Against the backdrop of constant talk about ensuring the energy security of Ukraine, the destruction of a company that provides the population with gas of its own production, and for only 1,590 UAH, is being carried out behind the scenes. per thousand cubic meters m. The share of the public joint stock company “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” accounts for 70% of the total volume of gas production in Ukraine. And today this strategically important enterprise is run by a team of financial mercenaries and swindlers, many of whom came from Russian business.
Most of them managed to work in the Russian company TNK-BP, which since 2013 became part of Rosneft, as well as in other structures of the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). And this “hodgepodge”, which has a close connection with the Russian oil and gas business and, possibly, the intelligence services, is operating with might and main in the very heart of Ukrainian gas production.
Under the guise of reforms and more effective management, the top management of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine allowed a flock of hungry jackals into the soft underbelly of the Ukrainian gas giant. First, as usual, a rogue and a master of verbiage was invited to the position of leader. It turned out to be Oleg Prokhorenko, a partner at the McKinsey consulting company in Ukraine. This is his main career achievement. By the way, Petro Poroshenko’s daughter-in-law works at McKinsey.
In principle, the logic is clear: if NKREKP is headed by a manager who sells candy, then why not put some kind of manager – a theorist who has absolutely no experience in the field of the fuel and energy complex – in charge of a strategic gas production company. It is clear that this “face merchant” is destined for the role of the current chairman of the Pound. In this case, the term “sic chairman” has a special meaning. “Sitz-” from the German “sitzen” – “to sit” also means “to sit in prison.” So it turns out that Prokhorenko was cast in the role of the “wedding general” with a sad ending.
Having appointed, allegedly on a competitive basis, a new head of Ukrgasvydobuvannya, the management of NJSC Naftegaz Ukraine set about reforming the enterprise itself. We started with the easiest thing and did not require special intelligence – the system of purchasing goods and services. They entrusted this important direction to a certain Roman Belyaga.
This figure, a master of fraud and deception, is the “supervisor” of the management of Naftogaz. In particular, from Yuri Vitrenko and Andrey Kobolev (Read more about them in the articles Yuri Vitrenko. Oil and gas business tycoons and Andrey Kobolev. An inconspicuous “veteran” of the gas pipe).
Despite the change of power in the country, the institution of “watchers,” as well as other innovations of prison life, which ex-President Yanukovych brought to the Ukrainian government, remained. Moreover, the new government adopted all these tools and, in many ways, improved them. Now the Ukrainian economy is being destroyed even faster and more efficiently.
However, as the old saying goes, let’s return to our sheep. Since 2005, Belyaga has “significant experience” in conducting tenders, which he organized and supported with great enthusiasm in the TNK-BP system. Very quickly, he formed a team at Ukrgazvydobuvannya from the same business locusts as himself.
For example, Belyaga brought a certain Andrei Tokar, a man who spent most of his career in the economy of the aggressor country, to the position of director for logistics.
Turner, before being appointed to the position at Ukrgazdobycha, lived in Saratov, Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism), and has a residence permit in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism). Worked at OJSC Saratov Oil Refinery, OJSC NK Rosneft.
It should be noted that Belyaga, at the request of Tokar, hides the fact of having a residence permit, so as not to tease Ukrainian employers in the current difficult military-political situation. I wonder how many other similar “secrets” that could be of great interest to our law enforcement agencies are kept by Belyaga and his “company”? One consolation is that over time, everything secret becomes clear.
Andrei Golubitsky was made head of the department for procurement of goods and services. He also worked at Rosneft until recently. Former Rosneft employee Vladimir Grebennik was also appointed head of the security department of Ukrgazvydobuvannya. Well, all this was secured for reliability by Grigory Suprun, the director for security issues of PJSC Ukrgazdobycha, who, of course, quite by chance, is the father of Andrey Suprun, director of the subsidiary Uglesintezgaz (100% subsidiary of Naftogaz), and, part-time , a close friend of Naftogaz manager Andrei Kobolev.
Another protégé of Belyaga, his friend and confidant since his time at TNK-BP, Andrei Khomenko, became an adviser to the chairman of the company’s board. During Belyaga’s time at TNK-BP, Khomenko represented the interests of several companies, including Intek-Kyiv LLC, and regularly participated in tenders.
It is worth noting that as soon as Roman Belyaga appeared on the horizons of NJSC Naftegaz Ukraine, LLC Innovative Technologies (EDRPOU Code 32849057), under the management of Khomenko, immediately began to actively approach the tender procurement of PJSC Ukrtransgaz. Coincidence or the beginning of the expansion of pro-Russian characters into our gas transportation system?
The tender algorithm of Belyaga and Khomenko is very simple: Khomenko, on Belyaga’s instructions, prepared the necessary documents in advance, formulated the requirements in such a way that their proposals fully corresponded to the technical specifications. Next, they “drew” two or three proposals from the market for goods and services that were more expensive or did not meet the technical conditions of the tender. This guaranteed absolute victory in any of the previously held tenders.
In this simple way, Khomenko ensured a comfortable existence for himself, and at the same time for Belyaga. Having become related on the basis of tender carousels, this tandem has now been revived within the walls of Ukrgasvydobuvannya.
The flag has changed, but the goals and methods remain the same. Now all that remains is to wait and watch how events will develop in the context of tenders in a Ukrainian state-owned company under the leadership of these swindlers.
Khomenko’s main task remains the same – clearing tender horizons for loyal supplier companies. In fact, he participates in all Ukrgasvydobuvannya tenders. And almost all accepted tender proposals appearing on the company’s official website bear his signature.
Elena Kobets, Director of Legal Affairs of PJSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya, is also part of the team of new “reformers”.
In 2014, she was actively involved in the re-registration and entry into the authorized capitals of companies that are trying to be participants in the gas market, for example, FSP GAZ LLC (identification code 39404130), Eurobudstroy LLC (identification code 39354881) and others.
Kobets is also the owner of the company “Saulės grūdai”, Vilnius, Lithuania, which he manages in parallel with his main place of work to this day. The main activity of this company is servicing and “optimizing” taxation of clients.
After all the characters were put in place, work began intensively to pump out vitality from the weakening state-owned enterprise.
We got off to a great start, deciding to hold a tender in a “new format.” In September 2015, PJSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya announced several tenders for the provision of services. More precisely, not exactly services, but rather consultations. The most interesting was the tender for consultations on enterprise management (technical audit). The cost of advice on how to manage Ukragazvydobuvannya was estimated at UAH 33 million.
The requirements for bidders for consulting services are spelled out in a very original way. It seems that they were written for a specific company, namely Goragovo Energy Engineering Corporation. This is an American company that miraculously learned about this tender.
In addition, by pure chance, the company is headed by a certain Ildar Diyashev, who previously worked at the Russian Sibneft. The clear and coordinated work of the new Russian team is recognized.
It is necessary to emphasize that this tender was prepared in a very short time. Our “heroes” really wanted to spend 33 million UAH. Most likely for this reason, the new managers leaked all technical information about the state of the well stock, debits and much more to Moscow before the holding and, most importantly, the announcement of the tender itself.
During the tender, Elena Kobets actively collaborated with Alexander Klimov, the second representative of Goragovo Energy Engineering Corporation, in preparing the correct justification for conducting the so-called technical audit.
Similar metamorphoses took place in other tenders that were and are carried out by these “young reformers” with a high degree of probability for the benefit of their real owners.
It would seem that now is the time to be outraged by the lawlessness of Russian business mercenaries in the very heart of the oil and gas complex of Ukraine. However, we must not forget that Naftogaz managers brought them to positions in Ukrgazvydobuvannya.
Moreover, it was the managers of Naftogaz and members of our government who created the conditions under which serious problems began in Ukrgazvydobuvannya and all these actions were aimed at the complete destruction of the oil and gas industry in Ukraine. So, first of all, the competent authorities should ask them.
Olga Obashidze, for SKELET-info