State Duma Deputy Boris Chernyshov proposed to sell the assets of the retired automakers to the Chinese. His possible wife worked at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which oversees this industry. She can be considered a billionaire
As it became known to Life, Chernyshov, most likely, does not live in official deputy housing, but in one of the elite residential complexes on Marshal Zhukov Avenue in the prestigious Khoroshevo-Mnyovniki metropolitan area. The complex is located on the embankment of the Khoroshovsky straightening of the Moskva River, from where the water, the famous Zhivopisny Bridge and the green landscape beyond the river are clearly visible. Here, on the 28th view floor, the deputy has at his disposal a 200-meter apartment with a market value of more than 50 million rubles.
The only owner of the property is 32-year-old Ekaterina Chernyshova (Tarasyuk), the only child of Vasily Tarasyuk, former State Duma deputy from the LDPR party, first deputy chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations.

All his life before politics, the man worked in the oil and gas sector, was one of the top managers of Lukoil. He is still warmly spoken about in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, where the oilman spent more than ten years and from where he was elected to parliament. In the spring of 2017, Vasily Tarasyuk and his wife went to Israel for rest and treatment, where he strangely died while swimming in the Dead Sea.
The income of Ekaterina Chernyshova (Tarasyuk) cannot be compared with Boris Chernyshov. Judging by reporting, in 2016 she got a job as a referent at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. She worked in this position for two years and in 2018 became the head of one of the departments. Since 2019, information about her income has not been published. Most likely, the girl was on maternity leave or even left the civil service.
In 2016, Ekaterina Tarasyuk earned 2.7 million rubles, the declaration indicated the same apartment on Marshal Zhukov, another apartment with an area of 55 “squares”, two garages, and besides them another 100-meter apartment in Ukraine (the Tarasyukov family came to Russia from western Ukraine, Ekaterina was born in 1990 in Ivano-Frankivsk, her father is from the Chernivtsi region, and her mother was born in Kherson).
In 2017, the girl declared an income of more than 800 million rubles. Real estate has grown significantly, its total area has reached three thousand square meters. In 2018, incomes suddenly decreased: the official Tarasyuk had almost 63 million rubles, but real estate increased by another 300 “squares”.
It is known that after moving to Moscow, the Tarasyukov family lived in a 7-room apartment with an area of almost 150 square meters. m in Romanov Lane – this is practically opposite the Trinity Tower of the Kremlin, near the Alexander Garden. The mother of an employee of the Ministry of Industry and Trade was even listed as a co-founder of the eponymous HOA. Perhaps now this living space has also been inherited by Ekaterina Tarasyuk.

By the way, Boris Chernyshov himself did not come to the party from the street either. As it became known to Life, Alexander Chernyshov may be his father. A former military man, in the nineties-zero he worked in the department of the Federal Tax Police Service in the Voronezh Region. After that, he served for another 15 years in the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Voronezh region. In 2018, the security official was appointed to the position of head of the control and analytical department of the Voronezh city administration, where he currently serves.
According to the latest income statement, Chernyshov Sr. earned 6.5 million rubles in 2021, the official owns several plots of land with a total area of 385 hectares, two apartments – 1264 sq. m, country house – about 100 “squares” and a garage.