The story of the rise of Dmitry Belotserkovets – from a pedophile maniac to a sneaking people’s deputy.
As you know, the Solomensky Court of Kyiv ordered detectives of the anti-corruption bureau to begin an investigation into violations committed by MP Dmitry Belotserkovets when filling out his income declaration:
Today publishes the first part of the investigation into the corruption of Dmitry Belotserkovets, as well as his accomplices.
Belotserkovets Dmitry Alexandrovich – one of the youngest people’s deputies. Part-time advisor to the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko. He made a rapid political career, rising in a few years from a simple Sevastopol activist to a people’s deputy.
Even during his life in Sevastopol, Belotserkovets became the hero of a very unpleasant scandal. Information spread across Sevastopol that a pedophile was operating in the city, preying on children, trying to seduce them or showing them his genitals. Some parents even found sent photos of a naked or, in some cases, shorts, young man on their children’s phones. Later, notices from the “Rodkomitet” were posted around Sevastopol with warnings to protect children. The “Rodkomitet” claimed that Dmitry Belotserkovets is a pedophile.
Of course, the “hero” himself, explaining this situation, assured that these leaflets were links in the same chain, along with the threats he had previously received and the burning of his car, aimed at stopping his active political activities.
He characterizes himself as a patriot with “burning tridents in his eyes.”
Who will shine these “tridents” in his eyes, Dmitry searched persistently. While still in Sevastopol, he first headed the local youth group of the Our Ukraine party, then was a member of the Young Batkivshchyna organization, worked in the Party of Honor, Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime, but Vitaliy’s UDAR finally brought him real success Klitschko. The position of head of the department of improvement of the Ukrainian capital became for Belotserkovets that same inexhaustible feeding trough, which he did not leave even when he became a people’s deputy of Ukraine. He remained the “shadow” manager of this department, secretly directing and determining all its decisions.
According to Belotserkovets, Klitschko invited him to join his team to fight corruption in the Kyiv Department of Public Improvement. However, in 2015-2016 alone, under the leadership of Belotserkovets, the public utility enterprise “Kievblagostroystvo” transferred almost seventy million hryvnia to the accounts of fictitious companies.
Belotserkovets is proud that in 2 years he destroyed 8 thousand kiosks. Although there are specific articles of the Criminal Code that qualify such actions. Destruction of property is just one of the articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine that he violated.
Expert of the Bureau of Public Expertise “Gromex” Alena Dobrorez reminds that even if the MAF is absolutely illegal, the owner must first be offered to remove his facility and, if he does not agree, begin forced dismantling. And without fail, with the preservation of all material assets that are inside. And, of course, don’t break or steal anything! “Everything that is happening is the destruction of private property, and one of the conditions for dismantling is maintaining the integrity of the objects. This is a tender condition that must be observed by all contractors hired by KP “Kyivblagoustroystvo”– comments Dobrorez.
But this property, which was located in MAFs (in total, according to our calculations, is more than 40 million hryvnia in the form of goods), was not so much destroyed as sold through front companies and entrepreneurs in markets throughout Ukraine. And this is pure looting, for which during the war people were simply shot without trial.
But let’s get back to the demolition. To demolish the MAFs, new Kyiv officials hired third-party contractors. Lawyers of the Bureau “Gromex” analyzed 2 agreements concluded as a result of a tender between the municipal enterprise “Kyivblagoustriy” and LLC “Ukraine Business Group” in the amount of 13,618,000 hryvnia.
“We studied the information on the movement of funds through the accounts of Ukraine Business Group LLC, which can be found on the Internet, and came to the conclusion that almost all the funds received into the accounts of Ukraine Business Group LLC through the Kyivblagoustriy enterprise were subsequently were transferred to the accounts of fictitious companies”,” commented the Gromex Bureau.
And this is just one of many sources of personal enrichment for Belotserkovsky.
Analysts carefully studied Belotserkovets’s income statement, open data about his family members and discovered many very interesting facts.
But more on that in the next part of our review.
CONTINUATION: Corrupt official Dmitry Belotserkovets and his well-equipped feeding trough (Part 2)
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