The Dulisma oil company, which was previously associated with the banker Alexei Khotin, was captured by unknown masked soldiers who landed on the Irkutsk site of the enterprise from a helicopter. Earlier, according to a similar scheme, they worked on Kayum-neft from the same division. Law enforcement agencies say that the arrival of armed persons is the execution of a court decision, and on Dulisma itself “- the redistribution of rights between the two owners. Behind the seizure in the style of the dashing 90s may be the ultimate owners of NZNP Trade, which was previously part of the South of Russia group of Sergei Kislov, including Natalia Lavrenyuk, the namesake of the common-law wife of Taras Kozak, a people’s deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, close to Viktor Medvedchuk. The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.
Today Khotin is a defendant in the case of embezzlement of 23 billion rubles by the top management of Ugra Bank. In addition, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation collects 169.4 billion rubles of damage from the activities of the Rus-Oil group of companies, which includes Dulisma, associated with the ex-banker. We are also talking about the circulation of Rus-Oil shares to the income of the Russian Federation for tax fraud.
Dulisma, which owns an oil and gas condensate field in the Angara region, is in bankruptcy proceedings. Alexander Zolotukhin has been appointed manager. It was his eyewitnesses who saw in the company with unknown persons in masks, and the director of the oil company Sergei Savelyev in his statement clarified that it was he who was handed over the property of the oil company for safekeeping in early September. An important nuance: at the request of the same Zolotukhin, the court still at the end of July 2023, the court forbade the management of Dulisma, without Zolotukhin’s written consent, to submit applications for the transportation of oil through the Transneft pipeline system. The management of the oil company tried to challenge these measures, but unsuccessfully. By the way, Transneft has also expressed its dissatisfaction, deciding to punish Dulisma with a fine of 270 million rubles.
That is, there is a conflict between the current director Savelyev (appointed in June 2023, previously led and owned companies in the field of real estate, vehicle maintenance) and the interim manager Zolotukhin, since, apparently, they are in the interests of clearly different parties.
Who is whose “player”?
An interesting fact: earlier Zolotukhin was the owner of Mosrestoranglavk LLC, which today went to winemaker Valery Zakharyin. As reported by the publication “Ko,” the latter may be the face value of billionaire Yuri Kovalchuk. In addition, Zolotukhin, together with Technok LLC, owns the Transk company. In turn, Technocom is owned by Alexei Posashkov, who is the acting bankruptcy trustee of Kayum Neft JSC.
By the way, already on September 14, Zolotukhin in court demanded new interim measures for Dulisma, in fact, he tried to tie up the uninterrupted operation of the oil company. Everything would be fine, but the company was obliged to ensure uninterrupted operation a year ago and the company even worked, but payments were dissolved in the accounts of different legal entities.
The court rejected the petition, although it, in fact, duplicates the already consolidated requirements of the Prosecutor General’s Office.
Where has Zolotukhin been all this year and why has it only intensified now? Probably, the “kick for acceleration” was the right given at the end of August 2023 to the Rosselkhozbank to sell Dulisma shares owned by Crownsiti CJSC associated with Khotin. From the latter, they also collected 46.5 billion rubles of debt on a loan to an oil company, although ZAO acted as just a guarantor. At the same time, ZAO simply does not surrender and through the court demanded to recognize the rights to Dulisma shares for it, the case will be heard on September 27.
Just a week after the verdict giving the RSHB the right to sell shares under the hammer, Zolotukhin receives Dulisma’s assets for safekeeping and “mask shows” happen. Perhaps such an activation of this person involved is associated with the accumulated questions for his work as a temporary manager, which can definitely arise, for example, from the state? After all, in fact, Dulisma’s money is state money, if you focus on the claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office.
It is curious: earlier it was believed that the Khotins were close to the security forces, among whom could be the head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the ex-head of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev. Vedomosti once wrote about this. In turn, Patrushev’s son, Dmitry Patrushev, today not only heads the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, but also in 2010-2018 he was the chairman of the board, a member of the supervisory board of Rosselkhozbank.
And here is what is interesting: a certain LLC “Akvamarin,” which was also recovered as a guarantor for the debts of “Dulisma” 46.5 billion rubles, stated that “the bank allegedly seeks to appropriate the profitable business of JSC” NK Dulisma “and at the same time get satisfaction of the requirements under the loan agreement from the guarantors.” The bank itself rejected such arguments. In parallel with this, RSHB seizes through the court the shares of Crownsiti CJSC from their owners – Alexander Aronov and Igor Drogin, that is, it is trying to take control of the oil asset. Probably for subsequent resale. Although the interested parties, apparently, have already decided.
Traces from the Raiders lead… to Medvedchuk?
As reported by Pravda URFO, among the interested parties may be the ultimate owners of NZP Trade, which was previously part of Sergei Kislov’s South Rus group, which in 2015 received the right to develop the Gavrikovsky oil field.
According to Rusprofile, the owners of NZP Trade LLC are Renaissance JSC with a share of 61%, Lavrenyuk Natalia Nikolaevna (25%) and Finconsaltpro JSC (14%). At the same time, the shares of all three are laid down in Rosselkhozbank.
Moreover, it is this bank that credits the arrangement of the Gavrikovsky field by issuing a credit line for 20 billion rubles.
The Pravda Ural Federal District publication, mentioning NZNP Trade, stated that Natalya Lavrenyuk was called the common-law wife of People’s Deputy Taras Kozak, close to Viktor Medvedchuk, and Lavrenyuk was mentioned in conjunction with Oksana Marchenko, Medvedchuk’s wife. Moreover, among the owners of NZNP Trade there was previously a certain “South Energo,” among the beneficiaries of which were Cypriot firms, the beneficiary of which was called Marchenko by the Expert South edition with reference to the Ukrainian media and the Cypriot register. And interestingly, the little-known Ms. Lavrenyuk, who has only a stake in the above LLC, is under Ukrainian sanctions, which indirectly confirms the connection with the former deputy Kozak. Moreover, the Ukrainian edition in 2021 reported that Viktor Medvedchuk, Oksana Marchenko, Natalya Lavrenyuk, as well as the International Commercial Company EVIRER LTD (UAE) filed lawsuits to appeal against the decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/2021 on the application of sanctions.
Finconsaltpro may also have its roots in Ukraine. It is headed by Nikolyan Rodion Gurgenovich (he was also listed as the founder), related to flying clubs. At the same time, on the forums of Ukraine, his namesake appears as a pusher of the Lupus School DOSAAF. In addition, Nikolyan was a co-founder of the Aviation Assistance Fund. Among the co-founders was the full namesake of the ex-employee of the administration of Boris Yeltsin – Valentina Perfilieva, as well as the owner of Sky Partner Aero Mikhail Markov.
Renaissance, in turn, is managed by Sergey Bobersky, who was previously the head of Interfin Capital Management Company, which belonged to the later burst Bank Russian Credit OJSC. The publication “” called the current beneficiaries of the ex-owner of Globex-Bank Anatoly Motylev (26.70%), billionaire Georgy Gens (20.01%, after his death his assets were inherited by his son Philip), Viktor Lukoyanov (17.47%), Elena Vikhoreva (11.44%), Boris Hait (8.75%), Viktor Uskova (8.75%).
Thus, approximate interested parties in Khotin’s assets have been determined. And one gets the impression that the next mask shows will come to the two most promising projects – Negusneft and the project in Surgut. After all, as we can see, the training was successful at two sites…