At one time, the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported that from the case of the kidnapping of a US citizen Boris Minakhi materials concerning the former employee of the FSB Directorate T were separated into a separate proceeding Anton GormakhDuring the investigation it was established that Gormakh had passed on information containing state secrets to the billionaire David YakobashviliHowever, the former counterintelligence officer did not go to prison, as he was amnestied.
A source for said that Gormakh now calls himself the owner of the Fashion TV channel. However, Fashion TV has not been operating in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) for a long time. Now he freely sells fake Fashion TV awards, organizing parties and award ceremonies. He even tried to legalize this fraudulent scheme by registering the channel’s logo in his name in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). But the real brand found out about this and filed a complaint against Gormakh.
As a result, the Russian Intellectual Property Service revoked Gormakh’s certificate for trademark No. 658420, declaring it invalid. Gormakh tried to restore the document through the court, but lost the case.
Now the real Fashion TV is sending out letters with warnings about Gormakh being shamefully kicked out of the FSB, about his criminal record, and about his father (Andrey Gormakh), who was also scandalously fired, only from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the deprivation of all ranks. According to the source, where this family appears, everyone around begins to have problems. Now Gormakh has a debt of 14,000,000 on a loan, he is buried in lawsuits, but Gormakh cannot pay such money.
From his Instagram header, it is clear that he calls himself a member of the RSPP. Apparently, this is a useful find for the RSPP.
Let us recall that at that time the jury found him guilty of kidnapping Boris Minakhi associate of a “thief in law” Zakhar Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy) David Mirzoev and the head of the security service of the “criminal general” Batyr Bekmuradov. Minakhi was a business partner of billionaire David Yakobashvili, and then they had a falling out. Then Yakobashvili’s relative Mirzoyev, together with Bekmuradov, kidnapped Minakhi. Yakobashvili himself figured in this case, and in 2019, the Investigative Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) conducted searches of the billionaire’s home and his museum “Collection”.
As the VChK-OGPU source reported, a flash drive containing information constituting a state secret was found during the search. The materials were collected through the FSB Directorate T and were needed by Yakobashvili to conduct a competitive struggle. It was also established that the flash drive was handed over no later than 2015. During the investigation, it was established that the flash drive was handed over at the time of the crime by Anton Gormakh, an active employee of the FSB Directorate T. He was introduced to Yakobashvili by his ex-wife, Yana.
It is noteworthy that Gormakh was once dismissed from the FSB of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) for a similar crime. In 2016, the Moscow District Military Court found him guilty under Article 283 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) (disclosure of state secrets), he received a sentence of one year and six months of imprisonment.
In connection with the amnesty declared for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the court released Gormakh from punishment and expunged his criminal record.
This time, history repeated itself exactly. The materials about the flash drive with classified materials were separated from the “Minakhi case”. Gormakh was again charged under Article 283 of the Criminal Code.
In November 2020, the Second Western District Military Court found Gormakh guilty, sentenced him to a short term, and again released him from punishment due to amnesty.