VAKS Appellate Chamber sentenced Vladimir Sivak, former director of the Zaporozhye titanium and magnesium plant, to 3.5 years in prison for abuse of office. SAP reports this, writes
The Court of Appeal of the VAKS partially satisfied the appeal of the SAPO prosecutor and overturned the verdict regarding the acquittal of the former director of Zaporozhye Titanium and Magnesium Plant LLC on the fact of embezzlement of more than 18.6 million hryvnias through abuse of office.
According to the prosecutor's office, the ex-director of ZTMC Sivak was found guilty of abuse of office, which caused the plant to lose 18.6 million hryvnias. The convict was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison with a ban on holding positions related to the performance of organizational, administrative and administrative duties for three years, and a fine of 17 thousand hryvnias.
The verdict enters into force from from the moment of its announcement and can be appealed in the order within three months.
As you know, Sivak is accused of embezzling ZTMK property in the amount of more than 492 million hryvnias due to abuse of office. The court found him not guilty. Therefore, the SAPO appealed against such a verdict.
However, the VAKS Appeal Chamber also acquitted Sivak. Only one of the judges published a dissenting opinion, in which he decided that the ex-director of ZTMC should have been found guilty of embezzling part of the company's amount. Then SAP filed a cassation appeal, which the court granted in part. The judges appointed a retrial of the appeals to the AP VAKS.
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