Alexander Presman: the mafia past and raider present of the Odessa “benefactor”. PART 2
CONTINUATION. BEGINNING: Alexander Presman: the mafia past and raider present of the Odessa “benefactor”. PART 1
Alexander Presman. Authoritative People
However, Presman did not intend to hide in the US for long: in fact, he hid for a short time from the angry investors of Mercury, and not from law enforcement agencies, which never put the last head of this enterprise on the wanted list. But already in 1997, Presman himself appeared in Kyiv and went to the investigators – not to surrender, but to buy Vladimir Kisel out of arrest. It was reported that the money for the release of this major criminal authority of the capital was given by Igor Bakai – who several years earlier, in partnership with Igor Sharovunder the “roof” of Kisel and Mogilevich (with the participation of Presman), carried out gas and financial scams of the Respublika corporation and Intergaz CJSC.
And in 1998, Oleksandr Presman became an assistant to the people’s deputy Viktor Razvadovsky. It is enough to “google” information about this person to understand that he is one of the most expressive embodiments of Ukrainian corruption. “He is bought and sold for any currency,” his acquaintances said about him. Therefore, the fact that in the Rada, deputy Razvadovsky twice (in 1998-2002 and 2002-2006) headed the subcommittee on combating corruption can only be called a slap in the face of the law.

Victor Razvadovsky
A former traffic police inspector who in the early 90s somehow quickly made a career in the Kiev UMVD (to the head of the traffic police department, then the tax police), Razvadovsky turned out to be a very close friend of Presman. And, according to the information available to him, Skeleton.Info information, helped Presman find paths to the right people in the corridors of the capital’s Ministry of Internal Affairs – of course, not for free. There is also information that it was Razvadovsky who helped Presman obtain a second Ukrainian passport (with changed data) in Zhitomir – his homeland, where he was elected as a people’s deputy four times. At the moment, Colonel General Razvadovsky is a people’s deputy of the 8th convocation, a member of the “Revival” faction (like Presman).
Presman held the ID of an assistant to MP Razvadovsky until 2005, and managed to do a lot with it (both with the ID and with Razvadovsky himself). It was during this period that Presman began moving to Odessa. His move accelerated after the first Maidan, which Presman supported along with other Kyiv “criminal authorities” and “gangster businessmen.” There was no ideology in this, it was simply Yevgeny Chervonenko who persuaded Presman to bet on Yushchenko – and he was right. And in 2005, Presman left Razvadovsky and became an assistant to Chervonenko – who received not only the post of Minister of Transport and Communications, but also the powers of “overseer” for the Odessa region from Viktor Yushchenko. Well, Presman used this to become “overseer” for Odessa from Mogilevich and Kisel, who stood behind him. And already in Odessa itself he acquired new useful connections.
Presman became closer to his old acquaintance Vakhtang Ubiriya, another “overseer” from Mogilevich, who also moved from Kyiv to Odessa, where he was directly connected with Eduard Gurvits and “Brotherhood” by Dmitry Korchinsky (read more about this in the article Dmitry Linko: lawlessness and provocations of the “fecal radical”). Sources Skeleton.Info It was reported that Presman was allegedly assigned to Ubiriya as a “financial director”. Another person very close to Presman is the famous “thief in law” Antimon Kuhilava, who in the “noughties” controlled the most criminal part of the contraband flows that went through the Odessa ports (including drugs and weapons). Presman was always proud of his friendship with Kuhilava, repeatedly stated that he was his godfather (godfather of his son), and in 2013 he told journalists the following: “… it would be good if there were more people like Antimon in Ukraine, there would not be such lawlessness in the country.”

Antimos Kuhilava
But here’s what’s interesting: Ubiria, Kuhilava and Gurvits were on the same side, against the other team – Ruslana Bodelana and those who supported him Alexandra Angerta And Gennady Trukhanov. In fact, these two teams fought for the mayor’s seat and power in the city for almost two decades. The rivals were also the international crime bosses who stood behind them: Semyon Mogilevich and Leonid Minin. And what is interesting is that in the last few years, Alexander Presman began to speak very respectfully about Angert and Trukhanov – is it really only because Gennady Leonidovich became the mayor of Odessa? However, Presman is no stranger to changing his coloring: it is enough to recall his pre-election work in 2012, when he used the popularity of the Party of Regions for his victory, and compare it with his speeches today, full of contemptuous intonations addressed to former regionalists (for some reason, he does not mention his membership in the PR).
In 2012, Alexander Presman was a convinced regionalist
Alexander Presman. “Good” Uncle Sasha
From 2007 to 2009, Oleksandr Presman was listed as a representative of the “Hetman of the Zaporizhian Cossacks of Ukraine”, which caused many jokes about the “Jordan Sich”. But during this time, he continued to remain in the shadows, from which he suddenly emerged in 2010, having been elected as a deputy of the Odessa Regional Council. Interestingly, at the same time, the deputy mayor Vakhtang Ubiria disappeared from Odessa – officially he fell ill and died, and unofficially they said that the old “Vakha” had deceived everyone and simply fled abroad. And a year before that, Kuhilava was deported from Ukraine. It is not surprising that Presman had to start playing independently, and look for new allies for this – which became the regionals, and then the Angret-Trukhanov team. In 2014, Presman’s political vectors changed again, but he continues to simultaneously support Trukhanov, who remains in power, and publicly praise Kukhilava, who promises to return to Odessa.
And this is understandable, because Aleksandr Presman had already settled in Odessa so much that he began to engage in raider takeovers there. Among his victims, in particular, was named ZAO Arkadia: an agricultural enterprise in the north of Odessa Oblast, which provided jobs for 260 villagers, was seized in the summer of 2013. First, the enterprise was given a debt, then through the court it was “written off” to Presman’s people for this debt, and the “titushki” who arrived one day finished it all off. Moreover, the police, called by the workers of Arkadia, took the side of the raiders, beating up the workers who resisted the takeover. After which layoffs and looting of the enterprise’s property began at Arkadia.
In October of the same 2013, the building of the Children’s Cadet Corps, created with funds from the Union of Black Sea Cossacks, was seized in Odessa. Alexander Presman threw out the “masqueraders”, waving documents from the city council, according to which the new owner of the building was a company close to him. In March 2014, land (vegetable gardens) was seized in the village of Kryzhanovka, where commercial construction immediately began – where the raider was local businessman Vitaliy Sila, about whom Presman himself repeatedly publicly stated as his close friend.
But the dispute over the territory of a fish farm in the village of Yaski in the Belyaevsky district of the Odessa region, which has been going on for several years, has developed into a real war with shooting! The territory has long been operated by OdesaRybKhoz LLC, which arose on the basis of a state enterprise, and BestisSistem LLC, which is part of the business empire of Alexander Presman through a system of shell companies, has long been trying to squeeze it out. Back in 2013, BestisSistem signed a lease agreement with the State Enterprise Ukrryba (the owner of the territory and facilities where OdesaRyba operates) for almost 770 hectares with 38 industrial and warehouse facilities. The rent allegedly amounted to only 10 hryvnia per month (!), but all the costs of paying for electricity, etc. fell on OdesaRyba, which by the summer of 2014 was completely in debt and ripe for final liquidation with the subsequent seizure of everything else by Presman’s company. But then suddenly another party appeared in the case – businessman Alexander Lapchik (he was accused of manufacturing counterfeit brands of leather goods), who had been at war with Alexander Presman at the 7th Kilometer market for a long time. Lapchik, allegedly being some relative of the director of Odessarybkhoz LLC, bought 50% of the company’s shares for only 100 thousand dollars. After that, Lapchik began to force the Bestis System company out of the company – which it perceived as a retaliatory raider attack. And off it went!
On the side of Oleksandr Presman and Bestis System LLC were the long-fed courts and prosecutors of Odessa, as well as the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the region, Serhiy Makhotin – the same former deputy head of the Southern Territorial Directorate of the National Guard, who during the ATO in August 2014, together with 60 fighters, surrendered, leaving for the territory of Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). But at the beginning of the “Georgian management” of Odessa in 2015, Makhotin received a high position in the new police, becoming the deputy of Giorgi Lortkipanizde. However, on the side of Lapchik, there was the public organization “For All Odessa” and the group of people in camouflage he gathered, who claimed that they were ATO veterans. And that they were on the territory of the enterprise “for rehabilitation”, and at the same time protecting it from “raiders of the old government”, and also that they conducted a “civil search” in the office of “Bestis System” and found “separatist literature” there. In general, from that moment on, the most heated things began! The apogee of the confrontation came in January-February 2016, when Presman’s “titushki” tried to recapture the enterprise from the “ATO” soldiers, and a real shootout broke out on the territory of the enterprise twice. After the second time, special police forces under the command of Makhotin rushed in – sources claimed that Presman paid him 20 thousand dollars for his services. After that, the confrontation again returned to the framework of litigation, with both sides actively using the media against each other, in which they hang labels.
Well, in the matter of fruitful cooperation with law enforcement agencies, Presman will wipe the floor with many! Odessans still remember how their elected representative drove around Odessa in his Maybach with the number “AA 0001 OA” accompanied by an expensive jeep with “Titan” employees – hired to guard the expensive body practically for free.
Alexander Presman: for himself – a Maybach

and for the “kids” – candy
His second wife, Alexandra Kuzkevich, also loves expensive cars (there is information that their marriage is fictitious, since Kuzkevich allegedly did not dissolve her previous marriage), who owns a Bently Continental and a BMW X5. By the way, Presman himself declared two more “six-hundredths” in 2012 – in addition to three houses and two apartments. And this is despite the fact that their combined family income for the previous year was only 80 thousand hryvnia! This money would barely be enough to pay for utilities even at the rates of that time. It seems that Presman, who “threw away his show-off”, simultaneously hid all his large incomes. However, he always had more than enough money for the election campaign. Having bought himself a Maybach, Presman used his spare change to organize the bribery of voters with cheap gifts – while printing his face and the slogan “Your Presman” even on the packaging of New Year’s candy sets for children.
But this does not mean that Presman loves children. Otherwise, in 2012, the company “Bit-Yug” controlled by him, which received a tender for the supply of food products to Odessa kindergartens, would not have saved on the quality of raw materials and compliance with technological standards – and would not have fed the children chicken colitas infected with salmonella. For which Presman did not even apologize, completely freezing himself from this scandalous incident.
Sergey Varis, for Skelet.Info
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