Spousal debt of Sergei Mironov
Leader of the political party “A Just Russia – For the Truth!” and former long-term chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov does not miss the opportunity to emphasize his brutality – he will either remind you of how he served as a sergeant in the Airborne Forces, or talk about the harsh everyday life of a geologist in the taiga. Women of Balzac age like it, and they are the main voter in Russia.
The image of a macho man obviously helped our hero in his personal life. Mitrofanushka from Fonvizin’s comedy said:
“I don’t want to study, I want to get married,” and Sergei Mironov turned out to be a more grasping person – he studied and got married, like on a conveyor belt. A person has five diplomas of higher education, from a geologist to a philosopher. Wives are slightly less – four. Bye. There are three children.
The image of a soldier-geologist, who in life, except for a folding gas burner, does not need anything, Sergei Mironov tries to match. In 2020, he formally divorced his last wife and now has a “clean” declaration. Mironov does not have any property at all, he only has an apartment of 120 square meters, apparently provided by the state for the duration of his powers, as well as a trailer for free use. A beautiful picture is slightly spoiled by an income of 5.7 million rubles. But in general, he is clean before the citizens, to whom the politician tells about justice.
However, it is hard to believe that a person who is in the Russian politics since the mid-1990s, hasn’t really amassed anything in that time. Got it, of course. He provided all his wives, children and a possible mistress with property worth almost 1 billion rubles.
Luxurious assets, which Sergei Mironov recorded on former spouses, allow us to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhis real income. And in retrospect, the increase in the well-being of each subsequent wife demonstrates how, with each stage of a career, the possibilities of a high-ranking Russian politics.
You will know them by their wives
As a public politician Mironov has been declaring his income and the income of his wives for many years, in election declarations every five years he also demonstrates savings in bank accounts. Officially, everything is quite transparent. But over the past 13 years, since 2009, Sergei Mironov has declared about 50 million rubles income, and by 2021 he had a little more than 500 thousand rubles in bank accounts.
First, let’s rewind the film to the 1970s: a still young geophysicist Sergey Mironov works at Geological Exploration (then Rudgeofizika), and in 1977 he marries the cousin of his classmate Elena Danilova. The marriage lasted several years. Now Mironov’s first wife is already 69 years old, and he seems to have left nothing at all – the woman does not have any valuable real estate.

From this marriage, Sergei Mironov has a son – 44-year-old Yaroslav. He has been disabled since childhood, but this did not prevent Mironov from leaving his family with nothing. The son, I must say, learned to be a programmer, and on social networks he writes not just anti-war, but even truly opposition posts – not like his father. Whether there is any connection here, we do not even know.

Details: Yaroslav Mironov, the deputy’s son from his first marriage, wrote that “a couple of years ago” his father offered to give him a “rather expensive” suburban property. The man does not remember the exact cost, but notes that she was “somewhere between the second and third wife” – that is, at least tens of millions of rubles. The man noted that after a discussion with his wife, he refused such a gift.

What gifts did he give?
Of the gifts were watches, cufflinks, all sorts of accessories. Then, when I said that I don’t eat such things, gifts such as a laptop, a camera became more common. Oh, for the birth of his son, he gave a car. VW Sharan, a minivan, we drove it for 13 years until we crashed it in 2018. I don’t remember exactly how much it cost, well, decently, I could take such a loan, but without a loan I definitely wouldn’t have saved up. It was probably the most expensive gift ever.
For the most part, I could not find out the cost of accessories and I no longer have them. There was a steel Rolex Oyster watch, they cost about $5,000. I think he gave them to me somewhere around 2006. […]
Earlier, you told us that your father wanted to give you expensive real estate, but you refused. Did he offer you any other similar gifts when he already worked as the speaker of the Federation Council and the leader of the faction?
No. He probably understood that I would refuse. Actually, that’s why I was so surprised and for some time I could not understand what he was talking about in this situation with real estate, because there was nothing like that before.
The second wife, Lyubov Ivanovna, was more fortunate. Mironov met her on a geological expedition, when, as in other cases, he was still married. It was the longest marriage of Sergei Mironov, lasting almost 20 years. It was during this marriage that he began his political career.

Your career will have to stop. It began with the fact that in 1993, yesterday’s geologist came to work in the construction corporation “Revival of St. Petersburg”, widely known in narrow circles Yuri Molchanov – partner Vladimir Putin and the future vice-governor of St. Petersburg for investments.
Sergey Mironov did not work as an executive director in the company for long. In 1994, the first elections to the Legislative Assembly were announced in St. Petersburg, and big business was then aloof from politicians did not stay. We remember how the same Vozrozhdenie sent its lawyer to the St. Petersburg Statutory Court Olga Gerasina – and Mironov was delegated to the Legislative Assembly from the All Petersburg bloc. By the way, the stepson of Yuri Molchanov, Andrei, the future president of the construction giant LSR Group, also went on the lists of the “Democratic Choice of Russia” – in such cases, they don’t put all their eggs in one basket. Andrey Molchanov lost, but Mironov became a deputy, and then a vice-speaker.
“Ice cream for children, flowers for a woman”
It is not surprising that the Mironovs lived in a 122-meter apartment on Prosveshcheniya Prospekt, acquired from Vozrozhdenie – she then remained with her ex-wife. The cost of housing today is quite modest, about 20 million rubles. However, this is not the only property in the family.
From this marriage, Mironov has a daughter, 37-year-old Irina (her full namesake in 2016 worked in the department of documentation support of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg). In 2004, when Irina was 19 years old, she became the owner of a house in the Lembolovsky dacha cooperative, right on the shore of the lake of the same name. A little later, the ownership of the land was also registered. In advertisements for the sale of dachas, the cooperative is called nothing more than an elite one with a protected area and a cozy private beach. Among the neighbors here, for example, are co-founder of the O’Key network, billionaire Dmitry Korzhev and the former governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenkowho recently bought one of Korzhev’s dachas. There is a house like this around here. 30 million rubles.

A year later, 20-year-old Irina Mironova also acquires ownership of a 107-meter apartment in the historical part of Vasilyevsky Island, in a house that just, just in 2005, was reconstructed by the Renaissance of St. Petersburg company. An apartment costs half as much here, about 25 million rubles, so the cost of Mironova’s apartment can be estimated at about 50 million rubles.
Gifts of fate happened already at the time when the father of the family moved to Moscow. Thanks to his powerful connections, his career rushed up. In the first presidential election of Vladimir Putin in 2000, Mironov took the place of deputy head of his campaign headquarters in his native St. Petersburg. This was followed by a nomination to the Federation Council – and within a few months Putin recommends him for the post of chairman. Formally, Sergei Mironov becomes a “third person in the state.” His political behavior as a whole, however, turned out to be rather pretentious, if not ridiculous – for example, in 2004 Mironov ran for president and at the same time told on every corner that he himself supports Putin and calls for him to vote. But, as you can see, it is well rewarded. The second important factor is that the house and apartment fall on Irina Mironova a year after Sergei Mironov left his second family for his third marriage.
Divorce at public expense
With a third wife Irina Yurievna Zakharova (now she is 64) the politician met back in the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, where the woman worked as his assistant. They got married in 2003, when Mironov was already heading the Federation Council, and divorced ten years later.

The income of Irina Mironova during the marriage has not yet been declared annually – this mechanism itself appeared only in 2009. But judging by election declaration husband for 2002, working in the office of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, a woman received about 600 thousand rubles. In 2009, judging by the declarations, she did not work anywhere. In 2010, already in the secretariat of the Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries, where, most likely, she got a job thanks to her husband, the salary was higher – about 3 million rubles. About 700 thousand rubles were declared in 2011, in the next – zero again. Nevertheless, the value of the property left by her after her marriage to Mironov exceeds 420 million rubles. Sergei Mironov experienced the peak of his career over the decade of this marriage. In 2006, he was entrusted with leading a new Kremlin golem, large and complex – the Just Russia party, which the then all-powerful Vladislav Surkov promised the role of a substitute ruling party, “the second leg of power.” It didn’t grow together, of course, but at that moment Mironov’s prospects shone like a badge of an officer’s belt at a parade.
And his opportunities, judging by the assets recorded on his wife, also increased. A few years after the divorce, Zakharova worked only as a specialist of the 1st category of the consumer market department of the administration of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, declaring an income of 500 thousand rubles a year. But at the same time, she owns property in a house on Krestovsky Island at the address: 2nd Birch Alley, 13-15. Zakharova owns a share of a land plot, a garage and, apparently, an apartment of 251.5 sq.m. In the election declaration of Mironov in 2011, this apartment is still in the joint ownership of the spouses and, apparently, because its owners are still classified in the extracts from Rosreestr. This house is not easy, among the neighbors are people associated with Putin, and their relatives: the daughter of the former prime minister Viktor Zubkovwife of the ex-deputy of the Legislature Sergei Nikeshin, Rotenbergs, Fursenko and the wife of the “masseur” Putin Konstantin Goloshchapov. The cost of apartments in the building can start from 250 million rubles (and there is a suspicion that not everyone will be sold yet).
Another most valuable asset of the third wife of Mironov is a Moscow apartment of 133 sq. m in the residential complex “Tverskoy Boulevard, 16” in the historical center of the capital, overlooking the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. At first, this apartment was in the operational management of the “Department for the Operation of the Housing Fund” of the Presidential Administration. One might think that the Mironovs, as often happens, simply privatized the office apartment, which was provided to the head of the family as a person holding a state position, but this apartment was never indicated in the declarations – neither in use nor in ownership.
However, the apartment was privatized – in 2013 it became the property of his third wife. It was in this year that the couple divorced; it turns out that Mironov paid off his ex-wife at the expense of the state. The cost of this apartment, judging by the sales of neighboring ones, can be about 170 million rubles.
Two relatively small apartments in St. Petersburg, one of which Zakharova inherited from her mother, and the second was bought in 2005, against such a background, there is no need to count.
Elite air in elite houses
In 2011, after an unexpected attack by United Russia members from St. Petersburg, Sergei Mironov was removed from the post of speaker of the Federation Council. Moves to the chair from Smolny Valentina Matvienko, and Mironov remains the leader of the still prominent party and a prominent member of the Duma. His political worldview, for obvious reasons, is going through a period of confusion and vacillation – sometimes something clicked in his head, and then Mironov could come to the State Duma with white ribbon on the lapel of his jacket, at that time a symbol of opposition protest.
What could be more beautiful than women (and money)? A new stage in life – a new marriage, this is the way of romantics. The last (although the paratroopers probably say “extreme” in such cases) today is the wife of Sergei Mironov – 38-year-old Olga Ivanovna Mironova, nee Radievskaya. A girl was born in St. Petersburg. They got married in 2013, and by 2021 they divorced – at least officially, since the wife had already disappeared from Mironov’s deputy declaration for 2020. Journalists, however, believe that divorce is a formality, since Olga Ivanovna still wears a wedding ring.

But formally, after the divorce, Mironov got rid of the need to declare his wife’s expensive real estate, and at the same time the Porsche Panamera car, in which she drives around Moscow. This is how a luxury car ceases to interfere with the image of a fighter against luxury, which is used by the leader of the Just Russia faction in the State Duma.
Like Mironov himself, Olga speaks in her social networks with criticism of the West, sometimes turning into square abuse, for example, she wrote that she wants to “give a pendal” to the US President Joe Biden. But for her holidays, Olga chooses countries to the west of Russia: France, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy and Switzerland.
Information about her income all the years of marriage with Mironov fell into the anti-corruption declarations of the deputy. In 2014-2019, she earned a total of about 3 million rubles. And at the same time acquired property for at least 400 million rubles.

At the beginning of the year, The Insider discovered that Radievskaya lives in a 235-meter Moscow apartment in the elite Park Palace residential complex. Journalists estimated the apartment at 350 million rubles. But housing in the “Park Palace” is still registered for the brother of the ex-wife Vladislav Radievsky. He bought real estate in 2015, but his income would hardly have allowed him such an apartment: although his brother owns the Raddent dental clinic in St. 3.3 million rubles. So the apartment, very likely, was purchased with Sergei Mironov’s money.
The same apartment is indicated in the declaration of Sergei Mironov as being in the gratuitous use of his minor son. With my son, by the way, also an interesting story. This is how the ex-wife herself describes his acquaintance with Mironov: “We met Sergei Mikhailovich in St. Petersburg quite a long time ago. I then worked on the TV channel HERE, and he often came to visit us.” At the time of meeting the girl already had seven-year-old son Ivan, who was in the second grade. After the marriage, Ivan began to call Mironov dad.
Ivan Sergeevich Mironov, born in 2005, judging by his last name and patronymic, may well be the son of Sergei Mironov. But then the version about meeting his last wife on the HERE TV channel is not very plausible, since the TV channel was founded two years after his birth. In addition, Mironov himself was then still married (although, of course, it is not a fact that this stopped him). By the way, next year Mironov’s son turns 18 – I wonder if Ivan will follow his father’s call, change his Gucci T-shirt for a bulletproof vest and take part in the mobilization?

And at the beginning of 2022, shortly before the publication of The Insider, Olga Mironova bought another apartment in Moscow – on Gzhatskaya Street, in the elite residential complex Life Kutuzovsky, located, according to advertising, within the boundaries of the Setun River Valley nature reserve in Moscow. . An apartment of this size in this house can cost from 50 million rubles. Plus two parking spaces, about a million each, where Olga Mironova parks her luxury cars Porsche Panamera 4S and BMW 530D ХDRIVE.
As a faithful companion, she shares the views of her husband. In March, Mironova, for example, also posted fast about those who “left”: “I won’t speak for others, but for me personally it became cleaner and freer to breathe…”. Well, there are no questions here – she personally really lives and breathes in Russia much easier than millions of compatriots. You used to go out onto the balcony of a luxurious apartment overlooking the Setun, take a deep breath and immediately feel freedom.
Fifth series
After the divorce of Sergei Mironov from Olga Mironova, in The media began to write about his new passion – Evgenia Anashenkova from the KVN team “Tverskoy Bulvar”. Before that, journalists wrote that Tverskoy Boulevard, on the initiative of Mironov, even received part of the premises of the Moscow office of A Just Russia.

It is good that there are people in the country who do not have such problems! Relations with Mironov and the party were not limited to providing premises for Anashenkova’s project. After some time, she herself got a job in the party apparatus, where she received a salary. Both the girl and her relatives on social networks are subscribed to Mironov’s public. Moreover, the girl, who complained about financial difficulties and worked part-time in a not-highest-paid position in the party apparatus, unexpectedly acquired a 94-meter apartment in a business-class residential complex in 2018 ” The heart of the capital” on the banks of the Moscow River. Such an apartment with finishing in this complex is located in the area 50 million rubles. But Evgenia bought it even without a mortgage.
Unlike Mironov’s previous official relations, in this case it is more difficult to make assumptions about the origin of funds for this apartment. Because, on the one hand, the main “champion of justice” in our country, apparently, likes to give expensive apartments to his women. On the other hand, the ex-husband of Evgenia Anashenkova, with whom she even has a common child, is also a completely non-poor person – he is an entrepreneur who became famous thanks to his marriage to Elena Letuchaya from Revizorro. Truth, according to the mediahe does not really like to help former families.
But in general, the prospects for relations are obvious – apparently, Sergei Mironov writes down more and more expensive assets for each subsequent spouse. material possibilities politics here they depend not so much on the formal position as on the degree of his loyalty. Now Mironov offers and completely cancel the elections in Russia.
And the question of the origin of money can always be famously answered with the classic: