Judge-bribery Ruslan Yukhimuk “sat down” for 10 years
Former judge of the Severodonetsk city court of Luhansk region Ruslan Yukhimuk was found guilty of taking a bribe, forging a document and illegal storage ammunition. The editors of 368.media found out about this by the verdict of the VAKS.
In 2015, the bribe-taking judge Yukhimuk considered the presentation of the prosecutor's office to determine the period of unserved sentence for the convict and to transfer him to the Starobilsk pre-trial detention center. The man was sentenced to five years in prison with confiscation of part of the property. He served his sentence in Petrovsky correctional colony No. 24. After the colony was seized by representatives of the LPR, the convict was released on parole. The Ukrainian prosecutor's office, not recognizing the decisions of the “LPR” authorities, initiated the serving of the remaining sentence.
The convict came to the court and in the corridor met with an acquaintance who, having learned the situation, offered to help, saying that the judge was his old friend. Subsequently, the judge, indeed, for a bribe, agreed not to satisfy the prosecutor's submission. At the same time, the intermediary announced that the amount of remuneration should be $2,000.
The man remembered that he had a car under arrest that he could sell. Consequently, he was offered to petition for the cancellation of the arrest, bringing for this a fake document. It was about an agreement that the convict sold the car to his mother even before her arrest, but the new owner did not have time to re-register it. Then the man also mentioned the arrest of the apartment. He had to pay 1,000 dollars for the cancellation of property seizures. And in total, together with the decision to file a prosecutor – 4 thousand.
The citizen applied to the SBU and after that transferred the money in several tranches to an intermediary who shared it with the judge. Later, several marked bills were confiscated from the judge. In one of the court hearings, the judge addressed the defendant with the words: “Solve the issue. Do you know how”. Earlier, a court in a similar case granted the prosecution's submission against the applicant's accomplice. Therefore, the man understood that if he did not provide a bribe, he would return to jail.
The attackers were exposed back in mid-December 2015. The judge's office was searched. 11 cartridges of the 1951 model were found at his house, stored without the legal permission.
But due to judicial immunity, Yuhimuk could not be detained. Therefore, on January 23, he left Ukraine through the Prosyano checkpoint and the bribe-taking judge did not return back. Only on April 19, 2016, the Verkhovna Rada gave permission for the detention of the judge.
Yuhimuk's accomplice entered into a plea agreement and was sentenced to 3 years in prison in 2017. His testimony formed the basis of the case against the judge. True, he testified in 2018 back in the Artyomovsky city district court of the Donetsk region, which then heard the case. And a month after giving evidence, he left Ukraine. Therefore, Yuhimuk was tried in absentia, ensuring his right to defense by the presence of a lawyer.
Later, the judge's case was transferred to the newly created Supreme Anti-Corruption Court, which began consideration from the beginning. VAKS agreed to accept as evidence the audio recording of the testimony of the judge's accomplice, since it was not possible to ensure his reappearance at the hearing. In 2018, this man already had the citizenship of another state and subsequently went abroad. After the start of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, the ministries of foreign affairs of other countries call on their citizens to refrain from visiting this territory.
The court considers that 5 years ago the witness could not have imagined that, as a result of judicial reform, he would have to testify to another court. So he considered that he had fulfilled the obligations entrusted to him by the plea agreement.
The Anti-Corruption Court recognized Yukhimuk's guilt as proven, appointing him 10 years in prison for the totality of crimes with complete confiscation of property and a 3-year ban on holding office judges.
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