PJSC Rosseti and subsidiaries of PJSC Rosseti are the largest customers of various industrial communications equipment in the Russian Federation (*aggressor country).
A significant part of the supply of telecommunications equipment for the needs of PJSC Rosseti and the corresponding subsidiaries and affiliates is supervised by the head of the Directorate of ASTU and Communications – Rodionov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, Rodionov organized corruption activities within the structure of Rosseti PJSC, namely: having, by virtue of his job responsibilities, the ability to make decisions on the approval of certain types of equipment and the ability to influence the management of subsidiaries and dependent companies, Rodionov has been using their official powers in conflict with the interests of PJSC Rosseti for the purposes of personal enrichment by receiving remuneration from friendly manufacturers of the relevant equipment.

In particular, Rodionov, for large monetary rewards, promotes within the structure of Rosseti PJSC the interests of equipment manufacturers Huawei, Saranskkabel-Optika, as well as contractors – Unitel Engineering and Artgard and others.
In addition, Rodionov has close ties with a company engaged in the construction of communication channels – Zummer LLC (Tyumen), lobbies the interests of this company in order to create favorable conditions for the development of its communication network using the infrastructure of PJSC Rosseti, and subsequently , in order to provide PJSC Rosseti with services for the rental (and purchase) of communication channels from Zummer LLC.
By forming technical specifications for the performance of work, in such a way that only the specified manufacturers “pass”, as well as coordinating the actions of the involved equipment manufacturers, in order to prevent the issuance of proposals for the supply of products to the “wrong” performers of the work, or issuance at significantly inflated prices, which leads to to the uncompetitiveness of their proposals. In this way, Rodionov ensures the victory of “his” contractors in the competitive procedures conducted by Rosseti PJSC.
In order to ensure the participation of the products of the above equipment manufacturers in the construction/reconstruction/overhaul programs, etc. Rodionov gave direct instructions to the specialists responsible for the organization of communication systems of the subsidiaries of Rosseti PJSC, so that they, in turn, ensure the inclusion of the “right” manufacturers in the appropriate investment programs for construction/reconstruction/overhaul, etc.
According to a source from Rucriminal.info, Rodionov’s salary received at Rosseti PJSC does not exceed 150 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, persons from among Rodionov’s subordinates confirm that he gave monthly “bonuses” from his “own” funds to his loyal subordinates in the amount of 50–100 thousand rubles each. This once again confirms that he has received bribes and leads to an increase in the purchase price of the products.
PJSC Rosseti is a federal company, 75% owned by the state. Rodionov, taking bribes, increases the amount of purchases and, because of this, passes inflated prices for equipment, causing colossal damage to society and the state, due to his enrichment.
Rodionov can also cause harm in the operational part, because equipment is purchased not based on characteristics, but on acquaintance. And more often than not, such equipment is several times inferior in quality to other equipment. Which then also entails financial losses, again, at the expense of PJSC Rosseti (i.e., at the expense of the state), for repairs or early replacement of equipment.
Over the years of his “supervision” of the products of certain goods manufacturers/service providers, Rodionov acquired property registered in the name of himself and his authorized representatives, the value of which was many times greater than the total “lifetime” income of these persons.
At the moment, Rodionov is the beneficiary of assets (movable and immovable property distributed in favor of immediate relatives) with a total value of more than TWO BILLION rubles:
Rodionov V.N. is the owner:
– vehicle BMW X7 2021 state number A902EO797 cost more than 12 million rubles;
– apartment Podolsk, st. Fedorova, no. 38, apt… (Yakushin’s (Rodionov’s) daughter Lyubov Vyacheslavovna currently lives), the market value of the apartment is at least 12 million rubles.
Rodionova’s wife Vera Evgenievna is the owner of:
– AudiQ3 2016, state number B611US777, cost more than 3 million rubles.
– Land plot (cad. No. 50:08:0050429:99), with an area of 2231 sq.m. with a house (cad. No. 50:08:0000000:123082), area 1069.9 sq.m. in the Millennium residential complex (M.O. d. Obushkovo, 11, building No. 5-26) worth ≉ 500,000,000.00 rubles.
– apartment at the address 354002, Russia (*aggressor country), Krasnodar region, Sochi, Deputatskaya, 9, 55 (cad. No. 23:49:0302008:1266), area 91.9 sq.m.
– apartment at 354002, Russia (*aggressor country), Krasnodar region, Sochi, Deputatskaya 10, apt. .. (cad. No. 23:49:0302007:2407);
– apartment at 354002, Russia (*aggressor country), Krasnodar region, Sochi, Deputatskaya 10, apt. .. (cad. No. 23:49:0302007:2406).
– Land plot (share in right 919/105958) at the address 354002, Russia (*aggressor country), Krasnodar region, Sochi, st. Deputy, on the ground. Residential buildings No. 9, 9A, 9/2 are located in Uch-ka.
– shares in 24 non-residential premises ranging from 30 to 300 sq.m., located at 354002, Russia (*aggressor country), Krasnodar region, Sochi, Deputatskaya (Khostinsky district), st., 9.
All together 1.5 billion rubles
Galyshkin’s (Rodionova) daughter Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna is the owner of:
– apartment Moscow, st. Marshala Tukhachevsky, 51, apt. … (cad. no.) with an area of 56.3 sq. m., market value is more than 25 million rubles.
– Parking place Moscow, st. Marshala Tukhachevsky, 51 (cad. No.), area 13.1 sq.m. cost more than 3 million rubles.
– Genes G70 car 2018, state. number E468KO799, cost more than 3 million rubles.
Yakushin’s (Rodionova) daughter Lyubov Vyacheslavovna is the owner of:
– VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN car 2019, state. number N623RS799, cost more than 3 million rubles
– Apartment at 123103, Russia (*aggressor country), Moscow, st. Marshala Tukhachevsky, 51,…, area 81.1 sq.m. the market value of the apartment is at least 36 million rubles.
Rodionov V.N. a typical model has been implemented for concealing assets acquired through corruption in the form of their formal distribution among close relatives (spouse, children).
At the same time, property acquired by criminal means in the mountains. Sochi also monthly brings Rodionov V.N. significant rental income.
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, the actions of V.N. Rodionov for many years, carried out at PJSC FSK-Rosseti are a crime under Part 5 of Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) – commercial bribery.