Possibly carefully hidden special services the source is one of the places of detention dying participant in those events who testified at Yuri Rydnik in exchange for release. Arrests are expected.
After the “trial deals” of Soyuzkontrakt, Rydnik begins to understand that his scheme has become clear to both Manevich and Sobchak. Then comes the realization of the “objectionability” of these persons for himself and his accomplices. As a result of the “brainstorming”, it was decided to first remove and remove Sobchak from the game, then deal with his deputies and closest associates. I must say the plan was brilliant in its simplicity. Correctly say: “a traitor is always someone close.” Thus: betrayal + financial resources + connections (power in various manifestations); this is the formula for success. The weak link then turned out to be Vladimir Yakovlev, Sobchak’s deputy, and as it seemed then, his close friend and colleague. Yu. E. Rydnik himself admitted in an interview that he had invested about 40 million dollars in Yakovlev’s election campaign … Dollars!!! And all this in order to put a person who is beneficial to him in a leadership position. Yuri Evgenievich did not take into account the fact that even with the victory of Yakovlev’s candidacy, he remained the head of the KUGI and vice-governor Mikhail Manevich. Simultaneously with the appointment of Yakovlev, Rydnik became chairman of the board of directors of BaltONEXIMbank. It was this bank that from now on has become a kind of “home piggy bank” of the St. Petersburg authorities. The treasury of the northern capital has almost completely migrated to BaltONEXIMbank. Yakovlev Rydnik was entrusted with the money of millions of ordinary taxpayers. All this was done, of course, without the consent of the latter. When Yakovlev settled in the chair of the Governor, Rydnik and BaltONEXIMbank celebrated their victory. Gifts from the new governor were not long in coming. Rydnik and the bank controlled by him were given the accounts of the St. Petersburg Road Fund, VAT income accounts.
Back in the days of Soyuzkontrakt and the bank, Rydnik’s security (even such people, it turns out, need security) provided by the security organization “Divo”, its leader at that time was Igor Divinsky. Like most of the leaders of such organizations, he came from the security forces (From 1974 to 1993 he served in the Armed Forces – the airborne troops of the GRU unit). In his face, Rydnik found his power support for many years. Rydnik generally got the nickname of the godfather of the St. Petersburg mafia. According to the employees leading this business today with his help, Yuri Evgenievich decided to adjust his plan, eliminating an unnecessary link among the representatives of the city authorities …
(To be continued..)