MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others “charms” Andrey Ryabinsky

The owner of the MIC company Andrey Ryabinsky could leave Russia, leaving the equity holders without any hope.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others "charms" Andrey Ryabinsky

If so, then it becomes clear why he can safely apply for the Guinness Book of Records for the number of dissatisfied residents in the houses built by his company.

You read the reviews of these unfortunate people and grab your head: where did the mayor of the capital Sergey Sobyanin and his “squires” from the Moscow Government?

Are they really not aware of how many disgruntled citizens remained objects of the Civil Code “MIC”. And who will be responsible for all this?

What are the stories with high-profile scandals related to housing for orphans in Balashikha and complaints from new settlers in residential complexes such as “Southern Bunino”, “Flower meadows”, “Novograd Pavlino” and many others

But, as they say, the dog barks, but the caravan moves on! Today GC “MIC” is already advertising a new construction site with might and main – “chestnut alleys”calmly stepping over their new buildings, in which, as they say in the reviews, everything rattles and falls off.

Muscovites-new settlers have complained more than once that sometimes when entering one of the capital’s new buildings, they are forced to open floors and walls in order to remove imperfections. Some say they go so far as to wait for weeks for repairs to elevators, cursing the unfortunate builders.

But where is this “carte blanche” for a big business? Perhaps Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin wears “pink” glasses through which the houses in which they promised “paradise”, and look heavenly, albeit framed by stalactites of mold and fungus? The correspondent understood the situation The Moscow Post.

LCD scandal “Novograd Pavlino”

In 2019, Mr. Ryabinsky had a scandal with the company” MIC Development”. In addition to the huge number of claims against the company from the clientele regarding the quality of construction: there are cracks in the houses, underground parking “swim” – then it turned out that the company also has problems with documents!

Prosecutors found out that the land on which the residential complex was erected “Novograd Pavlino”was transferred to the developer illegally.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others


What did the builder promise to the buyer? Residential complex “Novograd Pavlino” should become a paradise for those who buy housing here. Cozy, beautiful houses in an ecologically clean place, at arm’s length – and clinics, and schools. It was the builder’s promise. True, in fact, the quarters built by the company “MIC Development”, do not always have even playgrounds. And the residential quarter in Pavlino should not have appeared.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others

Residential complex construction ” Novograd Pavlino”. Photo:

This was stated by the prosecutor’s office of Balashikha, because the transfer of land to Mr. Ryabinsky’s company was indeed illegal.

According to the authors of the site “”a presentation was made to the head of administration.

But the regional town-planning council still approved the construction of the house. How was it possible? The calendar was then 2014, and at that time Balashikha was led by the scandalous mayor Yevgeny Zhirkov, who was suspected of having close ties with local crime.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others

Retired mayor Yevgeny Zhirkov. Photo:

Yevgeny Zhirkov shared, as local journalists wrote, millions of bribes with crime boss Anatoly Petrov, aka Petrukha. In particular, this was stated by the authors of the site “”

But the so-called “gray” schemes Mr. Zhirkov cranked out not only with criminal authorities. From such close cooperation between the administration and the Civil Code” MIC” Ryabinsky, orphans in Balashikha also suffered. They received their apartments not in new buildings, but in old, emergency houses.

But soon Yevgeny Zhirkov all the same thundered in a pre-trial detention center …

Mr. Ryabinsky, apparently, then got off with a slight fright?

Support for Sobyanin?

And, despite the high-profile scandals, GK “MIC” continues to receive building land.

And not so long ago, the developer received a town-planning plan for a land plot at 90 Shosseinaya Street. “MIC” appears as an organization that was asked to check the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation by equity holders of the ZhK “maple alleys”, “Flower meadows”, “Novograd Pavlino” and “Southern Bunino”…

Why don’t Sergei Sobyanin’s officials notice the obvious?

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others


Our colleagues, TV journalists “REN TV” managed to release an investigation about “heavenly” houses with mold from GC “MIC”.

“Fallen tiles, cracks in the walls, flooded basements, damp entrances. This is the same paradise that PR managers of the MIC company offer to move to “Development”- journalists commented on their report “REN TV”.

LCD “Colored glades” erected LLC “Staroselie”. This LLC is owned by GK “MIC” and firm “Reserve”.

Firm “Reserve” – in turn – owned offshore “Trainar Holding”(Cyprus). It is known that those affiliated with MIC “Development” firms in different years had 6 such foreign wallets.

Some liquidated companies associated with Mr. Ryabinsky even received government contracts.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others


Office “MIC” – is that a puff?

But what is surprising: Andrei Ryabinsky is trying to portray himself as a successful developer against the backdrop of high-profile scandals.

Let us explain: many structures of the Civil Code “MIC” Ryabinsky are pledged to banks, and the developer is already planning a new project. He purchased a plot in the village of Serednevo in New Moscow.

LLC became the owner of the land “NW “Serednevo”, which not so long ago was headed by a certain Vladimir Tretyakov. To clarify: Mr. Tretyakov is the head of many structures of the Civil Code “MIC”. The founder of the developer – UK “Serednevo”whose share has been pledged to the bank since October 3, 2021 “Dom.RF”.

In the UK “Serednevo” Vladimir Tretyakov received 9%, so it is not clear why the media represent Ryabinsky as the owner of the site, but Tretyakov’s partners are Anatoly and Vadim Kozeruk, also very scandalous builders.

And now GC “MIC” plans to build over 405,000 sq. m, of which 297,500 sq. m is housing, the rest is infrastructure and commercial real estate.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others


Ryabinsky himself estimates investments at 32 billion rubles, but the company does not have that kind of money, because the GC “MIC” operates on the principle of a building pyramid, pledging assets to banks. And Mr. Ryabinsky could allegedly withdraw money through LLC “SC “Govorovo”, whose loss in 2020 amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. with revenue of 191 million rubles.

Further, until June 2021 Andrey Ryabinsky was the owner of LLC “HB”which received a loss of 275 million rubles in 2020.

In OOO “Specialized developer “MIC-MIC” shares of its co-founders LLC “New technologies” and OOO “Park Capital Group” are pledged to Sberbank.

The company has not made a profit since 2016. In 2019, the loss is 589 million rubles.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others

Unfortunate builder Andrey Ryabinsky. Photo:

And the share of LLC was pledged in Sberbank “New technologies”which was then reloaded several times.

Share of Andrey Ryabinsky and his partner Alexander Kopylkov in OOO “Finstroygroup” is pledged to Promsvyazbank.

It is also interesting that Mr. Ryabinsky “gave birth” several dozen organizations, most of which may simply be ” pacifiers”. After all, in these “pacifiers” no employees. These companies are pledged to banks to receive money.

A prime example here would be “Specialized developer “MIC Stroykapital”. At this office back in August 2021, the tax authorities suspended operations on accounts. The founder of the company – LLC “MIC “Region-1″whose share is pledged to Sovcombank.

Through the labyrinths of the GC structures “MIC” you can travel for a long time: many of them “spawned” several “daughters”that are deposited in banks.

That’s the whole formula “success” billionaire Ryabinsky.

Are there criminal cases?

It looks like they are shining!

In January 2021, criminal case No. 1201450058000061 was initiated against unidentified persons on the fact of theft of inventory items worth 1 million rubles. Application to the Department of Internal Affairs “Kuzminki” wrote a certain Bulgakov A.M. This is a former business partner of Mr. Ryabinsky.

Anton Bulgakov accused Andrei Ryabinsky of extortion and theft. Allegedly, Ryabinsky wanted to gain control over Bulgakov’s assets. This was reported by The Moscow Post.

As a result, Bulgakov ended up in a colony on a fabricated case.

According to Bulgakov, the real estate object belonging to him at 99 Volgogradsky Prospekt was allegedly the object of encroachment.

MITSU mold is not a hindrance, and others

Anton Bulgakov. Photo:

Could Ryabinsky put pressure on Bulgakov to sell the building he owns worth 100 million rubles. for 2.5 million rubles? Isn’t that why a criminal case was initiated?

Move on. GC “MIC” every now and then gets into scandals with the failure of the deadlines for the delivery of housing and the poor quality of construction. Yes, in LCD “South Butovo”, a layer of paint has come off in one of the houses. The situation is similar in the LCD. “Novograd Pavlino” in Balashikha. People complain that it is impossible to live in apartments because of damp walls.

Here are some comments from the site “feedback” about GC “MIC” and quality of construction.

“Construction company “MIC Development”. Throwing clients.

May 04, 2022

I wanted to buy an apartment in Pavlino from the company, my neighbor was the first to want to buy. I paid 25,000 rubles for the reservation, but as it turned out, the house, which was allegedly put into operation, is under arrest! And now my neighbor cannot buy an apartment, there are litigations going on … The money for the reservation will have to be returned through the court. I called and asked if they were ready to give out the keys, after the transaction, within 2 weeks. They said they are ready. And, of course, they didn’t say that the houses were under arrest.”.

“GC “MIC” They are rude, deceive and scam their customers.


In January 2021, we decided to book a storage room in building 17 of the LCD “Novograd Pavlino”. The house was still under construction and it was impossible to view the pantry. In the same month, we … signed a DDU for the pantry and informed that we would not pay for an additional service for registering a DDU in Rosreestr, because, according to the law, we would apply for registration on our own. Sales Manager …”Novograd Pavlino” in a boorish manner refused to independently submit documents for registration. And they terminated the kindergarten without returning the money for the reservation … Do not buy anything from these scammers, houses freeze through, there is mold on the walls, there are numerous courts, there is not much infrastructure, you can’t get into kindergartens, in schools there are 40 people in a class”.

“Construction company “MIC Development” – I regretted contacting!


In August 2017 I bought an apartment with finishing in a residential complex “Novograd Pavlino”, with delivery overdue by almost 8 months, I had to sue for compensation of the penalty. But this is not so bad, I have already regretted a million times that I took an apartment with decoration. The quality of the finish is so disgusting (700 thousand rubles) that you will have to invest twice as much for dismantling … I strongly do not recommend this developer”.

And now, for almost 3 years, courts have been going on in the complex in Govorovo, in the ZhK “Green alleys” in the town of Vidnoe.

A development company has once again received a bankruptcy petition “Construction complex “Govorovo”which is included in the GC “MIC”. Over the past 2 years, this is the seventh bankruptcy process. In general, 7 troubles, but not a single answer!

I would like to hope that the investigating authorities will finally be interested not only in “heavenly mold” in residential buildings “MIC”but also the multifaceted personality of Mr. Ryabinsky.

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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