Big problems of a small deputy Alexandra Safronova cause serious worries in Irkutsk's United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). Is it funny: Safronov, who a year ago was proudly beating his chest for the ideas and principles of New People, was hastily dragged into the ardent United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) party, forced through the preliminary vote and awarded the honorary title of deputy head of the faction in the city duma.
And Sasha decided to lose the elections. And to whom! To an “iron” communist To Anton Romanovwhich they have been trying to write off as a serious player for five years now politiciansand he still rises and rises from the ashes.

So, at a courtyard meeting of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism) Anton Romanov with residents of Akademgorodok, a social activist (incited, no doubt) attacked with her fists a deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly accompanying a candidate for the city council Anatoly ObukhovaIn a fit of passion and outright exaltation, the woman left scratches on the parliamentarian, shouted something absurd and disappeared into the sunset.
In the media sphere, the incident, which would have attracted the attention of the local PND at most, thundered like a shot: an attempt on life, injuries to a parliamentarian, a statement to the court! Obukhov even received mockery for his personal life: the Irkutsk Telegram community is like that. He doesn't mince words for long.
And it is absolutely clear that behind the pre-prepared action to disorient and then massively discredit Romanov and his team, the ears of the young and hot-blooded staff of Alexander Safronov are sticking out.
Be silent and endure, Anatoly Vasilyevich. You will still be guilty!
Fights are generally a favorite scheme for raising the ratings of “New People”. Just remember last year's story with the “unfortunate” Denis Martynyak. And Safronov (despite his hastily changed party registration) has not lost the soul of “New People”. And he knows how to “shock”.
But elections are not like driving drunk. There is no way to get out of it. And every word spoken will be carefully perceived by the public. Which also remembers and knows what its still-current deputy is really known for.
Still in the arsenal policy hasty changes in party coloring – from United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) in 2019, which did not support the young talent, to the CPSU, which no longer exists, but is remembered by everyone as a party that sold places for nomination for specific money. Then there were New People, where Safronov even managed to be the head of the regional branch, and then – a return to United Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). And all this in less than five years.
Now the easy-going and dishonest deputy is trying to get into the new Duma by slandering his opponent. But it is far from certain that this will help. The voters, they see who is worth what.