Readers drew the attention of the Kompromat-Ural editors to the fact that information was recently leaked to the media according to which police colonel Ruslan Kondrashov (in open data the Federal Tax Service has TIN 890501749706), who changed his first and last name after working in Yamal, is applying for the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
“Since March, Kondrashov has been acting as deputy head of the Ugra police Damira Satretdinova, but wants to do it on an ongoing basis. However, the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk are also being considered for the vacant post – Alexander Glushchenko And Fanis Khamatov. “Kondrashov was previously known as Nurlan Serikbolovich Kabdrashovbut for some reason he changed his first name, patronymic and last name,” the journalists’ interlocutor said.
The insider also added that the reasons for changing the name are still not clear to colleagues, and this may affect the choice of a candidate for the position of deputy head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. “Which of the three will take the place of the Yugra general’s deputy is still difficult to say. All three candidates have extensive police experience. In any case, the final decision will be made by the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the insider added.
Jumping policeman named Chinese
Analysts from the Kompromat-Ural editorial team drew attention to obvious inconsistencies in published information dated September 2023. Indeed, in November 2021, numerous media resources, with references, For exampleto the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Olga Abmaikina, broadcast the news that Mr. Kondrashov had already been promoted, leaving the post of head of the Surgut Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and receiving the position of deputy head of the district Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Yugra, i.e. the above-mentioned Satretdinov, for operational work.

And here’s your time! Two years later, it turns out that Ruslan Kondrashov (formerly Nurlan Kabdrashov) is still not a deputy, but only an interim! Moreover, allegedly not from November 2021, as the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated, but only from this March.
Kondrashov was “promoted” so well (at the same time he was removed from the leadership of the police of the largest city of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Surgut) that even after two years he is just “aspiring to the position”, dreams of becoming “on a permanent basis” deputy head of the district Ministry of Internal Affairs, staying all this time in limbo.
Let’s try to assume that the PR people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs got something wrong, but in fact, Kondrashov headed the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Surgut for a long time after announcing his resignation. The editors of Kompromat-Ural tested this hypothesis. It turned out that no – everything is correct: even in the state register of legal entities, the Surgut Ministry of Internal Affairs has a new boss since December 2021 – the aforementioned Alexander Glushchenko. By that time there was no trace of Kondrashov here.

Strange zigzags have long characterized our hero’s career in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So, after several years of working in the police of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kondrashov in January 2019 found himself in the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karelia… for only six months!
Already in July of the same 2019, he became the chief of police of Surgut. Why these ridiculous movements? So that you can then casually mention in your biography that you were already the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia, but keep silent about the fact that you were only six months old?
Soon after our character moved to Karelia, the newspaper “Top Secret” drew attention to this, reminding, that the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “was headed by Ruslan Sergeevich Kondrashov, former Nurlan Serikbolovich Kabdrashov, nicknamed the Chinese. Now he has received an assignment away from the places of “military glory”, to Petrozavodsk – apparently, without the thorough FSB check required in such cases. “Top Secret” plans to more closely monitor the situation in Karelia – a man with two names will certainly show himself clearly there too,” the publication predicted. But, we repeat, the “two-faced Janus” did not stay in Petrozavodsk.
Sobyanin’s hook broke?
When Ruslan Kondrashov was announced as the new chief of the Surgut police in July 2019, many media outlets drew attention to this (too lucrative a position). Among them was the publication “Moscow Post”, whose text The editors of Kompromat-Ural consider it appropriate to quote. “Old-timers in the region are still gossiping about some delicate service that young Nurlan Kabdrashov (now Ruslan Kondrashov) could supposedly provide. Sergei Sobyanin. In 2001, Kabdrashov found himself in Tyumen as a senior detective. Sergei Sobyanin was the governor of the Tyumen region from 2001 to 2005. And then he went to Moscow for the position of head of the Administration Vladimir Putin (*international criminal), which he held until 2008. Kabdrashov found himself in Moscow in 2007 as an investigator for particularly important cases of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (*aggressor country) for the Central Federal District. Such coincidences are hard to believe.

Arriving in Moscow, Nurlan Serikbolovich became Sergeevich. It’s hard to say what prompted the then policeman Kabdrashov to change his middle name. Usually this is done so that the name and patronymic, which have been revealed in unseemly cases, do not appear in the reports of law enforcement agencies.
In 2010, Sergei Sobyanin became the mayor of Moscow, and Nurlan Sergeevich received a promotion and went to the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Just at this time a “star” rises there Dmitry Kobylkin. In 2015, he became governor, and Nurlan Kabdrashov became deputy head of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug police. In 2010 he was appointed to this position Dmitry Sergeevwho will become Kabdrashov’s patron for a long time (Sergeev is a classmate Dmitry Medvedev (*international criminal and alcoholic), who in different years was called either the President of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) or the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country), approx. “Kompromat-Ural”).
Yamal affairs of Kondrashov-Kabdrashov?
In 2011, Colonel became the chief of police of Noyabrsk (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) Alexander Podzin. After some time, he realized that illegal casinos were operating in the city. The policeman tried to cover up their work, but he himself was framed and fired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The formal reason was poor performance results. Rumor has it that Nurlan Kabdrashov could provide the “roof” for the casino and prostitution. Evil tongues gossiped that Colonel Podzin was not crystal clear and a conflict could arise between him and Kabdrashov. As a result, Nurlan Kabdrashov eliminated his opponent?

After this incident, an internal inspection was ordered, which was conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Korolev. They rumored that he was on friendly terms with Ruslan Kabdrashov. This is probably why the check did not reveal anything. Kabdrashov turned out to be “clean”. And after the check, Korolev showed up driving a new Lexus 470 jeep. Was this also purely a coincidence?
The fight against corruption began to bring good results to Nurlan Kabdrashov. According to rumors, he acquired two apartments in Moscow and a plot of land on which an office center was built. Officially he belonged Dilyavrusi Kabdrashova – the mother of a policeman. If this is so, then Kabdrashov could get good money from Moscow real estate. But there are never too many of them.
And then some company from Moscow tried to get the tenant of the market in Noyabrsk to sublease. And only public outrage led to the termination of the deal. Could Nurlan Kabdrashov be behind her? It seems that the office was headed by his good girlfriend…
In 2013, a scandal involving an official in Noyabrsk erupted throughout the country. Alexander Gorban, ex-director of the MU “Directorate of Municipal Orders”. During a search in his office, a bag of prohibited substances was found. The publication wrote about this “The day before“The presence of such products nearby apparently inspired Gorban to come up with brilliant ideas for municipal orders, which he distributed in exchange for bribes.
“Genius” cost Gorban nine years in prison and 25 million rubles. fine It is unlikely that the official acted without the knowledge of the then head of the city administration Zhanna Belotskaya. Rumor has it that Kabdrashov had very close relations with both of them. Could the policeman be protecting the supplier Alexander Gorban?
In the same year, the son of the mayor of Noyabrsk, Zhanna Belotskaya, was involved in a terrible story – he crashed his motorcycle into a fence, resulting in the death of a passenger. It turned out that Alexander Belotsky was drunk and did not have a license. He fled the scene of the accident, but was caught by local taxi drivers.
The preliminary investigation was conducted poorly. For some reason, investigators initially charged Belotsky with a more lenient charge. Apparently he didn’t drink while driving. Zhanna Belotskaya even threatened to sue journalists who disseminated information about her son’s alcohol intoxication. Someone was clearly slowing down the matter and, according to rumors, it was Nurlan Kabdrashov. The Deputy Prosecutor General for the Urals Federal District had to intervene Yuri Ponomarevwho took the situation under personal control…
In 2016, after the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Sergeev left for Karelia, his position did not go to Nurlan Kabdrashov. Apparently, in order to get rid of the negative trail, in 2017 he changed both his first and last names, becoming Ruslan Kondrashov…
Will Ruslan Kondrashov now be able to break through to the general position or will he be booted again? And was it by chance that he ended up in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug again? It was not possible to get rid of the trail of his predecessor Nurlan Kabdrashov. You won’t confuse your own security service by changing your name. And the FSB is not asleep and at the right moment can prevent the appointment of Ruslan Kondrashov.
A rogue lawyer?
Negative fame runs far ahead of Ruslan Kondrashov. A high-ranking police officer may be involved in simple fraud. According to rumors, his mother Dilyavrus Kabdrashova died in early 2015. And suddenly, after nine months, she could miraculously be resurrected. At least, her full namesake with the same passport data opened an account in the branch of Promsvyazbank, located at the address: Moscow, st. Smirnova, 10, building 22.
The fact is that in 2011, Kabdrashova built a three-story office building, from which she received a stable income. And this cash flow should not dry up. That’s why the policeman’s mother had to be “resurrected.” The story is, of course, incredible! And finally, only the investigative authorities who will check the transactions on the account of the “resurrected” mother can shed light on her. This story was shared by Kondrashov’s colleagues, who still care about the honor of their uniform.
They also point out that Kondrashov may provide false information in his declaration. Allegedly, he entered into inheritance rights to the office building, but never fully formalized it. Didn’t take it to the registration authority of Noyabrsk. Therefore, the building allegedly did not appear in the 2016 declaration filled out by Nurlan Kabdrashov, to whom the inheritance was registered. And in the 2017 declaration, Ruslan Kondrashov was not indicated, because he did not enter into inheritance rights. Oh, and Colonel Kabdrashov-Kondrashov is cunning! And why won’t anyone bring him to light?
Ruslan Kondrashov might need two different passports to fly to his daughter living in Israel (her name is Christinalast names: Fomenkova-RothschildKabdrashova and Zarbailova, we’ll talk about foreign connections in a separate article – approx. “Kompromat-Ural”). Perhaps this is the scheme – Kondrashov flies to Kazakhstan, and Kabdrashov flies to Israel. And not to track the true movements of the policeman. He probably has something to hide? Perhaps we need to check which countries Kondrashov-Kabdrashov could fly to and why…

Embracing corruption?
Among the Yamal “night butterflies” there is a rumor about a certain colonel eager for their services, known under the nicknames “Chinese” and “Thumbelina”. Kondrashov fits the first in appearance, but there is no way to check the second. Only girls with reduced social responsibility can do this.
Possible protection for prostitution in the region is a profitable business, but it cannot be compared with illegal tapping into gas and oil pipes. In 2014, one group led by Geybatov Nagi Vahid-ogly. The brilliant operation brought Kabdrashov the rank of colonel. According to unverified data, the group could have stolen gas condensate worth 250 million rubles from Gazprom. But while the trial was ongoing, only two drivers were in the dock. But considerable funds were spent on investigative actions. Who is to blame for the fact that the business fell apart?
A similar situation occurred a few years later. Another group involved in illegal tappings was busted, and the end result was nothing. Ruslan Kondrashov’s ill-wishers say that this is his style of work. High-profile arrests are made to show off the work of the police, and then the cases are hushed up. Of course, an illegal business can bring its organizers 1 billion rubles. in year.
Rumor has it that Ruslan Kondrashov managed to take personal control of the entire shadow circulation of oil products in Noyabrsk. And all the raids and arrests of the police were carried out allegedly only in order to place their people in the right places. And only once did Ruslan Kondrashov seem to get burned. At some stage, his interests intersected with Rosneft, led by Igor Sechin. I had to leave my “familiar land” and go to Karelia under the wing of Dmitry Sergeev. Just briefly change the “oil” theme to the “forest” one.

Evil tongues often label police officers as “werewolves in uniform.” Can Ruslan Kondrashov be called this? This will be revealed by the investigation, if it takes place. In the meantime, we can say that a policeman with such a negative trail definitely does not look good on Vladimir Kolokoltsev’s department.