times higher than the company’s average annual revenue for all the years of the sports complex’s existence.

Photo: provided by the reader The Moscow post
According to our informant, such a significant receivable contains clear signs of fictitiousness and falsification, due also to the fact that the company did not have a real temporary opportunity to provide these services in a short period of time during the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2017. The absence of any information about supposedly indebted counterparties also seems strange.
Where do legs grow from?
But did he need such a collision? It is likely, then, to attract further borrowed funds. If we add up the amount of this alleged debt with the company’s fixed assets in 2017, we get an impressive figure of almost 1.3 billion rubles.

Photo: provided by the reader The Moscow Poste
These total assets were used by Snezhnaya Gorka LLC in 2017 to process and obtain a bank loan resource in the amount of RUB 824.1 million from Bank Saint Petersburg PJSC.
These funds were most likely received for a period of five years with a final repayment date in 2021, since that is when the bank initiated the process of their return.
There is reason to believe that the company’s management used the loan funds for other purposes, since, as follows from the official reporting of Snezhnaya Gorka LLC, neither in 2017, nor in 2018, nor in 2019, nor in 2020, nor in 2021 significant expenses, Corresponding to the total loan amount of rubles, the company did not bear.

Photo: provided by the reader The Moscow post
Questions also arise for the bank, because it is not entirely clear on what legal grounds it could issue a loan in such a size to an organization that is not backed by real commodity stocks, or a comparable amount of real estate, or the size of the authorized capital?
In addition, there are big doubts about the fact that the bank checked the debt of counterparties to Snezhnaya Gorka. After all, by all indications, it is fictitious, and the creditor could hardly fail to notice this.
Based on the foregoing, the question arises: did the management of Bank Saint Petersburg act in collusion with the officials of Snezhnaya Gorka?
Returning to the previous investigation, it is appropriate to recall that, according to Rusprofile, the company’s activities have been unprofitable for more than three years in a row. And this despite the fact that she had borrowed funds, government contracts from institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region and a huge flow of clients. The company’s revenue in 2019 compared to 2018 fell almost three times. And it wasn’t even a pandemic year. Now the organization is at the stage of bankruptcy and, it seems, the funds borrowed from the bank will not be returned.

State contracts “Snezhnaya Gorka”. Photo:
From all the available data, it can follow that the company that owns the largest ski resort could initially be created with the aim of “grinding” borrowed and budgetary funds. And in the future, its bankruptcy and the transfer of the site in the interests of the governor Vorobyov to the Airplane group. In collusion, perhaps, from the very moment of the founding of Snezhnaya Gorka, there are both high-ranking officials from the Moscow region and the owners of Bank Saint Petersburg.
But is the most unique sports ground loved by thousands of people. Taking into account the state policy aimed at developing the health of the population and increasing the level of training activity, the upcoming possible demolition and the whole scheme with the potential withdrawal of money looks as criminal, disrespectful and simply shameless as possible.