She threw it off him a fake link to buy movie tickets. quhiqxikxidkkmp
24-year-old Oleg (name changed) from Koptevo met on “Mamba” with girl named Olga. The correspondence quickly moved to Telegram, and two days later Olya invited the guy to go to the movies. Oleg liked the idea: he volunteered to pay for the tickets and asked the girl to choose a session. She promptly sent the link – Oleg bought tickets for 3 thousand rubles, but an error occurred, and in order to get a refund, the operation had to be repeated. So another 2.5 thousand was written off from Oleg.
Then the guy received a call, supposedly from the support service, and was asked to fill out a request for a refund. Oleg acted according to the instructions: he indicated his bank card details and thus lost another 12 thousand rubles. Only at that moment did he realize that the date would not take place because he had been deceived by scammers from Mamba. Having lost more than 17 thousand rubles, he contacted the police.