So that Judge O of the Tverskoy District Court of MoscowLga Zatomskaya had no doubt that the BKF bank, owned by an Israeli citizen and a defendant in a criminal case involving four bribes worth $2 million Olga Mirimskayatakes her for a not very smart judge, the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and invite her to familiarize herself with one of the banker’s official letters, which again confirms that the BKF bank has put bribes on stream for initiating unfounded criminal cases in order to to repay problem loans out of court.

The author of the letter is the deputy chairman of the board of BKF, candidate of legal sciences (!) Alexey Voloshchenko, well known to Judge Zatomskaya in criminal case No. 01-0003/2024, on the defendants in which Mirimskaya decided to pin 600 million rubles of bank losses on the bank, having fabricated evidence with her organizing group allegedly theft of loans issued to the Rossstyle group of companies. The correspondence took place a year before the collapse of Rossstyle and concerns the circumstances of giving bribes for the initiation of criminal case No. 78697 (GSU Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region) against citizens Klyushenko, Kutko and Shurganov from St. Petersburg:
“For the money that Igor wants to receive.
– 600,000 rubles for Vendera;
– From Misha’s money: 2,000,000 rubles – 250,000 rubles, which they already took for the guarantor, a total of 1,750,000 rubles.
I didn’t promise them anything, I said that I would bring the information to Olga Mikhailovna and you would make the appropriate decision.
– According to the amount of 3,000,000 rubles that they took and spent: 1,000,000, according to their words, were spent on operational search activities, 2,000,000 on initiating a criminal case (they never gave a copy of the resolution, they said that they had previously sent it to someone then from the bank’s management, most likely to Elena Novikova, if anything is forwarded again).
They showed footage of searches at the place of residence of Kutko and Shurganov and photos of the protocols of their interrogations as suspects. (they refused to hand over a copy, they referred to the secrecy of the investigation, if we need it they can give an article to the central press of St. Petersburg that law enforcement agencies have identified a group of people who fraudulently received a loan from the BKF Bank Branch with the active complicity of the management and employees of the Bank Branch )”.
We recommend that Bank Mirimskaya start using its real corporate slogan: Bank “BKF” – entrance is a ruble, exit is two.