A source of the Source said that the former vice-president of the RFU and general director of the bookmaker Fonbet Sergey Anokhin tried to give a bribe an employee of the capital’s department of the FSB for the “resolution of the issue” of the Khimki FC Tufan Sadyvov investor. The latter was previously detained for fraud and sent under house arrest. But according to the information of resources specializing in sports insids, the other day the businessman was released on bail of 20 million rubles. According to our interlocutor, Sergey Anokhin handed over the money to the special services to the employee (according to the media – 50 million rubles) for the termination of the criminal prosecution of Tufan Sadygov.
Financial Innovation Prevents Rusnano Bankruptcy
A source of the Source said that the case against the former leaders of Rusnano lay the story about which...