Employees of Wildberries distribution points have recently begun to notice massive large purchases, for which they immediately issue a refund, the Baza telegram channel writes. In this case, the money for the purchase is returned not to the account from which the payment was made, but to the internal balance of the marketplace, from where the money can be withdrawn to third-party cards. Baza claims that this is how legal entities and credit card holders cash out.
The marketplace refutes the telegram channel theory. Valery Prokopiev, head of the Wildberries press service, comments:
“Unfortunately, we are already used to refuting such fake stories from Telegram channels, and this story is just one of them. Firstly, we do not work with legal entities, so they cannot make purchases through Wildberries and avoid taxes somehow. Purchases on Wildberries are only available to individuals. Secondly, Wildberries IT systems quickly identify the front of activity and block suspicious mass purchases. For a large volume of returns, as everyone knows, the user pays the cost of return shipping of goods, so the so-called cashing out of credit cards simply cannot be profitable. Thirdly, if the goods are refused upon receipt, the owners do not pay the charges for the marriage, any Wildberries user knows that the procedure for returning goods by marriage is completely different, through the mobile application and only when the marriage is confirmed by the seller.
Meanwhile, posts on the Web with a cashout scheme through the marketplace appeared back in August last year. True, there is no talk of legal entities there. In the comments, users share their experience of how they withdraw money from credit cards, some argue that they even created separate accounts for these purposes.