Andrey Verevsky
Law enforcement officers who came to the central office of the Kernel Trade company, conducted a search and seized about 15 documents during the latter, pretty much aroused public opinion: is it a joke, this is not the first time Andrei Verevsky (Read more: Agrarian Andrei Verevsky. The success story of a former regional and BYuT member) , the director and owner of the company, is suspected of the most serious crimes, which include assistance to terrorism, transactions with activists of the DPR and LPR, theft of public funds on an especially large scale, and raider seizures of assets of smaller agricultural firms. Once again, criminal proceedings have been opened, where we are talking about the fact of illegal seizure (by deception) of “… the monetary assets of Stiomi-Holding LLC received from the State Export-Import Bank on an especially large scale…”.
So far, neither the exact amounts nor the specific circumstances of the scandalous fraud have been announced. Of course, Kernel Trade lawyers completely reject the charges, stating that all operations were carried out strictly within the framework of current legislation and an agreement with the former owner of Stiomi-Holding. By the way, Mikhail Stadnik, who headed the controversial company, immediately left the territory of Ukraine after selling his own assets, settling in Switzerland. After this demarche, debts in the amount of about 500 million hryvnia, hidden at the conclusion of the transaction, were revealed.
Considering that the litigation has been dragging on since 2012, and during the attempts to reach a consensus, Kernel Trade paid more than $35.402 million to Stiomi-Holding only for a land bank in the Khmelnitsky region (with an area of 66.35 thousand hectares), the situation is clearly ambiguous, and, It is quite possible that the search by the SBU was not accidental at all. Analysts suggest that additional unpleasant details regarding the activities of both companies will likely be revealed in the near future.
On topic: Agrarian Andrey Verevsky. The success story of a former regional and BYuT member