Evgeniy Deydey – “fake” hero
Recently, scandals related to ATO participants have been raging in Kyiv. The latest one is the trial of the Tornado fighters who tortured prisoners. This is not the first time that people who stood up to defend the country when it needed it were arrested. You can remember the trial of one of the leaders of Aidar, Valentin Likholit, nicknamed “Dad”. He is accused of robbery, extortion, robbery. And also the trial of the soldiers of the “Dnepr-1” battalion, who were accused of kidnapping and killing a person, and so on.
So who are he – heroes or criminals? In principle, one does not contradict the other. Let’s look at this phenomenon using the example of one of the most successful volunteer battalion commanders in terms of position in society and the financial component. We will talk about the coordinator of the “Kyiv-1” battalion, people’s deputy Evgeniy Sergeevich Deidei. And the occasion is appropriate – not so long ago he announced the creation of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Patriots – an organization that will literally recapture ATO participants from the courts and cops.
Papa Dayday
Deydey Evgeniy Sergeevich originally from Odessa. Born on July 12, 1987. But his family owes its wealth to the small town of Reni on the border with Romania. There, his father, Sergei Deydey, received the position of chief of staff of “Our Ukraine” in those years when Viktor Yushchenko was at the peak of his political career. Then the entire top of the regional center suddenly became “orange” – both the mayor of the city, Evgeniy Matsipudra, and the head of the district state administration, Andrei Bulgarov. The father of the future people’s deputy easily converted this political success into the financial well-being of the family, becoming a deputy of the local city council and chairman of the commission on public utilities and privatization. Agree, this is a great place even for a provincial town. And together with the mayor and head of administration mentioned above, Sergei Deydey began stealing state property.
The city’s public utility plant, a dairy plant and a bakery plant fell into their sphere of interest.
But a certain local judge, Anatoly Zaikin, stood across the road. It is unlikely that he was just an honest human rights activist; rather, he simply defended the interests of the opposing side, but be that as it may, the case ended with Deyday Sr. beating a judge in a restaurant in front of many people. After this, even his patrons were forced to publicly condemn his act. However, the head of the local administration, Andrei Bulgarov, asked the public not to take the conversation of the men in the restaurant to heart, hinting that this was not a clash of business interests, but simply a drunken skirmish. Be that as it may, Sergei Deydey could no longer personally participate in the showdown with the judge. But it was not in vain that he raised his son.

Evgeniy Deydey – “fake” hero
Evgeny Deydey. Son gets into action
Evgeniy Deydey in those years was not a nobody, a simple major living on his father’s money. It was this money that he went to defend, taking with him his brother, Dmitry Deydey. The young people came to the judge’s home and introduced themselves as the children of Sergei Deidei. Either they believed so much in their impunity, or they were still young and bad… However, it is impossible for two youngsters, even very smart ones, to just threaten a person who, in his work, often intersects with the cops and security forces. The judge called the police, and the matter took a serious turn. Evgeniy Sergeevich was forced to leave the town of Reni and move to Odessa. Criminal cases were opened against his dad for theft of state property by understating its value. And soon the Party of Regions came to power, and the “orange” generally had a hard time. Then many thieves and corrupt officials declared themselves victims of the regime, persecuted for their political beliefs. And Deyday Sr. did the same, although, we repeat, the charges against him were brought solely on “economic” charges.

Evgeniy Deydey – “fake” hero
Once in Odessa, Evgeniy Deydey, like many young people without a specific occupation or special talents, joined the police. A higher education, it is unclear where and how he received it, saved him from working in the patrol service, and he became an investigator at the Suvorovsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Odessa. By the way, about education – in the biography it is modestly written that he is a “journalist” by education, in another that he is a “political scientist” and even graduated from graduate school. When did he have time, if at the age of 27 he already became a deputy? Apparently, the investigator’s salary was not enough for the lifestyle to which he was accustomed. My father also had problems and could not give much money. In general, Deyday decided to make money in the simplest way – robbery. In general, cops often engage in robberies; they have all the prerequisites for this – knowledge of the rich contingent of their area, physical training, confidence in their impunity and lack of conscience. In general, Deydey and his comrades committed several robberies, but they were caught. The Suvorov Court of Odessa pronounced a verdict on a robbery committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. But the young people were not imprisoned, and were even left in the ranks of the police. Obviously, in this capacity he could bring benefit to his police superiors.

Evgeniy Deydey – “fake” hero
Hero of Maidan
As we remember, Father Deydey considered himself a victim of the Yanukovych regime. It is therefore not surprising that the Deydeev family supported Euromaidan in 2013. Evgeniy Sergeevich ended up on the Kiev Maidan. He is a fairly combative guy, as we understand from the above, and this is where his specific skills came in handy. In a word, he became the commander of the Seventh Hundred of Self-Defense. This hundred was marked by several scandals. According to some reports, in February 2014, it was these hundred who broke into the Junker clothing store on Khreshchatyk. The leaders of the Self-Defense had to intervene in order to stop outright looting. The Seventh Hundred was also noted in the Odessa events. Its fighters arrived in the city on March 5, 2014 and took an active part in the events of May 2, which ended with a fire in the trade union building and the death of 48 people. The investigation into the events in Odessa is still ongoing, and until its completion we cannot give an objective assessment of either the events of those days or Evgeniy Sergeevich’s participation in them. However, facts are a stubborn thing: he was in Odessa these days and took part in the events, all of the above incidents occurred with the participation of the Odessa police (proven fact), Evgeniy Deydey is a police officer, there is no evidence that he left the authorities at that time information. At the same time, the police are on the side of the anti-Maidan supporters, and Deydey is on the side of the Euro-Maidan supporters. And clashes occur between the two Maidans, which had previously been almost peacefully coexisting. But I would like to emphasize once again that these are just speculations. Just as the statement of People’s Deputy Svetlana Fabrikant (pRead more about her in the article by Svetlana Fabrikant. What Odessa residents should remember about the candidate for mayor of Odessa) that from the report of the Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada the conclusions were removed that 500 Euromaidan participants “with the assistance of the Chairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration Nemirovsky V.L. were brought to Odessa from the Kyiv Maidan and placed at checkpoints.”

Euromaidan organizer Andrei Parubiy in the center, Evgeniy Deidei on the far right
Read more about him in the article by Andrey Parubiy. What the former commandant of the Maidan and the head of the National Security and Defense Council hid
Evgeny Deydey. Hero of the ATO
After the above events, Evgeniy Deydey became the coordinator of the Kyiv-1 battalion. And this battalion went… if you think that they are going to the ATO zone, you are very mistaken. This battalion went to the same Odessa to defend it from separatist sentiments. Since July 2014, this battalion began patrolling Kyiv. In particular, they took part in the dismantling of the Euromaidan tent city, which did not want to disperse before all the officials were lustrated, and they took part in this quite harshly. Several people were beaten, and later they were declared Russian provocateurs. And only in July 2014, after the capture of Slavyanka by Girkin-Strelkov, the events of Mariupol, Volnovakha and the first attack on the DAP, part of the fighters of the Kyiv-1 battalion moved to the East of Ukraine. But was Deyday among these heroes? This is a question that no one can answer definitively.
He claims he was. But most of the combatants of that time do not remember him. Maybe they didn’t notice in the chaos? Although, they remember that somewhere around July 5 he appeared in liberated Slavyansk. True, he arrived there not in an armored personnel carrier, as befits a liberator, but in a luxury SUV “Infinity”. I took a photo and left for an unknown destination. But the photo then spread around social networks, and everyone realized that here he was, the real hero Evgeniy Deydey. Probably for this, already on August 2 of the same year, he received the Order “For Courage”.
Popular Front
The Kyiv-1 battalion continued its not too burdensome service in the ATO zone. At least, the fighters of this battalion somehow did not show up particularly either near Debaltseve, or near Ilovaisk, or during the defense of DAP. But October 2014 came, and the time had come for Evgeniy Deydey to leave his brothers-in-arms in connection with a transfer to another job. It is worth noting that the sworn brothers were glorious – this is the son of Arsen Avkov (Read more about him in the article Arsen Avakov: the criminal past of the Minister of Internal Affairs), Alexander Avakov and millionaire Vyacheslav Konstantinovsky (Read more about him in the article Vyacheslav and Alexander Konstantinovsky: how the “Russian mafia” joined the “Ukrainian patriots”). However, the latter turned out to be Deidei’s colleague in the Verkhovna Rada, where Evgeniy Sergeevich was elected on the lists of the Popular Front, the party of the just mentioned Arsen Avakov, which is also possibly a coincidence. Nobody heard anything more about the exploits of Yevgeny Deydey in the ATO zone. But he accomplished many “feats” in another field.
Feats in politics
On December 11, 2015, BPP deputy Oleg Barna tried to remove then Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk from the podium. Maxim Burbak (Read more about him in the article Maxim Burbak: how the Chernivtsi people sat on the “golden toilet” of the Donetsk people) and Evgeny Deydey. They held Barna, and another of their party members, Andrei Ivanchuk, beat the people’s deputy (Read more about him in the article by Andrey Ivanchuk. Yatsenyuk’s friend and lobbyist for Kolomoisky’s interests). This happened live on the Rada TV channel.
Feats in business
There were several more power conflicts involving Deidei or the Kyiv-1 battalion controlled by him. The last of them is a conflict with the deputy prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office Maxim Grischuk. This happened near the Solomensky court, after a meeting at which the former chairman of the OPP supervisory board, Sergei Pereloma, was arrested for 60 days. Deyday was on the side of the detainee. Well, that is, it is unlikely that he was sincerely interested in the fate of the top manager of the Odessa port; rather, he was simply fulfilling an order from David Zhvania and Nikolai Martynenko, Pereloma’s long-time business partners. Evgeniy Deydey brought the soldiers of his battalion to the court, and he told prosecutor Grischuk that, while he was sitting in the rear, he and these boys took Slavyansk. The most interesting thing here is that Maxim Grischuk, unlike the fake warrior Deydeya, is really an ATO hero, a cyborg, he served in the 80th Airmobile and from December 2014 to January 2015 defended the DAP. Later, Evgeniy Sergeevich apologized for being too emotional, but, naturally, he did not publicly admit his guilt. However, he did not scare Grischuk; the case against Sergei Pereloma continues. He generally has many interests in the Odessa region and the people’s deputy fights with those who stick their nose there. For example, he was one of the signatories of the letter against David Sakvaleridze, who was too actively interested in Odessa at the request of his fellow countryman Mikheil Saakashvili. And there are reasons for this.
Evgeny Deydey. King of new tits
Sergei Deydey’s business is based on the forceful support of actions of fellow countrymen from Odessa, or various politicians close to Arseniy Yatsenyuk. He is in close contact with Nikolai Martynenko (Read more about him in the article by Nikolai Martynenko. Why is the “nuclear oligarch” being actively dumped?), Sergei Kivalov (Read more about him Sergey Kivalov. Godfather of corruption and justice) and Arsen Avakov. Soldiers of the Kyiv-1 battalion participate in these security actions. And here there is also the “merit” of Yevgeny Deydey – he essentially turned the National Guard battalion, albeit not very actively, but which took part in the ATO, into a gang of legalized “titushki” who participate in raider takeovers. Let these “titushki” be well armed, trained and covered by the law. He is behind the blocking of Ukrgazovibobuvannya in favor of the latter’s work with gasket companies owned by Nikolai Martynenko. Behind the raider takeover of the OPP, when 150 soldiers of the Kyiv-1 battalion in balkalava broke into the enterprise. He provided force support during the raider seizure of the Lybid Hotel in Kyiv. The most interesting thing here is that the seizure took place in the interests of Russian oligarchs. Nothing personal – business. Deydeya’s people blocked the Odessa-Kyiv highway, protesting against the appointment of Nikolai Stoyanov as regional prosecutor. But in fact, the action was directed against Governor Saakashvili, in favor of Sergei Kivalov, to whom the restless Georgian pressed his tail. But this is not the only business of Evgeniy Deydey.
Alexander Dubovoy also does not hesitate to use his services, read more about him in the article Alexander Dubovoy. Turchinov’s comrade and professional raider.
Peaceful business
If you need a parliamentary appeal or vote for any law, you need to contact Evgeniy Deydey or Irina Suslova. They churn out 7-8 such requests a day! He receives money even for questions that he has the opportunity to voice in the Verkhovna Rada. For example, the same Vitaly Yarema (Read more about him in the article by Vitaly Yarema. “Honest cop” and godfather of Sergei Dumchev). Who was the prosecutor general at that time.
All of the above, apparently, brings in quite a bit of income. During his tenure as a people’s deputy, he acquired two luxury Audi Q7 cars, apparently, one for himself, the other for his wife, but both were registered to the wife. In addition, in the income statement, which every civil servant is required to submit, in the section on the income of family members, he recorded 2.6 million hryvnia as his wife’s “other income,” but back in 2013 her income was 0 UAH. Well, in addition, Evgeniy Sergeevich owns shares in his father’s enterprises – Ainheit and the clothing manufacturer TDN.
Evgeniy Deydey, despite the fact that he became a deputy, has a share in business and moved to good luxury cars, and even has state awards, in fact, he remained the same petty bandit and robber as he was when he came to Judge Zaikin in his native Reni and the whole history of his not too long life shows that his psychology has not changed. And it’s just scary that such people came to the highest power in the country.
Denis Ivanov, for Skelet.info
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