BEGINNING: Andrey Puziychuk: About the family clan of construction swindlers in Kyiv. PART 1
Andrey Puziychuk
Andrey Puziychuk: House for the SBU and the Arcadia construction site
In Soviet times, at 9 Potekhina Street there was a part of the “radar warfare”, which involved jamming Western “voices” (like how Russian media are now blocked). In 2005, these 4.6 hectares became the property of the SBU, whose leadership in 2013 decided to build the Bergen residential complex there for its employees. The first tender was won by the Arkada-budivnytstvo company (34882504), but then the second Maidan happened, everything got mixed up, and in 2014 the new leadership of the SBU held a repeat tender, which was won by House Construction Company No. 7 (38526328), which was part of the group “Foundation”.
The SBU was not at all embarrassed by the fact that it signed an agreement with a company that had an authorized capital of 4 thousand hryvnia (the cost of one set of tools), nor by the fact that in the future residential complex with 3,268 apartments, its employees will get only 327 (10%). The first could also be explained by the fact that “DSK-7” immediately hired a contractor “Azur-Group”, which had previously undertaken to build for the SBU residential complex on Trutenko Street, 3. But the second was already outright corruption, covered up by the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country. After all, in fact, the SBU allowed the Puziichuks to build on their land and then sell at a profit about three thousand apartments! Moreover, according to media reports, it was the SBU that helped obtain permission to build a few steps from the Goloseevsky forest. Which caused violent protests from local residents.
In 2017, these permits were revoked. And then it turned out that DSK-7 received approval from the scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Regional Development to deviate from building standards – that is, it designed a residential complex with serious violations. Finally, the last straw was the delay in construction: it was supposed to be completed first in 2016, then in October 2019, but the Puzyichuks had nothing but promises and Photoshopped pictures. And then, in November 2020, the SBU simply terminated the contract with DSK-7, which the Puziychuks had already signed over to dummies in advance. However, the SBU did not take revenge on them, but just sued 44 million hryvnia penalty. According to sources Skelet.Infofor an “amicable” resolution of the situation, the Puziychuks also had to separately “bring” several weighty envelopes and also keys to apartments in other residential complexes to the SBU.
Thus, when the Puzyichuks were still advertising apartments in the Privitny Kvartal residential complex, they had already completely finished the construction of the Bergen residential complex. And this is not just a coincidence. If you look at all the construction projects that their “Foundation” and “Azur-Group” have been involved in for the last 5-6 years, the following picture emerges: the Puziychuks rushed feverishly, abandoning some construction projects in order to complete others, while they withdrew money and bankrupted their enterprises. Why?
Perhaps this was due to a large-scale scandal that broke out at the beginning of 2018, when NABU and the National Police started an investigation activities of Vyacheslav Nepop as director of Zhitloinvestbud. And although Nepopa immediately took Klitschko under his protection, appointing him as his deputy, the generous flow of money pouring into the Puziychuk companies through Zhitloinvestbud dried up. And by this time, the Puziychuks were no longer content with “little”, but created a real financial and construction pyramid, which collapsed due to their natural greed: they withdrew so much money from the projects that there was not enough of it to complete them all. But instead of coming to their senses and curbing their appetite, they grabbed onto new projects. Some of them were attracted by the opportunity to make good money by selling apartments or receiving generous budget financing. Others, it seems, opened only to swindle money from gullible investors – as happened with the Privitny Kvartal residential complex. By the way, is it a coincidence that “Foundation” received all the permits for its construction immediately after Nepop became the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration, in charge of the construction, architectural and land departments?
However, the Puziichuks’ troubles began even earlier, along with collapse of Arkada Bank construction projectsleaving 13 thousand families without apartments who had already paid their money for them. As you know, all the blame for this “new Elite Center” was placed only on the bank itself, through which all payments were made, and through which all the schemes passed. Therefore, Arcade’s construction contractors, including Fundament and Azur-Group, remained seemingly uninvolved. Although still in 2018 at the anniversary corporate party “Fundament” its management was proud of its long-standing cooperation with “Arcade”! After all, it was the Puziychuk companies that built such “arcade” projects as “Welcome Home” (on Revutskogo), residential complex “La-La-Land”, residential complex “Evrika” and residential complex “Cassiopeia”. The structures of “Foundation” were called involved in the scandalous construction Residential complex “Patriotika”which caused a protracted conflict with environmentalists.
And so the Arkada bank burst, and Fundament and Azur Group continued to complete its projects – but now they were attracting money from new clients through the Hunter venture fund. At the same time, in order to complete the construction of the La-La-Land and Eureka residential complexes, for which panels produced by DSK-3 were used, they brought their plant to bankruptcy, plus they left the Privitny Kvartal residential complex without building materials. But, unable to cope with these volumes of construction, the Puzyichuks are trying to get contracts for the completion of other Arcade facilities – after all, we are talking about multi-billion-dollar sums that must be allocated from the budget so that the defrauded shareholders still get their apartments.
However, several years ago, the Puziichuks already volunteered to “help” defrauded shareholders – not their own, however, but those who suffered during the Elita-Center scam. In 2016, Zhitloinvestbud held a tender for the construction at budget expense of two panel residential buildings on Miloslavskaya Street, some of the apartments in which were intended for the affected “elite members.” The tender, of course, was “won” by the Azur-Group company, whose accounts received 195.65 million government hryvnia. Construction proceeded at the traditional “Puzychuk” pace: in the summer of 2020 it was still not completed, and “Azur-Group” begged from the budget another 94.86 million hryvnia. We emphasize that it was at that moment that the construction of the Privitny Kvartal residential complex was finally stopped, and DSK-3 went bankrupt. Of course, nothing was completed to the end, the Puziichuks simply stole the budget money again, and then staged this trick: in the spring of 2021, Azur-Group moved away from the project, and a new tender for its completion was received by… “Foundation”!
Is the mafia immortal?
To carry out all these scams with impunity, friendship with the Nepop group alone would not be enough. Therefore, Andrei Puziychuk became a people’s deputy for a reason! It was not easy to become one: he had no political experience, and his only fame was a fight with Ruslan Demchak’s security guard at the Chi nightclub. And also as an avid hunter (that is, a killer of forest animals), the owner of a luxurious collection of expensive hunting rifles and the owner of the Hunting Compound LLC (34082615). But for this he was known only in very narrow circles. Therefore, Andrei Puziychuk did it simpler – buying himself a mandate, and at the same time the entire regional party organization “Batkivshchyna”.

Andrey Puziychuk and Yulia Tymoshenko
The choice of the party was not accidental: “Batkivshchyna” has long had the image of a party that is ready to accept anyone into its ranks, as long as he pays generously! In addition, a lucky chance turned up: Valery Dubil, one of Tymoshenko’s closest associates, according to Skelet.Infoorganized a real sale, and among his clients there were even famous criminals. In general, this is how Andrei Puziychuk received entry number 21 on the party list, and in addition the Chernihiv “Batkivshchyna” (two for the price of one?).
But no matter how ironic it may sound, it was no longer a laughing matter. Because in the Rada, Andrei Puziychuk became the chairman of the Temporary Investigative Commission (TIC) to investigate corruption in architectural and construction control bodies. A seasoned construction swindler and corrupt official was appointed to investigate corruption in construction – is this a joke? No, these are the realities of the current “green” regime! But the details are even more depressing: this VSK was created on the initiative and at the services of the famous Kyiv corrupt developer Vadim Stolar, who, by the way, was elected as a deputy from the OPZZH. But party differences do not prevent Puziychuk and Stolar from being one team both in the Rada and in the field of capital construction. By the way, The involvement of Vadim Stolar has long been discussed to the collapse of Arkada Bank. And this information logically fills in many of the gaps in the Puziychuk’s fraudulent schemes!

Vadim Stolar
It was Stolar who contributed to the fact that VSK was headed by his old friend and companion Andrey Puziychuk. And besides him, Stolar “stuck” another of his people into this commission – Natalya Prikhodko (also a people’s deputy from the Opposition for Life and Living). As Kirill Sazonov said, Prikhodko previously worked in the travel company “Yana” of Stolar’s parents, and then was his personal lawyer-consultant, following the boss from one party to another. In addition, she is the cousin of another people’s deputy from the OPZZh, Igor Kiselev. Well told about the appointment of this commission Head of the Association of New Housing Investors Svetlana Myakota:
But although back in February 2021, the Supreme Anti-Corruption the court ordered NABU to open criminal proceedings in relation to this VSK and competitively Puziychuk and Prikhodko, the commission continues its vigorous activity. They still cover up corruption and fraud in their own business, and set government agencies and “hands-on activists” against competitors. But according to Andrei Puziychuk himself, the prosecutor’s office opened a case against Svetlana Myakota, starting to call her for interrogation. It seems that the Kyiv construction mafia is truly immortal!
However, if you do not set yourself the goal of fighting corruption and lawlessness, the name Puziychuk, as well as the names of his companies, should bother you for other, more prosaic reasons – if you suddenly decide to buy an apartment in their residential complex. Firstly, you yourself were able to see that getting involved with the “Fundament”, the “Hunter” fund and other Puziychuk companies is a really big risk of being left without an apartment and without money. And secondly, which is also worth thinking about, regular violations of construction standards by these companies are not just “paper crimes”! After all, somehow these economy class high-rise buildings made of Soviet-style panels, reminiscent of huge houses of cards, do not inspire confidence…
Mikhail Shpolyansky, for Skelet.Info
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