The Central Election Commission denied registration to a journalist from Rzhev Ekaterina Duntsova in the presidential elections in March 2024. She intends to appeal the decision in order to compete in the race. Why is the girl closely associated with foreign agents and the oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky?
Why did the Central Election Commission refuse to register Duntsova?
A little-known regional journalist in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) and former deputy of the Rzhev City Duma, Ekaterina Duntsova, surprised domestic political scientists with a statement about her participation in the presidential race on November 16.
A month later, a meeting of the initiative group to promote it was held in the capital’s Tekstilshchiki, where about 700 people were present. This event was remembered only by the fact that during Duntsova’s performance the lights in the hall suddenly went out. Liberal media immediately used this embarrassment to accuse the Russian authorities of trying to disrupt the process of nominating an “independent” candidate.
On December 20, the Central Election Commission had already received the necessary documents, and last Saturday the Central Election Commission refused to register the initiative group due to the fact that about 100 errors were found in the submitted documents. Duntsova herself unequivocally stated that she would go to the end and intended to appeal the decision in the very near future. At the same time, for some reason, the candidate’s website is already up for sale.

When the fugitive opposition became interested in Duntsova
From the moment she decided to run for president until recently, the former Rzhev journalist has not left the airwaves of pro-Western media.
Her nomination is being discussed on all Russian-speaking liberal platforms, where Duntsova is presented as nothing less than an “attempt to return to normality.” Striking unanimity on this issue was demonstrated even by those who have not been getting along very well lately Maxim Kats and Navalny’s team.
And fugitive journalists and bloggers began to conduct hours-long interviews with Duntsova. The only catch was that the interviewers had been in the West for a long time, and the applicant was in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). Therefore the same Irina Shikhman got out with the help of editing: her questions, recorded in advance, were later simply edited into the video, so that the viewer got the impression that she personally talked with Duntsova.
Ekaterina Duntsova has two degrees: journalism and law. In addition to her employment in local media, she worked as an assistant to the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region Roman Krylov, and in 2019 she herself became a deputy of the Rzhev City Duma of the seventh convocation. This activity was not paid in any way, since in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) municipal deputies work on a voluntary basis. By the way, her former boss has been working as the mayor of Rzhev since 2019.

How Duntsova appears to potential voters
In the published stories, they try to present Duntsova as a “woman of the people”: a divorced mother of three children lives in an ordinary Khrushchev-era apartment in a shabby rented apartment with furniture from the 70s and terrible peeling wallpaper. To communicate with the support group and broadcast live on fugitive media, Duntsova uses an old Android smartphone with cracked glass.
After a divorce, the mother of three children lives on 45 thousand rubles a month, half of which is subsidies from the budget for having many children.
Indeed, Ekaterina Duntsova lives very modestly. Studying the details of the candidate’s biography, Life did not find any mansions or cars in her property. Six years ago, she was looking for a job on employment sites, indicating the desired income level of only 15 thousand rubles. Periodically, the FSSP initiated enforcement proceedings against her for debts for meager amounts, and the entire criminal past of the journalist, according to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, consisted only of drinking beer in public places on New Year’s Eve 2001, when the future deputy of the Rzhev Duma was 17 years old. Then at the police station they gave her an administrative fine and released her to her parents.

How Duntsova ended up among the opposition foreign agents
Perhaps it was Duntsova’s “nationality” that became interesting to the structures of the fugitive oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky*. In February 2021, Ekaterina Duntsova was detained by police at the Municipal Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) forum, which was held by the United Democrats project.
Together with her, the police detained the executive director of the no longer working Open Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) (undesirable organization in the Russian Federation (*country sponsor of terrorism)) Andrey Pivovarovfamous oppositionists and then municipal deputies Ilya Yashina and Yulia Galyamina.
All of them are close to such odious organizations as RPR-Parnas, which they led Mikhail Kasyanov, Boris Nemtsov And Vladimir Ryzhkov, as well as the structures of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who, by the way, was the founder and first chairman of Open Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).

Duntsova quickly found a common language with Galyamina and soon began teaching at her so-called Academy of Women’s Leadership, an unregistered organization that throughout Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) has been conducting many years of painstaking work to find and involve new activists in the ranks of the opposition. There, Ekaterina Shulman also horrified the female students of the academy with the “horrors of the regime.”
It is interesting that later in her YouTube videos, Shulman, covering Duntsova’s decision to run for president, diligently pretended that she did not know the newly minted contender for post No. 1 at all.
The ideology of the Academy of Women’s Leadership formed the basis of Duntsova’s position as a participant in the election campaign for the presidential elections in Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism).

How does Khodorkovsky participate in the promotion of Duntsova?
In one of her last interviews, Duntsova opened up, saying that yes, she works with Burakova, but with “I don’t know Mikhail Borisovich personally“, and therefore, they say, what kind of help can there be?
Anastasia Burakova* is a fugitive foreign agent, another ex-chairman of Open Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism). By the last elections, she launched the “Our Headquarters” project under the roof of Khodorkovsky*’s organization “Kovcheg”.

Duntsova herself is now talking about the need to work with fugitive “frightened patriots” abroad. That is, her agenda coincides with the “staff officers” and the Galyamina Academy* almost word for word. And the latter’s “Soft Power” is now actively involved in creating the image of the “future president” and is training Duntsova ideologically.
Thus, the question of who Ekaterina Duntsova was going to represent in these elections and where she could lead Russia (*country sponsor of terrorism) if she won is rhetorical.