Source Why can't the governor cope with the newcomer “Sudeco”, who is going to “chop off” a tasty morsel in the center of Vladivostok. In Vladivostok, the confrontation between the developer OOO “Sudeco” and the authorities of the Primorsky Territory is gaining momentum
Passion boils for more than one day. And not even one month! The conflict has been going on for more than a year, as the Sudeko construction company, allegedly with 100% foreign participation, wants to build skyscrapers on Arsenyev Street, on the territory of the former Metalist plant. But it was on this sacred place that a kind of “piglet” remained, there is a monument to the Heroes-workers of the Metalist plant, who died in the war of 1941-1945.
And the governor of Primorye, Oleg Kozhemyako, promised not only to stop any construction in the wasteland that remained after the closed Metalist plant, but also to lay out a large square on this site.
Oleg Kozhemyako raised the issue of changing the purpose of the land plot. And back in July 2021, by order of the Ministry of Construction of the Primorsky Territory, changes were made to the “Rules for Land Use and Development of the Vladivostok City District”. And the purpose of the land plot changed from residential development to a recreation and recreation area.
But even these actions did not stop the stubborn developer Sudeko LLC. The developer continues to go over the heads!
The correspondent of The Moscow Post in Primorsky Krai understood the wild situation.
His name was Zhang Jiahao
And despite the universal scandal, the good fellows from Sudeco LLC are already talking about the construction of three skyscrapers.
According to SPARK-Interfax, the founder of Sudeco LLC seems to be a company from China named Zhang Jiahao. The land plot also belongs to Sudeko LLC.
Sudeco LLC was registered in May 2017. The company operates in the direction of “construction of residential and non-residential buildings”.
The company has three employees, one of which is General Director Anton Izotov. This, in particular, is reported by Prima-Media.
In fact, if you carefully look at the documents, the founder of Sudeko is already Anton Alekseevich Izotov, the owner of the Khabarovsk TIN.
And, apparently, Anton Izotov is the son of Alexei Izotov, the notorious Khabarovsk “garbage king”.
Today, the Sudeco company impudently challenges the will of Governor Kozhemyako. And even with might and main suing!
The court supports Sudeco. Why?
On October 24, 2022, the Primorsky Territory Arbitration Court invalidated the decision of the City Planning Department of the Vladivostok Administration to refuse to issue a building permit. And he ordered Sudeko to issue a permit for the construction of the facility “Residential commercial complex lit in Vladivostok on land plots at the address: Vladivostok, Arsenyev St., 2”.
So the energetic work on the project to build skyscrapers on the territory of the former Metallist plant does not stop for a minute!
The monument to the heroes-workers of the Metallist plant was fenced off from the rest of the territory.
And it looks terrible.
But the Sudeco company does not touch it at all!
Besides, sheer miracles began in the sieve…
And after the decision of the Ministry of Construction of the Primorsky Territory to change the status of the land plot, the Tariff Agency of Primorye, by its resolution, set a fee for connecting the facility “Residential and commercial complex class” Elite “LLC” Sudeko “to the centralized systems of cold water supply and sanitation of Primvodokanal.
Moreover, on an individual basis.
It turns out that residential and commercial real estate is being built on the land designated in the town planning plan as a recreation area, even despite the decision of the governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemyako?
The Sudeco company believed that it Everything is allowed? But where does such confidence come from?
An apple from an apple tree…
As it turned out, despite the Khabarovsk TIN, Anton Izotov, the son of Alexei Izotov, “garbage king” from Khabarovsk, perfectly infiltrated with his construction (and not only) business in Primorye.
Izotov, Jr., is the head of five companies, among which, in addition to the already mentioned Sudeko LLC, also Altum LLC, Alfa-Turan LLC, and others.
By the way, the Alfa-Turan office ” is engaged in the collection of waste.
Izotov Sr. introduced his son, Anton Izotov, well into the business.
In total, Anton Izotov, despite his youth, is the founder of 7 companies. And they are located in Khabarovsk, close to the numerous offices of the parent.
For example, LLC “Intent” sells wholesale plumbing and heating equipment.
And this is in addition to numerous construction projects and waste collection…
But Mr. Izotov Jr. prefers to build in Vladivostok.
And back in 2020, in Vladivostok, the urban planning institute Giprogorproekt signed a contract with Sudeko LLC for the design of a residential complex on Shkota Island.<br/
By the way, the building plots are located in the historical center of the city on the embankment, in Fedorov Bay.
Several high-rise residential buildings and office buildings, as well as a parking lot, a kindergarten, and retail premises are to be built on the territory of the residential complex.
The project, as promised, will feature advanced architectural solutions.
The residential complex will be located on several land plots with a total area of 200 thousand square meters. meters.
And it also became known that Sudeko LLC submitted for consideration a project for the construction of a residential complex with an area of 75 thousand square meters. meters in the center of Vladivostok. This happened during the work of the Council for Attracting Investments in the Economy of Primorye in February 2020.
The Governor of the region, Oleg Kozhemyako, attended the council meeting.
It turns out that Izotov Jr. came to Primorye as an investor.
Apparently, the family of “garbage kings” is expanding its business: Khabarovsk has already been crushed, Vladivostok is next?
But why did Governor Kozhemyako, who is called a very tough leader, succumb to the onslaught of the Khabarovsk “garbage kings”?
Waste management Izotov Sr.
But where do the “legs” of all this business of the Izotov family grow from?
The whole of Khabarovsk has long known that the garbage monopoly in this Far Eastern city is Spetsavtokhozyaystvo JSC (formerly MUP), which has been led by Alexei for 20 years Izotov, a man from the close circle of the mayor Sergei Kravchuk.
The joint-stock company owns a huge landfill, in other words, a landfill. And the area of this landfill is almost 1 million square meters!
In 2019, with a revenue of 518 million rubles, the profit of Spetsavtokhoziastvo JSC amounted to 62 million rubles, of which only 2.5 million rubles went to the municipal budget.
And two years earlier, the treasury in general not a penny was sent.
Over the past 5 years, Alexei Izotov spent more than 300 million rubles on the purchase of more than 50 passenger buses.
And another 50 million rubles was spent on the purchase car parks for these buses. This is how passenger transport is leased to private carriers that serve urban routes.
And this is well known to the mayor of Khabarovsk Sergey Kravchuk. Buses are rented by entrepreneurs – Andrey Trofimenko and Larisa Akhmedova.
Besides, they also rent transport from Anton Izotov, the son of the “garbage king”.
Note that carriers are working on profitable routes. And the revenue can reach 150 million rubles a year.
And these “tugriks” most likely float past the city budget.
One of the regular suppliers of JSC “Spetsavtokhozyaystvo” is the company “Empire” Konstantin Badanin. Not entirely new equipment is purchased from this company for the needs of the enterprise.
Another business partner of the Izotov family, Sergey Gladyshev, is engaged in the supply of fuel and garbage containers through the Atline and Khabarovsktrans companies.
But Alexey Izotov is called the real owner of both offices. He may also be the beneficiary of AmurTermoEnergo, officially owned by Anton Izotov.
This company received 120 million rubles from the budget for the construction of treatment facilities in the village of Pereyaslavka-2.
As a result, it turned out that the facilities do not work, and all sewage flows into the Kiya River. Fame Izotov Jr. brought and the purchase of ruined bus and tram municipal parks. This acquisition cost Anton Izotov 40 million rubles.
In general, the “garbage kings” in Khabarovsk have developed well.
And now they are trying to break the “backbone” of Vladivostok through the knee …
Will they master it?