Sobyaninsky “ring” for Ryabinsky: “equity holders” in a knockout?

Promoter Ryabinsky can cash in on equity holders, and at the same time the state through his construction business. Which of the powerful officials sign him up as “assistants”?

Sobyaninsky "ring" for Ryabinsky: "equity holders" in a knockout?

The bankruptcy application was once again received by the development company Stroykompleks Govorovo, which is part of the MIC group of boxing promoter Andrei Ryabinsky. Over the past couple of years, this is the seventh bankruptcy process initiated against her.

Ryabinsky’s construction business often falls into similar stories. The group of companies breaks the deadlines for the delivery of objects and builds so that people are afraid to live in these houses.

Almost a hundred organizations were registered for the promoter-developer, or almost a hundred organizations were registered. In 16 of them, he appears as a leader. Perhaps the reason for the failures of MIC lies in the fact that Ryabinsky simply does not have time to control everything? But why then take so much business and produce subsidiaries? The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.

Criminal “dushok”

There is not much information about Ryabinsky in the public domain. It is known that he is organizing boxing matches. According to rumors, he entered this hypostasis thanks to the acquaintances attributed to him with representatives of the criminal world.

Rumor has it that Vladimir Kanzel, a partner in MIC-Geosystems, could allegedly help him get to know such people. The latter allegedly introduced Ryabinsky to the head of the Russian Professional Boxing Federation Anatoly Petrov, through whom everything spun.

According to the authors of the site “Moment of Truth,” allegedly some criminal cases for Ryabinsky really may appear. Like, businessman Anton Bulgakov allegedly accuses his former friend and business partner Ryabinsky of extortion, although there is no real confirmation of this.

According to Bulgakov, referred to by the authors of “Moment of Truth,” allegedly the object of encroachment was an expensive property in Moscow on Volgogradsky Prospekt, 99, p. one.

Today, on some sources, information appeared that Vladimir Kolokoltsev himself allegedly “pulled out” the case in order to hush up. According to the authors of the website, allegedly Kolokoltsev’s son Alexander has common business interests with Ryabinsky.

Sobyaninsky "ring" for Ryabinsky: "equity holders" in a knockout?

The portal published also documents, on the provided sheets it is visible that concerning Ryabinsky and the truth investigative actions can stop. Photo:

Sobyaninsky "ring" for Ryabinsky: "equity holders" in a knockout?


The documents include, among other things, the names of possible associates of Ryabinsky – Parshin, Korobova, Kortunova and Rysakova.

Apparently, we are talking about Mikhail Parshin, who is called the president of the scandalous boxing club named after Viktor Karpukhin (nicknamed “Karpukha,” the business interests of the “authority” were very extensive: the sale of land, gas stations, markets ).

The fact that such a club was completely legally opened in Moscow, and in the presence of the Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Work with Youth of the Moscow Region Roman Teryushkov, a lot can say about the connections between Parshin and the company in the highest echelons of the Moscow government.

The comments of the authorities and Parshin himself on this matter were published by the Istra edition, and they give so much falsehood and ridicule that it is difficult not to notice.

The remaining participants in the list of possible suspects are called Ryabinsky’s close partners. Olga Korobova, for example, is a member of the board of directors of MIC. And Natalya Rysakova acted as the liquidator of Finaktiv LLC registered in Ryabinsky. The initials of all listed are the same as the initials indicated in the identity documents.

Generosity from Sobyanin and scandals of the developer

If you look at Ryabinsky’s construction projects, you can see that he is not deprived of the attention of the Moscow authorities from the point of view of the land issue. Despite a lot of scandals, the developer continues to receive territory for development.

According to the authors of the Abireg website, allegedly literally this month the developer received an urban planning plan for a land plot for the territory at 90 Shosseinaya Street. At the same time, the company appears as a defendant in many lawsuits to the Prosecutor General’s Office from equity holders of the residential complex “Maple Alleys,” “Flower Glades,” “Novograd Pavlino” and “Yuzhnoye Bunino,” the deadlines for which the company broke, and decently.

The federal channel REN TV released a large investigation into the activities of the scandalous developer. “Collapsed tiles, cracks in the walls, flooded basements, damp entrances and lanterns, fans, next to which it is scary to walk. This is the same paradise that PR managers of the construction company MIC “Development” offer to move to, – the journalists write.

They also remember the situation in Balashikha. The company “MIC Investstroy” provided housing for orphans. And instead of the relatively new apartments specified in the terms of reference, she sold housing in Soviet-built houses to the administration. And the administration calmly acquired them. Is it reasonable to suspect conspiracy to “launder” public money?

By the way, the residential complex “Color Glades” was built by Staroselye LLC, which belongs to the MIC Group of Companies and the Reserve company. The latter belongs to the Cypriot offshore company Trainar Holding. It is known that firms affiliated with MIC “Development” in different years had as many as six such “foreign wallets.”

The cherry on the cake is the fact that MIC in 2018 and 2019 turned out to be the only participant in the bidding for the construction of houses for the Russian Guard. Having earned about 2.5 million rubles on this.

Where is the MIC rolling?

At the same time, the revenue of the MIC itself in terms of 2021 is at the level of 181 million rubles. Compared to 2019, the amount decreased by 1.3 billion rubles. If you look at other companies associated with Ryabinsky, the language does not turn to call the developer decent.

Sobyaninsky "ring" for Ryabinsky: "equity holders" in a knockout?

The most part from them is made bankrupt or reorganized in the form of accession to other offices of Ryabinsky. The last often becomes when the owner wants to hide financial affairs of the company. Photo:

Sobyaninsky "ring" for Ryabinsky: "equity holders" in a knockout?

Some liquidated companies associated with Ryabinsky received government contracts. Photo:

From the outside, such an extensive network of now liquidated companies looks like “cubes” for a possible withdrawal of funds, including state ones.

Getting to Know the Governor

It is likely that Ryabinsky’s “indulgences” provide a close acquaintance with immigrants from government structures. Which, perhaps, also benefit from Ryabinsky’s actions.

Through the Association of Participants in the Construction Industry “MIC” Ryabinsky is associated with the subsidiary of the Group of Companies Samolet – LLC “Airplane Two Capitals.” That MIC, that Aircraft Two Capitals were on the list of founders of the association from July 2019 to December 2021.

Sobyaninsky "ring" for Ryabinsky: "equity holders" in a knockout?

The firm was founded in 2019 and during existence didn’t conduct any financial activity. Whether she was used as “jug” for withdrawal of funds? Photo:

Samolet is affiliated to the family of the governor of Moscow area Andrei Vorobyov. His brother Maxim Vorobyov has a share in one of structures of developer. Recently a share in business the businessman got God Nissanov.

According to the businessman Ilgar Gadzhiyev, Nissans together with brothers Vorobyov works in one sheaf demands from construction businessmen a bribe for “the solution of problems” – the corresponding video interview published YouTube channel The Facts. Gadzhiyev also tells that 6% with collected allegedly go to a pocket to the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin.

So far the Moscow government closes eyes to scandals of the developer, and the applications submitted for him perhaps hesitate at the highest level, the promoter-developer, most likely, will “swing”. Hundreds of shareholders suffered from his actions and, apparently, still many will suffer. Till what time will the Moscow and Moscow region government work together with similar for near-criminal structures?

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Andrew Fink
Andrew Fink was born in 1977 in Bellows Falls, Vermont. His career as a journalist began with the regional publication Bellows Falls Times. political commentator, one of the founders of the project "Russian crimes".

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