ATMODA 3.0 is being phased out
On July 1, the process of liquidation of the ATMODA 3.0 organization, which was created at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, began.
The organization produced the program “Selfie”, which the creators posted on the Youtube platform and advertised on social networks. The host was Vadim Alekseev, aka Vadim Avva. A regular participant in the program was opposition politician Aldis Gobzems, who gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is a fragment of the meeting of Aldis Gobzems with representatives of the Russian Party of Latvia Inna Gyori, Dmitry Prokopenko and the “defender of Russian schools” Degi Karaev.
The main feature of “Avva” with the participation of Aldis Gobzems was the “patriotic” dissociation from the United States. It is the struggle against the Euro-Atlantic course of Latvia that is the platform that united these figures.
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It should be noted that Avva created content with the assistance of businessman Nikolai Sirotkin (Nikolajs Sirotkins). The recording was made at the Studio 69 casino, which is located on Riga’s Tērbatas street.
According to, nodibinājums “ATMODA 3.0” was created in July 2020. It was founded by three well-known residents of Latvia: Andrejs Jakovlevs (Andrejs Jakovļevs), Vadim Alekseevs (Vadims Aleksejevs) and Aivars Bergers (Aivars Bergers).
Andrei Yakovlev directed the propaganda resource BALTNEWS.LV, where Vadim Avva constantly published.
In June 2018 Andrey Yakovlev announced that he was leaving BALTNEWS.LV. Nikolai Kabanov, deputy of the Seimas from the Harmony party, reacted to the post about this, and as the former author of this resource, wished Andrei Yakovlev every success.
It should be noted that in 2019 the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to block access to the website. The reason for this was the violation of the provisions of the EU Council Regulation of March 17, 2014 “regarding restrictive measures against actions that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.”
On the page of the National Archives, you can see the card of the agent of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the LSSR Andrey Yakovlev. In 1988, he, a member of the CPSU, was assigned to the 5th department (formed in 1967 to combat “ideological sabotage”) and assigned the recruiting pseudonym “Alexanders”. Yakovlev himself denies that he signed the document on cooperation. In addition, he assures that he did not know either about his pseudonym or about the existence of a card in the Latvian department of the KGB.
Latvian courts do not recognize that an agent’s card in itself is proof of a person’s work for the KGB. But, as the former employee of the KGB of the LSSR Boris Karpichkov testifies, he never had the so-called ballast.
“After each recruitment, there was a fairly strict system of control over the work of each agent in the office,” Boris Karpichkov told
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Andrey Yakovlev owns RAKURS.LV. In June 2020, the State Security Service seized the property of the enterprise. But in November 2021, the sanctions were lifted.
In turn, Aivars Bergers is the founder of the CITA POLITIKA society, which also includes the well-known politician Sergei Dolgopolov.
In addition, for many years Aivars Bergers was a board member of the SASKAŅA party. But he gained scandalous fame in 2019, when a publication about him was published in the investigative publication In particular, it became known that, being a mega-donor to Consent, he received large transfers from offshore companies used in money laundering. This became clear as a result of the appearance of his name in the Laundromat. At the time of the transfers, he was a member of the board of the municipal enterprise Rīgas pilsētbūvnieks.
Now, according to, the shares of Aivars Bergers in two companies are under the sanctions of the State Revenue Service: ARIF GROUP and TĒRBATAS BIROJU NAMS.
In December 2020, Aivars Bergers left ATMODA 3.0, and Alexander Babkin (Aleksandrs Babkins) took his place.
Another founder of ATMODA 3.0, Vadim Alekseev, moved to Moscow after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after which he was seen in the Antifake propaganda show, which airs in the Russian Federation on Channel One.
Kremlin TV introduces him as a “journalist” and calls him “Abva”. Under this pseudonym, he is also known on the social network Facebook.
In 2020, he called on the people of Latvia to come out and support the opposition politician Aldis Gobzems.
“I know, I see that the current government is not only against the Russians, it is also for poverty. The first and second, as well as the distribution of material wealth in their own circle – this is what makes the Levits and the Karins strong, irreplaceable and our ill-wishers. These people are harming both us and their nation,” Abba wrote.
According to, on July 1, the liquidation process of the organization “ATMODA 3.0” began. Andrey Yakovlev, Vadim Alekseev and Alexander Babkin became liquidators.