The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Arkady Rotenberg’s brother came to the market for servicing nuclear power plants. For what purpose?

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Boris Rotenberg the other day received a stake in a company with a license to work on nuclear power plants. And this is very strange, if we take into account the presence of Finnish citizenship (since 1991) from Boris Romanovich Rotenberg. Here, Mr. Rotenberg can compete with the “Belgian” Viktor Olersky, the former deputy minister of transport, who in the memorable 90s also acquired not only a foreign “ausvais,” but also real estate, coupled with good land cuts both in Belgium and in Finland. The Moscow Post wrote about this in a recent investigation “Timofeev will lead to Olersky. The last berth of the amber resident”.

But perhaps Boris Rotenberg decided to throw off his foreign citizenship if he decided to improve the domestic nuclear industry?

One way or another, but since the end of July 2022, according to SPARK, Boris Rotenberg owns 36% of TechAtomStroy LLC. Previously, this company acted as a contractor for construction work of the state corporation Rosatom.

The question arises: where and how will TechAtomStroy LLC work now? Well, not in Finland at the construction of the Hanhikivi NPP? Rosatom State Corporation in May 2022 had troubles at this Finnish construction site. The Finnish side unilaterally terminated the contract for the construction of a breakthrough reactor of generation 3 + VVER-1200.

But why did Boris Rotenberg, the founder of 34 different offices, need his own nuclear company?

The Moscow Post correspondent understood the scrupulous situation.

To save the “half-dead” company?

It is also curious that for almost 3 years now TekhatomStroy LLC has been in a difficult financial situation. The company’s net loss in 2019 amounted to 22.6 million rubles, in 2020 – almost 6 million, and in 2021 – about 26 million with revenue of 125.9 million rubles. Writes about this “Business Petersburg”.

And if there were 103 people on the list of employees on December 31, 2019, but in December 2021 – only one, completely one…

The last contract for the tender LLC “TechAtomStroy” concluded in the summer of 2019.

But, they say that under the leadership of Boris Rotenberg, a “half-dead” office can get out of lethargy and even return to a big “voyage.”

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?


On July 27, the company even posted recruitment announcements – engineers in St. Petersburg (work area of ​​Leningrad NPP -1 and NPP -2) and in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region, where the NIIAR (Research Institute of Nuclear Rectors) is located.

It is in Dimitrovgrad that the fourth generation MBIR (multipurpose fast research reactor) nuclear reactor is being built today.

The construction of the nuclear reactor began in 2015, but the commissioning is postponed from year to year. The last promise of Rosatom State Corporation – to put MBIR into operation – falls for 2028.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

MBIR. Photo:

Experts are confident that buying a stake in an existing contractor is an easier path from a practical point of view to enter the scope of nuclear power plants in comparison with the opening of a new “face.”

Moreover, TekhatomStroy LLC has ten-year licenses for the construction and operation of nuclear facilities. And he has this right since 2014.

Boris Rotenberg’s partner in the new business in SPARK is Oleg Samsonov, General Director of TechAtomStroy LLC. Mr. Samsonov owns 16% of the share capital.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?


Another 16% belong to Kirill Rudakov.

Other 32% of the company are owned by Pavel Morozov, the CEO of JSC Acron Holding.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?


In September 2021, Akron fully owned the contractor, but already in October the share of 45% was distributed between Samsonov, Rudakov and Vladislav Shik.

But Mr. Schick has already resigned from the founders.

It turns out that Rotenberg is “harnessing” the creation of atomic breakthrough technologies? Perhaps he is simply tired of dealing with previous projects, including such large ones as the Northern Sea Route Bank and Rosspirtprom JSC, while nuclear power brings more solid young ladies.

But here we must recall the sad experience of billionaire Oleg Deripaska, who 8 years ago wanted to invest in the creation of a breakthrough reactor “SVBR-100” on fast neutrons.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Oleg Deripaska. Photo:

And he even invested, giving out 500 million “greens,” but soon left the project when he was asked to convey another $500 million. “Kommersant” wrote about this in detail.

By the way, “SVBR-100” also riveted in Dimitrovgrad, in the Ulyanovsk region.

Perhaps Mr. Rotenberg is moving along Deripaska’s overgrown trail?

Variety of interests

The biography of the billionaire Boris Rotenberg in many respects intersects with activity of his elder brother Arkady Rotenberg.

Brothers who hold a foreground in the Russian oligarchy use the communications, possess solid assets and try to influence in a very original way national economy.

By the way, the foreign business, Boris Rotenberg began with foundation in 1991 in Finland the Anirina Oy companies which specialized in export of the Finnish goods to Russia.

Outside Russia Mr. Rotenberg, being married to the citizen of Finland, I remained till 1998.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Arkady Rotenberg. Photo:

In 2001, the Rotenberg brothers founded SMP-Bank JSC.

Having taken up the financial business and having powerful support in the form of the Northern Sea Route bank, the Rotenbergs began to buy up the assets of enterprises.

One of these acquisitions was FSUE, and later Rosspirtprom JSC.

As a result, Boris Rotenberg became the founder of 34 companies!

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?


In 2003 Rotenberg Jr. became the founder of the companies of BAZ bargaining and “Delivery”.

And if earlier the sphere of influence Rotenbergov extended to open spaces of St. Petersburg, then soon interested them First-throned as in the capital there is a headquarters of PJSC Gazprom. And brothers Rotenberg began to provide Gazprom with pipes and building materials. “” reported about it.

In the hands of Rotenbergov there were “fattest” tenders for state orders in power industry.

In 2008 the brothers Rotenberg became owners of 10% of stocks of the Novorossiysk seaport.

At the same time Boris Rotenberg got assets of several large construction organizations: they were united in Stroygazmontazh corporation.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Boris Rotenberg. Photo:

In addition to working with gas production giants, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg began to master the development business.

Among the clients was the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the construction of housing for which was financed through SMP-Bank.

Entrepreneurial activity in this sector brought Boris Rotenberg shares of the capital developer MSM-5.

An interesting experience at the federal level was cooperation with Sergei Zivenko, then a little-known merchant of sports goods. According to the German magazine Spiegel, in February 2000, Rotenberg arranged for Zivenko to meet with Viktor Zolotov, Putin’s chief of personal protection. A few months later, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the creation of FSUE Rosspirtprom, to which about a hundred state-owned alcohol and distilleries were transferred.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Sergey Zivenko. Photo:

And Sergei Zivenko headed this alcoholic education. Boris Rotenberg with Zivenko officially issued the partnership, having registered the wholesale company “Zirot” (Zivenko-Rotenberg) on ​​the New Arbat. But in 2002 I left Zivenko’s federal state unitary enterprise. Also I created the Crystal group which part two large alcoholic beverage plants were.

Brothers Rotenberg remained at the interest. Financial flows of the enterprises of JSC Rosspirtprom began to pass through the Northern Sea Route bank. I wrote Forbes about it.

Over time the structures connected with SMP Bank were included into authorized capital of ten alcoholic beverage plants. Forbes claimed that the heads of JSC Rosspirtprom Pyotr Myasoyedov and Igor Chuyan who came after Zivenko were also connected with Rotenberg.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

Igor Chuyan. Photo:

But Rosspirtprom JSC is not the only state structure that turned out to be in the sphere of interests of the Rotenberg. Nevertheless, Gazprom became the largest state-owned enterprise with which Rotenberg’s work was established. And now next in line is the state corporation Rosatom?

Specialists in pipes

Some more interesting facts.

In 2010, the Rotenbergs bought out the assets of the Northern European Pipe Project. This provided organization Gazprom with its products. And it was supposed to be involved in the Nord Stream project.

Further, in the same 2010, the brothers became the owners of the energy company Mosenergo. A controlling stake was acquired from Gazprom.

In 2018, Boris Rotenberg replenished his assets with Gazpromburenie shares.

In 2006, Maxim Mironov, an economist from Russia who moved to the United States, published a curious study. Mr. Mironov, using a pirated database of financial transactions of Russian banks, identified several muddy companies through whose accounts, in the complete absence of production activities, simply cosmic amounts were pumped. The record holder was a certain Gaztaged LLC, which passed through itself in 2003-2004. almost $1 billion Forbes wrote about this.

Maxim Mironov tried to assess the scale of tax evasion in Russia, but did not even imagine that he came across one of the largest intermediary schemes in Russian business.

Recall also that in 2002, the managers of Rema Vyakhirev in Gazprom were replaced by the people of Alexei Miller. The new management engaged in the reorganization of commodity and financial flows related to purchases. At stake was $4.5 billion.

It was for this amount that Gazprom bought annually a wide variety of products: from pipes to compressors.

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?

The Rotenberg Brothers. Photo:

Gazprom’s subsidiary, Gazkomplektimpex, was responsible for the supply, through which 75% of all purchases passed. The changes did not end there: several active intermediaries appeared between suppliers and Gazkomplektimpex.

Judging by the constituent documents of Gaztaged LLC, in 2003 the Baza-Bargaining company became the owner of 25% of its capital, the only founder of which was Boris Rotenberg. The remaining 75% of Gaztaged belonged to Gazkomplektimpex.

Maxim Mironov tracked a further way of money of Gazprom. Through the Gaztaged company the funds were allocated to two companies — “Pipe trading house” and Gazstalkonstruktion, and from them — to dozens of Ltd companies, judging by names and founders, the pipes having nothing in common with large producers. Also I wrote Forbes about it.

The director of Gazstalkonstruktsiya LLC in 2003-2004. was a certain Olga Shkalova. She also headed the Pipe Industry company with an annual revenue of $540 million. It was this office that acquired about 10% of all products of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ).

Who is the founder of the company? The founder is Boris Rotenberg. Another 11% of the pipes passed through the company “Pipe rolled metal.” The founder is Arkady Rotenberg.

But the empire of Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, which has interests in various areas of business, is not at all like a corporation. The Rotenbergs don’t have hundreds of employees…. There’s no analytical department or sales department.

How can you not remember the half-lived “TechAtomStroy,” the founders of which Mr. Rotenberg joined a few days ago?

The nuclear reactor from Boris Rotenberg?


Here you also need to remember about such a fact.

In May, 2008 Gazprom offered controlling stakes of 5 contract organizations for sale: Lengazspetsstroy, Krasnodargazstroy, Spetsgazremstroy, Volgogradneftemash and Volgogaz. “Business St. Petersburg” reported about it. Non-core assets left at the starting price – 8.4 billion rubles. Controlling stakes of the companies acquired the Cyprian offshores. But new owners didn’t prove in any way, however, then in all companies at the same time there took place extraordinary meetings of shareholders, and following the results the majority of places in the boards of directors was received by representatives of the EnPiVi- engineering company.

Arkady Rotenberg was the owner of this company. And the Stroygazmontazh company was born. And very quickly this office won four fat contracts on the main buildings of Gazprom – an overland part of Nord Stream, the gas pipeline in Greater Sochi and “pipes” Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok.

It turns out what now the interests of Boris Rotenberg, the owner of citizenship of the Republic of Finland, were a little displaced – from gas and alcohol he decided to pass to nuclear power? Or will it be a parallel business?

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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