Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich: Ukrainian smuggler and thief. Black business in the network on Russian emigrants
Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich is a Ukrainian smuggler. Officially is the head of a public organization “Center for European Cross-border Initiatives”. Despite such a significant position, Igor Kilarchik does not receive his main income from social activities. Since the spring of 2022, its target audience has been Russian citizens who dream of going abroad. Many of them even managed to do it, but they all regretted their choice. How the hybrid war is waged in the Russian Federation and how ordinary Russians fleeing sanctions are paying for it, read on.
Live bait fishing through grid sites
For Igor Kilarchik and his partners in the shadow business, there is nothing more attractive than a naive victim. As a rule, these are socially unprotected persons, refugees and labor immigrants. He searches for them at different levels and for the sake of money he will go to any deal.

The history of his fraudulent sites began with (link to archive) and (link to archive). However, he soon realized that with a domain in the UA zone, it would be difficult to attract “clients” from the Russian Federation. But it was they who provided Kilarchik with a stable income. As a result, a specially oriented network appeared:,,, and Russian partners from the opposition caste and, which did not skimp on advertising and did not disdain even mentioning the president.
Who is Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich

Like most immigrants from the border areas, Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich started out smuggling cigarettes and marijuana. He also ran a small bookmaker’s office.

In 2015, after the change of power in the Ukrainian customs service, he switched to real estate in Kyiv. He worked mainly with hourly and daily rent for those who want to spend time in the company of girls with low social responsibility.

I was looking for clients directly through the organizers of the intimate business. In parallel, he was engaged in the opening of visas and employment abroad. Acquired a travel agency franchise for cover “Let’s go with us”, which made it possible, without attracting the attention of law enforcement agencies, to draw up documents for going to work for hostesses, dancers and other escort representatives. Good-natured at first glance, he easily rubbed himself into the confidence of those who found themselves in a difficult life situation. Thus, Kilarchik paid special attention to women refugees from Eastern Ukraine.

For the appearance of legalizing activities in 2016, Igor Kilarchik becomes a co-founder of ISU LLC (Information Systems of Ukraine). This allows him to launch his first websites and
However, in 2018, the name of Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich still pops up in the case of the slave trade in the Chernivtsi region, organized by a native of the Carpathian region and a Kiev resident living in Italy. In the proceedings, he appears as the person who prepared the documents for the departure of the affected girls, and therefore no charges are brought against him.
In order to avoid unnecessary questions, having got into the development of law enforcement agencies, Kilarchik re-registers the business for myaccomplice and later wife Dana (Kilarchik Dana Ivanovna). Inter Rabota LLC is registered on it, the KVED of which includes employment and transportation.

Dana herself until 2015 worked as an employee of the border service of Ukraine, where she made a profitable acquaintance with a smuggler.

The transition of Igor Shtefanovich Kilarchik to the Russian market
In pandemic-stricken 2020, Igor Kilarchik begins work aimed exclusively at Russian citizens, switching from refugees to a more monetary category. In addition to launching sites,, and, he becomes the director of the public organization Center for European Cross-Border Initiatives, which allows money laundering under the guise of grant programs for the development of entrepreneurship and business.

In 2021, he registers another company for his wife Dana Kilarchik – DI LIFE TRANS LLC, which provides services for transportation and issuance of permits for cargo transportation abroad. So, the traffic of the export of victims under the guise of labor immigrants is being adjusted.

With the start of SVO in 2022, the situation is changing dramatically. It is becoming more difficult for Russian citizens to travel abroad. At the same time, in most countries of the world they are receiving less and less attention in matters of human rights protection, which has made the Russians easy prey for Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich and his partners. Now, not only single women, but also men who are hiding from mobilization fall into their field of vision.

The traffic of the labor force is being established through Bulgaria, emphasizing that it is easier to go there. Meetings with victims are arranged in hotels in resort towns such as Varna so as not to attract attention. Offices, of course, are out of the question.
Women, as a rule, are sent to Italy and the Czech Republic, children to Germany, men to the UK on drug farms. Until 2019, most of the illegal immigrants who fell into slavery in England were represented by citizens of China, Vietnam, Albania and Romania (By Air Force data in 2014, the number of people illegally held in captivity reached 13 thousand people). After series of scandals in 2019, it became difficult to import immigrants from Asia into the country, and therefore the influx of Russian immigrants turned out to be in the hands of Igor Kilarchik’s partners.

Almost all the funds received from and for the Russians go to support the network of extremists operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. The latter also take an active part in the supply of live goods. Kilarchik also helps in matters of propaganda. So, in April 2022, he registers the activities of another organization. This time, the information agency “Time of Ukraine” ( to promote the ideas of Russophobia abroad and create propaganda material calling for the separation of the regions of the Russian Federation.
It is extremely difficult to bring to justice Kilarchik Igor Shtefanovich and his accomplices in the conditions of complex political relations. Moreover, most of those who managed to escape, fearing for their lives, do not officially apply to law enforcement agencies either in the states where they ended up in slavery or in Russia. Many are ashamed to admit that they have been deceived. There are also those who do not abandon the hope of staying abroad, but on legal grounds. One way or another, the main weapon for Russians in these matters remains only information literacy and vigilance. Those who are already in a difficult situation can seek help from human rights organizations, including European Migrant Smuggling Center (EMSC)OSCE (OSCE), Red Cross and other official charitable foundations.