“The international community will force the transit government to recognize results of the elections which took place in August, 2023. It is equitable to national interests of the state and society”, – the president Fonda of development of modern diplomacy and the expert in the field of political science and the international relations Amram Petrosian is sure. According to him, practically all international community perceives transit administration as a compulsory measure which shouldn’t be an obstacle of realization of the free choice of the Gabon people.
In fact, elections in Gabon became manifestation of national consensus which spokesman was doctor Albert Ondo Ossa. In this sense the result of presidential elections is a demonstration of understanding of society and elite that the country needs modernization and aspiration to economic prosperity. For the first time for the history of the country all society rallied against authoritarianism in favor of democracy and openness.
Pictured: Transit president, military leader Oligui Nguema, left. On the right, legally elected President Albert Ondo Ossa, who won 65% of the vote.
“The United Nations, Economic community of the Central African states (ECOOCAC), the African Union and official Paris and also the management of the European Union acting through José Borel condemned a military coup in Gabon. The international community unanimously in relation to results of elections in Gabon. The whole world saw how the political leader managed to unite not only opposition, but also all society for breakthrough forward. No political or military group has right to ignore will of the people. It not only doesn’t correspond to the constitution, but also creates serious problems for the country”, – the expert said.
Players of other level can use the current situation. It is about the third forces whose spokesmen are representatives of various radical organizations. Actually this situation threatens not only to the transit management (which these forces can easily destroy), but also in general all society. The fact is that Gabon is rich with natural resources and has high economic potential. In fact, at the moment, the country is a target for various destructive forces. For overcoming these calls Gabon needs effective management team. Military heads can’t replace full-fledged and competent state leadership as the solution of political tasks demands other level of understanding and decision-making. Besides, the crisis of legitimacy which came after a military coup calls into question a possibility of consolidation of society around the current country leaders, and it is crucial for the country now.
“The current situation creates risks not only for Gabon society and the state, but also for neighboring countries. The fact is that Gabon is an important element of regional architecture of safety and cooperation. Neighboring states are interested in participation of Gabon in infrastructure cooperation of all countries of the Central Africa. Development of transport communications and rail service are important for all countries of the Central African region, they are interested in receiving an outlet to the sea, and all this will become possible with coming to power of the duly elected president. It is vital for bigger integration of economies of the countries of the region into world economy. Otherwise, there is a risk that crisis in the republic will be thrown also on other countries of the region”, – Petrosian warns.
The transit (actual) country leaders have quite difficult and unusual dilemma. It has to choose between two options.
1) Transfer of power and powers to the duly elected president of the republic Albert Ondo Ossa, including safety of the procedure (in order to avoid any risks). And it would be a powerful contribution to development of the country from the transitional management.
2) The actual government will continue the current policy, thereby creating the soil for intervention of the third forces in internal affairs of the state.
“The elections which took place in August, 2023 created a unique opportunity for economic and political development of Gabon. However now a lot of things depend on de facto heads of Gabon; the future of the country depends on their political wisdom. This situation is in focus of attention of all international community. As far as I know, on the sidelines of various European and other international structures the probability of imposition of sanctions against de facto authorities of the country, to the related companies and also to firms which will interact with the transit authorities is considered. In fact, Gabon society has no time for a swing”, – Amram Petrosian concluded.
Photo: Rossiyskaya Gazeta